I’d be satisfied if the spawn point was on the Hold-Short line.
No need for multiplayer now… I have FSLTL.
Yes, frequently. Group flights with select Twitch streamers. Fun, interactive and good people.
With all those Bonanzas cruising at 40000 ft at Mach 1.x or “buzzing the towers” at popular airports it’s become quite pointless. I have turned it off for a while and don’t miss anything. Sometimes I do private group flights with some guys from my DCS squadron but that usually ends in formation flights with bi planes or Spitfires and any other Multiplayer wouldn’t add anything. Real Weather when it’s not broken and MP off is the usual setting.
I wanna fly this, how can I get the weather preset on my Xbox?
Great, thanks for posting that reply
Will keep that in mind. I dont have any online friends yet but when I do I shall totally try this! Will be fun for bush trips around Asia plopping down into remote strips!
I choose multiplayer to on in general settings because in this way i can choose the server i want to fly on if set it to off i cannot be able to, this is main reason i leave it on.
When selecting a flight in weather setting i set live traffic on and live players to off.
I did not know which one you mean
Nah im xbox, so cannot do that.
It’s getting worse. Now, default aircraft are showing up as Generics.
Shown here, player in a TBM930 that’s… not a TMB930.
EDIT: Actually, come to think of it, the past 2 Marketplace updates have added livery packs for the 930. I probably just solved my own problem. I feel dumb.
I tried it once - a group flight sponsored by a vendor. It was a goofy free for all and kinda lame. Group rides are for motorcycles, not airplanes. But to each his own.
Nope always leave it off. Only ever live weather and traffic on.
I also find sim runs smoother with MP turned off.
We have one every friday and it’s great fun. But indeed. Each to their own.
I usually have MP on and set to all players. I hardly see any other traffic at the same airports that I fly, since I usually fly from/to really small stuff in bush planes. Stuff probably is different at the major hubs
The only time I disabled it would be when performance testing, and want to eliminate variables I have no control over. I like to see traffic, both player, and Live.
No, the AI currently in FS provide more than enough circus acts and general ‘dumbness’ for me.
I have done a couple of shared cockpit flights with Your Controls. That is a lot of fun imo. Thought I heard a(nother) rumor that we were getting that in FS quite a while ago. Oh well, maybe FS20XX.
It makes sense that you can only choose the server when multiplayer is on, because you only choose the server for the multiplayer interaction with that menu. It has nothing to do with the servers where the Bing/scenery data comes from, if you assume that.
I was just going to ask what the reason for doing that, so it makes no difference and best to just have it off altogether then if you don’t plan to interact with other online players.
I can say this. Several months ago when LIVE REAL TIME TRAFFIC was down more than up, switching from a USA server to a European or Asian server would cause live traffic to show. So, I think that it involves more than just MP servers. Which doesn’t surprise me based on the other little weirdness this game incorporates.
Thank you for that info… Much Appreciated !
Are there instructions somewhere for just a livery install for the layman ?
And, would an install interfere with any of the base MSFS files or is AIG contained ONLY in our community folder so that it can be quickly removed for FS updates.
It is self contained and doesn’t interfere with MSFS base.
Just head over to their website for instructions.
You want the “AI Manager”
I fly with multiplayer off and all traffic off. I get the highest performance by doing this.
Does using Vatsim cause any performance loss?