Hi, I was so confused about the sim itself I joined this forum. Now im even MORE confused as ive never seen a forum that was so difficult to figure out how to use ! Im not sure im even posting this or where or how. I got a introduce yourself here message. Well , all I can do is either read post or reply but cant find how I MAKE a post, nor what catagories there are even when I click on those. This is SO confusing im thinking of giving up on the whole ■■■■ thing all together as Ive spent 8 hours today and all I got is a massive headache. Took a hour to figure out my MS account, then reset password 2 times, then I had to make a xbox account even though I dont have one. I just wanted to say hello and try to get some help but I guess even that is difficult AF. How does anyone do this? I am not a stupid person. I was a lic. Captain USCG Merchant Marine and ran a Tugboat for christs sake. Yet I cant even figure out the forum, let alone the sim itself. Im going to REALLY need help I see. I think I have already ripped out all my hair today and im ready for the loony bin.
Hi @RedRaven4231965,
Sorry to hear the troubles you have been having. Let me help out a bit…
The forum uses this thing called “Trust Levels.” This a way so that new members don’t “hurt” themselves as they learn the forum and the features that come with it. To create a topic, you must be at Trust Level 1. There is more info here: Trust Levels and How To Advance
Achieving Trust Level One is easy. The criteria is:
- Enter 5 Topics
- Read 5 Posts
- Spend at least 15 minutes reading posts on the forums
Once you do that, you will receive a Personal Message from the system saying that you have been upgraded to Trust Level 1
There is this topic here you can read for further info: Why Can’t I Create a Topic?
In addition for your issues, once you reach TL1, go ahead and make a topic in a subcategory User Support Hub and tag me there. I’ll be able to help you
How do you " enter" 5 topics? Read them? since I cant create a post that is. No idea how to tag someone either. Ive been on a lot of forums over the years and this is by far the hardest to figure out. Even getting help is so hard with MSFS. I wanted to do this years ago, but knew it would take a HUGE amount of time . I was right.
Don’t worry, it is easy to learn
Enter 5 topics is just as it sounds, open them and spend a few minutes reading it. You can look at some topics in Forum Navigation
To tag users, just type “@” and the user name, like shown in the screenshot.
For example @ + HamMan2118 ( @HamMan2118)
Welcome to the forums. Navigation issues aside, the people here are all very helpful. I hope you stick with it, yes there is a lot to learn and the sim itself is admittedly lacking in educating. YouTube also has tons of great videos on most every topic. My suggestion is instead of trying to learn it all at once, just do searches for the topics giving you an immediate problem and solve them one at a time. Hopefully you know what they say about eating elephants…
I bought a book called Microsoft Flight Simulator X for Pilots, Real world training. ( as i would like to fly real planes eventually even though Im too old to work in the field now sadly) Friend of mine back home in Seattle has a 182 built the year I was born … 1965. He is older than me so I joke if he dies first, I get the plane. Ha ha. anyway… Im buying the 40th anniversary Premium edition. Been scared to commit as I have to put it on my MSI laptop running only 16 gb ram and RTX 2070. Im looking into a decktop set up. So 2 questions. First, this looks like a good book, but its for the X version software. Is that book useless now for the new version? Second, If I download the 40th ann. premium to that laptop, then buy a desktop … how do I get the program on the new set up? THIS is how ignorant I am of this stuff !!! scary huh.
I have that book!!
I bought it way back when.
Your user name and login and all your sim settings are kept in the “Cloud” and you can install the sim on as many machines as you like.
The caveat is, you can only log in to one device at a time.
So it’s no problem going from a laptop.
Everything you buy from the sim Marketplace is likewise.
I can’t answer this completely myself, but I have seen posts here and there about preferring the Steam or MS Store version when it comes to purchasing. I do know they are considered two separate programs, so market purchases (I.e. Buying extra aircraft, scenery, etc within in the sim itself) made in one version would not transfer to the other. Whichever way you go, you’ll be locked in to some extent.
I only bring it up so that others may see and be able to answer it for me. I personally have the Steam Deluxe version.
Hello RedRaven. Welcome to MSFS 2020! I’m on XBox X. Love it. A few years back had PC. So many problems with all the downloads. Falcon 4.0 a Combat Sim. Always had to do patches. Plus it would cost more to upgrade it to handle MSFS. Had 32 gb ram. So decided on the Xbox.
It’s all automatic with upgrades! Of course you can purchase more Aircraft, Scenery and Airports.
I’m retired, live in Alaska.
Fly the a320 Airbus, F-18 Hornet and the Eurofighter Typhoon! Also fly Bush planes here in Alaska! Including the Cessna 182!
Add me if you like.
I dont know how to “add” a person?
Also, My Mom is From Juneau. Ellen Rhule, lived on a 103 foot wood Tugboat built in 1908. I lived on and owned a wood Tug of just 93 feet and lived on her in Wa. state. Moms Tug was named the GLEANER. Could not possibly miss her in a harbor. I wanted to move up to AK but, too Costly. I also used to Race Sled dogs. Still want to run a big team up there someday.
Good morning Red. Wow, That’s interesting about your Mom!
We’ve been here over 40 years from California. Love it.
RE: adding people. MSFS main screen, upper right hand corner next to your gamer tag. There are 4 small circles. Second one from right, click on it, and on add friend. Type in friends gamertag!
Let me know if it works.
I added you.
2 posts were split to a new topic: How to Call Up External Views
someone said I should be able to make posts now, but I still cant it says. Im having a lot of questions not answered. I know there are some general sims forums…AVsim and flightsim. Its too bad to cant ask my questions here though. Cause they are specific to MSFS. Oh well. I did get FSX via disc to actually work on my Win 11 MSI laptop. I set up a new GPU today( 2 TB drive, 32 GTB ram,I7, RTX 4060… NOT cheap !) and finally was able to download MSFS 40th Premium edition . But there is only one plane… a cessna in the " my hangar" deal. Thus is a lot different than flightgear that Ive actually flown in. Im starting to regret spending so much money on this endevour. It has not been remotely cheap. Few grand so far and nothing to show for it. Im super discouraged with MSFS so far.
Have you seen this topic? Why Can't I Create a Topic?
You CAN make a topic Try seeing if the New Topic button shows up in General Discussion
Make your new Topic here under Discussion Hub, General Discussion.
Just move up to the top of this thread.
Click the General Discussion box.
Click + New Topic on the right of the screen.
Give it a title.
Have at it. Type away.
HamMan beat me to it.
But, you also
need to try to create your topic in a sub-category if you know one that fits your topic.
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