New Release : FlyingIron Simulations Spitfire L.F Mk IXc

That is awesome news !! hopefully the takeoffs are less chaotic after that update :slight_smile:
Now I regret buying it on marketplace, will have to wait for that update :frowning:

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Cockpit Camera collisions added

No :frowning_face:


Looking forward to getting the updated version into the skies to see how these play out.

Outstanding! What an improvement. She now flies and handles on the ground like she should - or at least how I recall from the Goodwood simulator; and, much closer to the X-Plane version too. Well done FI. Just did a quick circuit at Shoreham in miserable visibility with no issues at all.


Anyobdy else got strange camera placements after the update? The left&right quick views and instrument views are positioned behind the pilot’s seat for me.
Otherwise a good update. Slightly disappointed that I can no longer stick my head into the slipstream when the canopy is open.


with the new update i cant close the canopy if i start cold and dark

You have to lock the door first


solved thanks

Engine modelling adjusted slightly, inverted flight restored


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Yeah I have exactly the same problem with the cameras. They are all messed up. Hope they can release a quick fix on this.

@Archer374 Could you please update your “Better cameras” mod? It doesn’t work any more since the patch. Thank you. :blush: :+1:

Thanks for telling me. Will do


Me too. Camera views are from the interior of the fuselage -?!

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I’ve contacted them via email and they’ve answered already. There is a hotfix (cameras.cfg) available on their discord server:

And there will be a official hotfix release within the next days (hours). :wink:

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Also released an update for my cameras mod:


Even better in VR than before, with these new sounds and details, thanks a lot! A little bit astonished by the easyness to fly her up now, but unable to say whether it is more relevant than before. :wink:

@MagicTheMarker Thank you for the heads up!

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Ok. Latest update version 1.0.2
Very docile on take off. Haven’t tested the engine failure yet but flies nicely.

Rudder having more impact in terms of rotation than I recall, a bit more like IL-2 in that respect (but maybe a little more effect than IL-2?)

Landing feels very different. Haven’t been able to land this version yet without the nose going over.

Did a couple of touch and go’s just fine, maybe I need to be putting wheels down at slightly higher speed? Once I touch down the nose dips no matter what. Not touching the brakes at all.

(Are the brakes locked when the wheels come down? Need to pump them to release the brakes nonce undercarriage is down?)

Just flew the latest update. It’s great to fly… the takeoff and landing were seamless!

How can you get onto their Discord server?

Their Discord details are in the Manuel down at the bottom.