New Release : FlyingIron Simulations Spitfire L.F Mk IXc

Looks like everybody is downloading the update - incredibly slow download speed!

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No worries.
If & when you post them, could you leave a notification on this forum?

Hello guys and gals, has anyone yet managed to map radflaps switch to some device?

Miss Shillings orificeā€¦?

ā€œDuring the Battle of Britain it was discovered that the Merlin engine would cut out when pursing Me109s in a high speed bunt dive due to fuel starvation in the float controlled carburettor. Initial solutions involved inverting the aircraft into the dive and also the fitting a restrictor in the fuel supply line and a diaphragm known as Miss Shillingā€™s orifice, named after the female inventor (Beatrice Shilling) based at Farnborough at the Royal Aircraft Establishment. More permanent solutions involved moving the fuel outlet from the bottom of the carburettor to half way up and the use of fuel injection using a Stromberg pressure carburettor and finally an SU injectionā€

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Anyone having a lot more trouble with the P-effect on takeoff since the update?
I put 4 degrees Rudder right trim in, small amount of nose down trim. Only using boost of 4 on takeoff, and once I hit 60mph it just yaws off to the left with full right rudder in?
My axis setups/curves seem fine so I dont get why its such a handful

EDIT: Turned off live weatherā€¦ think it was a nasty crosswind causing most of the issue


Hi there, Iā€™ve heard there is a mod out there that helps with the default camera settings (including the side view being straight down the wing instead of the awkward angle thatā€™s programmed in). Does anybody know where I can find this?

Speaking from experience (I was lucky to have a flight in a 2 seater from Biggin hill) and got to take the controls as well, it brought it all back, the sound is spot on! the real thing is more difficult to control the pitch, have to be very gentle or she will climb or dive quick!

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Increased p factor? Great, I already canā€™t get it off the ground lol

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If you read the notes with the update they say that the P-factor has been increased a little to be more realistic and warn that the aircraft is now a little more difficult to fly! They also give tips on how to achieve flight!

@DeepDrummer - suggest you tell the developers directly and not just the Forum, or just me who was simply passing on what was in the developersā€™ pdf that came with the update. Cheers.

Have just put my first hour of flight in this spit. Very well modeled and fantastic looking in VR. FM in the air seems accurat. It feels like a spit. However, on the ground it has tailwheel-steering? I have never heard of a spit having that. Always free castoring and handbrake/rudder steering. Is there an option I missed to get free castoring?

how to download the update?

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Purchasers from FlyingIron Simulations are receiving an email with the link.

@VivaceDegree988 - they automatically sent me an email with a download link. If you have bought it from them I would have thought you would have received an email from them by now - if not you should perhaps email them and ask for it. Cheers.

The excellent way the post written made me think I was responding to the developer who if they are serious would certainly go through this thread daily.
If they get it wrong, there will be other Spits to fly.
It was a knee jerk reaction to what would be a disaster in my opinion if they messed it up.
I didnā€™t realize it was a repost of something the developer posted somewhere else. (news section of their web page I find)
No harm intended and nothing against yourself at all.
I sent them a message via the ā€œcontactā€ link on their web page as follows.
The Spitfire MK IX did not suffer from negative G fuel starvation.
It had a pressurized carb which is a precursor to throttle body fuel injection.
Please do not model that in the Spitfire MK IX.

Thanks for clueing me in and making me aware of a possible incoming disaster.


Itā€™s an SDK limitation, discussed in manual. They hope to model properly in future.

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Thanks :smiley:

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thank you i just received too

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Hi guys

Iā€™m trying to figure out how to work with the paint kit, can anyone provide some basic instructions on how to export and install the textures - image format and where should they go :slight_smile:

Best Regards

Installed Spitfire 13.3.21 MS2020 says I have ver 0.1.0, I see a new ver. is released ver 1.01 ā€¦ Iā€™ m not able to find link where to download the update ā€¦ no links to ver 1,01 available on their hompage too bad ā€¦!