Thank you. I have been so fricken dissatisfied with vr in MSFS 2020… until I tried your settings I had a jerky stuttering mess… WITH EVERYTHING AT MIN SETTINGS WTF? Just got done with first flight longer than 5 minutes in VR without wanting to hurl… then hurl my index.
Question. I cannot find the slider for steam VR SS. this is the only setting I haven’t been able to match and it seems critical for balancing the cockpit vs view outside. With advanced on it just shows an on off toggle for automagic sampling or something. Is this due to version diff? I am running most recent steam client, steam vr, msfs 2020 and nvidia drivers. Since result was smooth I haven’t looked at stepping versions down to completely match your guide yet.
Only problem I have is legibility… guages are good but buttons and most text is no bueno less I get real close. But VFR flying is now VERY enjoyable. THANK YOU!!!
Running a 2070s, 32gb RAM, i5 9600k 60 render in msfs. ??? SS in steam vr with application specific render lowered to 78%.