You can’t adjust control sensitivity? Everybody’s controls are going to be different.
I’m not sure. Despite having real IFR legs it’s missing one important piece of equipment…an altitude preselector. If it had one, I think I’d have jumped on it. Like it is? I’d just use it as a knock-around short trip airplane. Seems a shame. In a real plane it’d be relatively easy to add. With it, it’s a real cruiser. Without it, I think of it more as a trainer.
Are you referring to the icing being offset from the mesh? or the flickering?
When the engine nacelles themselves are iced it is visibly offset from the mesh. My guess is they need to squeeze the mesh the icing effect sits on in a little bit.
The flickering I mentioned is in the normal map detail on the elevator. The grooves that run parallel to the aircraft on the main elevator. Seems to be either a problem with my settings or some kind of normal map issue on that part of the aircraft.
Fair enough. I’ve bought far too many of the aircraft released so far including both the Carenado and JustFlight arrows. I got the JF arrow after the backflip bug and never looked back. I agree that overall Carenado has good visuals but there’s something about their flight models that just seems lacking and I can’t really put my finger on it.
As someone who owns the seminole I won’t be getting the seneca since there’s too much overlap for my taste.
I would however buy every single Aero Commander that hits the market trying to find the one I like best, because I’m a fan of Bob Hoover and that gorgeous plane.
I agree with this. Don’t get me wrong, I have the mooney and seminole and like them very much but they just don’t feel right somehow. Super twitchy in pitch (I have curves set correctly), seminole feels really overpowered and systems are fairly basic, especially comparing against other addons, the JF PA28 works perfect without even using curves so this means it can be done.
additionally, I won’t be buying addons through the marketplace. The impossibility of changing/editing cfg files to my liking is a blocker for me. (e.g. I’d really like to tweak the elevator effectiveness of the seminole)
As for the seneca, it looks nice as every carenado product and had it been released before the seminole I’d pick the seneca because it’s more usable, especially for IFR or longer trips, but it just overlaps too much with the seminole so I’ll pass.
I would have preferred and probably bought a big and fast piston like C421 / PA31 Navajo…or even better a C441/PA31T Cheyenne but we will have to wait for decent turboprops.
Ah sorry, I was referring to the flickering. Yeah, I haven’t noticed the flickering issue you describe, perhaps it depends on graphics settings, or requires certain lighting conditions…
Looks like it. Scorpion provides the GTN, but if you check out the thread, there is another developer who has majored on getting the GTN to run within the GNS530 and he has confirmed that it will work with the Seneca. Been away for a few days, so tomorrow, I need to get this second mod and Oh… the Seneca itself.
The biggest issue I have it to make all these other avionics bezels run the 750. Arrow is the only one that provides a native bezel, and that’s a MUST for me.
This is a very deceptive description! It doesn’t say that’s what they’re “usually equipped with”, it says “The Seneca V sports two turbocharged, intercooled Teledyne Continental six-cylinder engines that drive counter-rotating propellers, retractable landing gear, and a three-screen Garmin G1000 NXi glass cockpit, among a host of key features.”
I am sure that some enterprising soul is working on it. Just hope they let us know
I agree. That’s why I mentioned it - just an eye for detail. It shouldn’t even say anything like that because the product doesn’t correspond to it. Granted, just above it, they do provide a list of avionics packages it DOES come with. But that thing at the bottom ought to be removed, IMO.
One thing to watch out for
Sat in the cruise at 8500ft I was playing around with some switches in the cockpit and dared to opened the DV window. Apparently that ‘overstressed’ the aircraft and I was kicked out of the flight an hour in. Wonderful.
In short, DO NOT open the DV window in the air.
Yeah, I’m happy to buy the aircraft as presented in the screenshots, I just think that second bit of the description is straight-up factually incorrect.
off to spend money to try out a turbocharged aircraft at high altitude that’s not a WWII fighter
I’m liking it! It’s zippier than the Seminole, and as long as you keep up with the mixture at altitude the climb performance is quite good. Manual recommends cruise climb at 2500 RPM, 32 inHg MAP, and about 110 KIAS speed; at FL200 I’m zipping up at 1000 fpm at these settings.
Just a figure of speech. I meant that once the Milviz 310 releases, I expect that will become my preferred twin unless somebody were to release a full fidelity Beechcraft Baron 58 (or Asobo were to unlock theirs so I could mod it).
You must be new here
Not sure what you’re saying there. Do tell…
At FL240. Tried to get above the severe turbulence, but it isn’t happening. Had to request a block altitude since we are getting bounced around so badly. Out over the British Columbia Coast Range, on the way up to Ketchikan, AK. Performance seems reasonable. Getting 187 KTS over the ground. Guessing on the OAT, but I seem to be getting around 190 KTAS, which is about right for normal cruise. Fuel flow seems closer to 26 GPH, which is a bit higher than book. Mixture levers are at 16%, which seems a bit suspect. Also, the O2 pressure went to zero pretty quickly (either immediately or within a minute or two) after turning on the oxygen, so that was a bit disappointing.
Just received a feedback on their Facebook that they are working on adding support for GTN750 for their entire fleet.
Every carenado aircraft (except for ymf5) suffers from the same problem. You can just turn off the stress damage.
That is AMAZING news!