MSFS more and more an arcade game

He said he thinks it’s amazing that kids are finding a passion for aviation through MSFS. Absolutely fair comment and true. He did not say the main priority is making MSFS for kids.

Why spend money and resources on the Velociraptorcopter, or whatever it’s called, if kids don’t like slow boring planes?


Before loosing us in disussing details: I agree… stop doing things like Reno or other “tons of stuff” … focus on flight simulation, fix atc, fix ai, provide sdk and api to the developers.


Well keep in mind that ED charge 80$ for the Hornet, 80 for the Warthog, 80 for the Tomcat, 80 for the F16, 50 (?) for a map. Etc…

The airplanes Asobo release here for free or for 15€ (Ju52 for example) are not meant as „study level“ aircraft or as anything with any system depth. They are aimed towards total beginners who have just discovered flight simulation, probably only have an XBox controller and no expensive joystick or yoke, don‘t even think of pedals or throttle devices. Those aircraft (for example this F18) are certainly NOT meant to please the desperate demand for high fidelity aircraft of experienced flightsimmers, who might even have studied the systems of the DCS F18 including the whole weapon setup. Expecting anything like that as a free update is fooling yourself. Just don‘t do that.


So many here still feel the need to tell the developers what to do, but in the last Q&A they are obviously aware of the current situation as they said that they are now going into a period of more intense fixing/improving with less new stuff. Despite the many problems, they appear to be very determined and committed to making a Sim as well as a game - the two are not mutually exclusive. Cheers.


they have to do things like that, because it sells well.

Directed at no one in particular.

I wouldn’t mind but it isn’t as if there weren’t any alternatives. There is so go play them and don’t give us any more rubbish about paying good money when you’ve already had so much value for the trifling amount you paid for the whole world at your fingertips.

End of message.


For business, for sellings, you need to release new content, it is more important than fixing (old) bugs. fix bugs, nobody cares in press. Release a race dlc and a DX12 compatibility (even if it is just a bad wrapper to dx11) , you make the titles in gaming press. That’s business…

Yes new content is necessary to keep a revenue stream flowing. But equally important is making sure you keep the products features that older customers, by which I mean those of us who bought and paid for the sim when it launched in 2020 use, working properly. If things break, fixing them should be a priority because its the simmers who keep this genre alive. Just a quick reminder of what was said in 2019 by MS:-

“We owe it to the consumers. I think, to do it right this time, because we cant fix what we should have done right last time” Microsoft Director of Production.

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There have been and will continue to be major changes in memory handling and the sim’s engine, it’s called progress and if this really is going to have a ten year shelf life then that has to happen. Things get broken and minor bugs get left for later but key functionality has always been there for the vast majority. Unfortunately they can’t see inside or test on everyone’s system so some will be left wanting … that is exactly what Zendesk is there for.


And way, way, way better than the default aircraft in previous versions of the sim!


How to trust them after one year and more of breaking previous working features ?
As my project manager always say, “the trust is easy to lose but hard to regain”


There are no previous versions and it’s a mistake to think that there were

It’s called development … Otherwise MSFS would still be in alpha and only testers would be playing it.

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I cannot speak for anybody else but if I buy a product I expect it to last a reasonable amount of time and work reliably during its lifetime. And I will decide if I have had my monies worth and the value that it represents will depend, not just on the cost of the software, but also upon the hardware that I purchased to use that software. Personally my actual costs for this sim runs into thousands, not just the initial purchase price of the title.

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Considering the huge part of fsx code in this sim, yes, there is a previous version. Read forum, read some dev posts, read some Matt (WT) comments, sources files, you will see it is based on fsx and its “fsx spaghetti code” as they call it (and, from their words, giving them difficulties because when you touch something, it can have an impact on everything , millions of code lines linked with just a few documentation) . It is really a mistake to think it is a totally new product.


It should be. Numerous early access games are more stable. It is a problem for customers but also for 3rd party because they waste time with compatibility of their released product at each update instead of creating new content et making innovation. that’s also why nothing really evolve (because FS evolution always came from 3rd party dev, it is the heart of this franchise)


They also said they have got rid of millions of gigabytes of it which is what prompted my comment :grinning:

Curious comment because no alpha or beta could ever be as comprehensive as having the thousands of MSFS users test for them … Ok then it becomes a collation of crashcodes and numbers rather than trustworthy feedback but IMO it definitely works when you think that some sandboxed games can be in development for four or five years.

I don’t understand how people are moaning so much.
You don’t have to fly it.
However, other people (including me) enjoy the F18.
I see so many post with people complaining.
Very few post with positive reviews.
They should call this forum the MSFS moaning line.
Even in this early stage…
MSFS 2020 beats the others hands down.


LOL, playing Jenga, Connect Four, Checkers and Battleship on an interconnected plane …

pulls out Jenga piece


KING ME :smiley:

darn my Battleship sank :frowning: