[MSFS2024] Airbus Helicopter H225

Please use this thread to provide general feedback and impressions about this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. For all bug reports, please create a new topic (or upvote an existing topic) in the Aircraft & Systems section of the forums. Please use the full bug report template when creating a new bug report.

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Flight Model and Aircraft Systems?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Interior and Exterior Graphics?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate the Audio and Aircraft Sounds?
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On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best), how do you rate your Overall Enjoyment of this aircraft?
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Is it just me or do you just not need anti torque pedals in this thing??

Do you have assists on? I turned mine off but later noticed that they where all on again.

A amazing heli but a shame that theres still no old Eurocopter version like the AS332 with the analog/ semi-analog cockpit, i hope sometimes you guys think about that version two cause i wont fly a full digital cockpit like that, i hate this variant of the cockpit

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That might be the problem, I’ll check if they’re still off. Thank you.

I just checked and they are off. The heli flies by itself and basically no corrections are needed.


It seems unnaturally stable. All the assists are off, as Rygnair said, still it flies itself. Also, taking into account this is a premium deluxe -plane, it has quite many knobs and buttons not working on flight deck. Sounds are weird also.

All in all this plane seems very arcade-y.


I can’t get the collective axis to work on the larger helis. This one the S64 & CH47 aren’t working with the collective axis assignment. I can reassign my peripheral axis to collective, but when loaded C&D from free flight, the collective won’t move.

Edit: the collectives work correctly if loaded in running. No change in controls or assignments.


I think it has some kind of hover mode when approaching the ground that takes care of that for you. The transition to and from hover is kinda rough sometimes, but other than that, it’s an amazing heli.

  • TRIM is not included, cannot be used / It is very much missing
  • Throttle cannot be adjusted, the developer did not add it to the program
  • Lights do not work
  • Flight model is bad at take-off and landing

The most important thing would be to add TRIM


Is there a setting to give it mass? Mine handles like an r22 mustering cows.


It’s way too stable indeed. No torque pedal needed and basically no cyclic either. It’s really disappointing because this is a premium deluxe heli and is one of the reasons why I decided to go for premium deluxe.


This is an incomplete products which is a shame. I would have preferred not to have it and wait for it to be completed.

There is no force trim and ALL the upper modes are non-functional, upper modes (AP) are critical for a SAR helicopter.

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The 225 has SAS built in and would handle how you are describing. I find it to fly how I would expect from a ship of this size and systems.


I think what a few of you are missing is the fact that this is a modern Airbus helicopter. They are full of computers that make them easy to fly. It should be way easier to fly than for example the H125. It’s just like the modern Airbus planes where you set an angle and it just stays there.

I’m not saying it’s 100% realistic or not because I have no real world experience. But it is easier to fly than other helis because ther is so much automation in it


Just tested yet, no sound, unable to make a cold start. stuck in the passenger cabin, unable to move or to get out of the heli to make the walkaround.

i agree from the H145 perspective it should be very stable but they’ve also said half the SAS modes are missing so idk how complete or well tuned the flight computer stuff is yet

I also think the flight model in general is a bit… missing… like you can just do flips and rolls in this thing like its nothing, i know its an unrealistic way to test but it does feel a bit too agile to me, hype’s h145 felt more weighty and ‘realistic’ and i’d expect this to be that but heavier but currently it just isn’t


This helo has crashed to desktop on me twice. Xbox

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Thank you for letting me know!

Is there anyone having an idea, why my pilot is sitting in the cabin instead of the cockpit. Can´t get him in there…