New Plane announcement - Junkers Ju 52

Sorry I missed your reply. An old cockpit is never a sealed area so if there is smoke from the engine it will find a way into the cockpit, the An2 is a good example. The Ju is no exception although they had an exhaust pipe along the side. Normally before the first flight since a while you would preoil the engines with a can, there are lubrication nipples at the cylinders and the crank shafts. So any unburned oil will become hot and create a lot of fume. In the DC3 or Connie this wasn‘t a probleme since they only had their engines on the wings but in the Ju52 the center engine would smoke up the cockpit. So they usually warmed up the engines before the passengers arrived, shut down and the engines would stay warm for at least 30 minutes. This also helped the time they had to sit on the ground to warm up once they were boarded.

However that was the beginning of commercial flight, things like that were normal, just like the massive vibrations of the 2 blade props. People didn‘t complain like they do today.


this is the bottom line…

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Sorry, but where can I find the Ju? Marketplace? :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

On the 9th of September

Sep 9th in the marketplace

Thx … thought it should be today
Okaaaaaay …

We all float down here

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Yeah, Coming with world update 6… Pfff trols you guys are…

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Oh no! The release has just been postponed for “a couple of weeks” :frowning: Well, I am glad that they are willing to fix issues rather than releasing a broken airplane. But still… was hoping to fly through the Alps with “auntie JU” these days …

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Interesting to postpone the release a day before the planned date for multiple weeks. Nice chaos at Asobo it seems.

The argument with the bugs is just PR, the still reversed brakes on the Husky demonstrate that this is not the real reason.


IIRC, all the axis for all planes were reversed in SU5. You have to un-reverse them.

“We have a non-working product” is a PR stunt for you? Can you enlighten us then what you think the “real reason” would be? Just curious…

If it would be non working it would have been known prior to today. To postpone a non working product a day before planned release it simply bad project management. If the product is in a state that requires a multi-week delay the decision to delay should have been clear and communicates earlier.

To now make it look like this is all done for the sake of minor bug polishing is just unbelievable and a PR stunt to cover up the failure in project management. Minor bug fixing taking weeks? So many that the new release date is now undefined? Take a look at Aerosoft how much progress is done on the Twin Otter versions in multiple weeks for comparison.


No one gives a d*mn about “project management”: all that counts is “it works” or “it doesn’t”. For all we know now is that “it doesn’t work” (to whatever degree). And no one said that it is “just polishing”: there could indeed be a major issue they just discovered recently. Such is the nature of software development: “you don’t know it until you know it”.

And don’t come with the argument that “the community deserves to know” etc. - all I do care (personally) is when I can purchase the product. Until then no communication is required. An “it’s in development” followed by an optional “there is an issue, will delay the release” followed by an “it is available now” is absolutely sufficient.


I only have that on the Husky. If I reverse the axis, the Husky is ok but all my other planes I fly are reversed.

And I said that no one cares whether that communication had been made a month ago, a week ago or just now.

They apparently tried “to just make it”, hence they delayed the announcment, and in the end the problem was bigger than anticipated. End of the story.

No reason to rant about “bad project management” and the like.

Maybe you could work on your tone a little?

UPDATE: Okay, let me work on my tone a little (you are right about this being misplaced): I am sick of this constant “whining” and “negativity”: Asobo/MS just provided a great, free update (for a 60-150$ game!), they provide constant updates… and people start threads like “nothing is fixed”, complain about “bad project management” because Asobo actually does informs the users - and if they don’t, they are “doomed” anyway.

I came here to share my great experience with the WU6, but am put off by all those rants and negativity posts, mostly posted by self-proclaimed “simmers”. That’s the true bottom line here.

I am sorry about my tone being a bit tense here, too. And it wasn’t even directed at your post directly, but more in a general sense (which was wrong, I apologize for that).


I’m sorry and I apologize, I’m just so disappointed because I was so looking forward to the release. It’s another disappointment in a longer chain of updates that break things, lingering bugs and marketplace issues.

I just wish, Asobo would stop with new features and content and take half a year to whip into shape what is already there. As is it seems to me we are all flying in a sim that is alternating between beta and alpha state.

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You guys have to kiss now

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If that is common courtesy around here. :kissing_smiling_eyes::grin:

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And here’s me, just waiting for the Seneca V announced to be released in the coming days a few weeks ago on Xbox. Now I got really interested in the JU 52 and again, few weeks delayed a day before announced release. Really frustrating if you ask me.

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