New Release : FlyingIron Simulations Spitfire L.F Mk IXc

Depends on how low you’re flying…

You must be fun at parties…

Never was so much owed by so many to so few.


Can’t see the picture … Hope it wasn’t a dig at the sacrifice that our war hero’s gave during WW2. I would like to add to all our service people everywhere ‘Thank you for your Service’.

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Here I am, mowing the lawn…

It was my doff of the cap to this guy…

Fastest lawn mower on the planet.


For Flynavy !! His favorites !! :wink:


I’m not Russian but I’ll be buying one of those too (in addition to my Spitfire)

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Ex matloe/ Senior Service? :thinking:

Hopefully there will be a Seafire or Sea Harrier for you to fly :wink: … Actually, I’d like a Sea Harrier, used to work on them in the 80’s.

Everybody has to have a Spitty. I’ve got two under the house (r/c models) still in one piece…I’ve I bent a few over the years, trying to get them down in less than ideal conditions at the club.

Just for kicks, I took the MK IX up in clouds over Dover near sunset last night using my 55" 3D TV, with the 2D to 3D setting on medium. It actually worked quite well and gave me a real feeling of being up high. I had a ball.

It’s kinda personal for me too, as my late father built Merlins during WWII at Rolls Royce in Derby.


Just been sent an email regarding an update, downloading now …

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Update downloaded and here are the changes:

UPDATE 1.0.1
This update is our first update since release, and aims to address some remaining bugs & issues pointed
out by our users, prioritizing improving the user experience, adding missing sounds & features and
further improving the flight model.
Overall, the flight dynamics have been made more realistic and therefore the Spitfire is now slightly more
difficult to fly (especially on takeoff). You will need to use your rudder trim more effectively, and manage
your engine power more carefully.
• External LODs improved, icing LODs fixed
• Clipped Wing icing issues fixed
• Animated oxygen valve, external tank lever
• Windshield Fluid Port textures added
• Touchdown Sounds added
• Additional cockpit sounds added (wobble pump, primer, various switches)
Systems & Flight Model
• Parking Brake made clickable
• Flight Model improvements (thanks to Raimond aka GotGravel for pitching in and making several
contributions here)

  • Stall speeds increased slightly
  • Stall behavior adjusted
  • P-factor increased (you will notice a much stronger tendency to swing left on takeoff. Counter this
    with some right rudder trim)
  • Torque/Propwash dynamics adjusted
  • Roll inertia, stability adjusted
  • Control sensitivity at various airspeeds adjusted
  • General control & trim sensitivity adjusted
  • Prop Inertia reduced
  • Engine throttle response speed increased
    • ATC Power now tied to Radio Unit – to be able to contact ATC, select any preset channel on the radio
    (A-D) to power it on
    • Oxygen Flow now requires oxygen flow valve on the starboard side of the cockpit to be opened
    • Negative G’s starve engine of fuel (WIP, needs additional work)
    • Engine Temperature model adjusted slightly (still WIP)

… and paintkit :grinning:


The real in-game audio has much more wider dynamic range than what video streams have. Many streamers/Youtubers also filter the sound or use a compressor. I made a video to demonstrate the audio in the Spit, if you’re interested. It’s best to use good headphones for listening.


Is that accurate? The manual says the engine modelled is a Merlin 66 which I thought had a pressurised carburettor to prevent the negative G fuel cut out problem early spits had. Or was it still a problem with sustained negative Gs?


a little work with the paintkit…
and a other one


Nice work.
Are you going to upload them somewhere?

@Megadyptes7635, suggest an email to the developers. I sent them one on a couple of other things and got an instant response. Cheers.

Thanks; but sorry not yet, i have some problem with the aircraft.cfg to add other painting .
working on

Since you stated this was planned:
The MK IX had a pressurized carb. It did not have the negative G fuel starvation problem like the MK I had.
Please don’t model that.
The MK IX did not have the so called “Spitfire fatal flaw”
Dumbing down the Spitfire MK IX to make other period aircraft better could very well be a “Fatal Flaw” for this Spitfire. I am not saying you are or aren’t but I have seen that happen before elsewhere. Get it right please.