Come on guys,we should by now for what each payware is and what it’s NOT.
This is low quality from first sight.
Me personaly,from the moment i have the default King Air and the TBM,along with the CRJ,there is no reason to just throw money away.
I prefer to wait for some good warbirds
Bought It this morning in the hope that it will be a nice payware plane (i mean , look at the price) , but I´m so dissapointed on this one. Absolutly not up to date .
Sound is awful and this knocking sound, ■■■■!
It doesnt work well with the TCA AddOn, textures could be much better, over all toooooo overpriced. There a lot of freewares better than this one. bye bye 35euro…
Same problem on this plane as on LionHearth’s TB21: Drop of 20 FPS in cockpit view, Mainthread in complete red.
Great in exterior view.
Is there a way to fix this?
The sounds are catastrophic, it looks like an ULM.
For the rest, it’s pretty much fine.
35 Euros too much expensive.
There have been some really bad add-ons released and some really good ones. This, IMO sits in the middle trending slightly towards the bad side. Given the issues and lack of polish, I can’t ever see myself flying this over the default King Air.
Is the Torque in this plane also rising with altitude, without changing powersettings? Like in the MS FS Turboprobs?
Bad or not, people are buying. Expect more of the same.
All Carenado planes are also just sold as “PA44 Seminole”, “WYMF5”, “CT182T Skylane” or “M20R Ovation”. No Piper, Mooney, Waco or Cessna. So I wouldn’t hold that against them. Even the JustFlight Arrow marketed only as: PA-28R Arrow III. You won’t find the word “Piper” anywhere on their homepage.
True, many craft in the flight-sim world do not qualify for that. But I don’t like that either. I wouldn’t mind it in a (GTA like) game, but this is a simulator. I’d like some endorsement or quality assurance that comes with a brand name - and that the 3d model accurately describes the real thing to a certain degree.
Perhaps I’m attributing too much value to that detail though.
I noticed in racing games that the car makers don’t care how realistic the depictions of their cars are. It’s just about the brand name and the money. Also in racing games the cars without a license are fantasy cars that don’t look like real cars.
With the planes we’re talking about, they look exactly like the real thing and in most cases the developers also seem to be commited to be realistic when in comes to the behaviour and flight model. They sometimes even use exerpts from real aircraft manuals and the logos on the planes. So in my opinion it doesn’t matter if it’s called the Piper PA-28R or the JustFlight PA-28R. We all know it’s a Piper.
So this has ■■■■ in cockpit frames like the Trinidad? Big deal breaker for me as i fly inside the plane
Even with no glass?
Sounds like some poor porting - esp at 40usd?
Maybe that THING is a blanket in which to smother the woodpecker when it pokes its head out from behind the autopilot where it is busy eating wires. Lol.
So I just did another flight. The woodpeckers are gone since today’s fix. THANK GOD.
Everything else, unfortunately stays.
I can confirm that this suffers from the save reverse turboprop logic as the rest of the turboprop aircraft in this sim. So HOPEFULLY this means that once Asobo addresses this as promised, it will also fix this aircraft.
I can also confirm that the prop lever and the fuel mixture levers do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (except for cutting off all fuel at the extreme bottom position).
Attaching Exhibit A: You can take a look at the left engine stats between both pics. On one, I have the prop lever all the way up. In the other one? Well… 10%? Everything reads exactly the same.
Coupled with horrendous sounds, there is nothing about this aircraft that makes it any more satisfying than the default aircraft. It’s NOT terrible, but completely forgettable, especially considering it’s priced way too high for what it offers (in my opinion).
True. It’s also unfortunate that many people at times are unable to differentiate between different developers and their planes. Example of Piper: big difference between Just Flight’s and Carenado. One is more expensive but it also has a lot of detail, doesn’t have recycled dash or sounds, physics are better… 40 dollars is steep if people are endorsing that’s its similar to a carenado.
I mean… maybe they will update this, have better gps? Physics? Etc?
Co’s that would require some actual investigation and not just complaining about visual details…! Too hard basket i guess.
I think I was pretty clear in the details I have discovered. If you don’t like it, write your own review.
We really appreciate your review and time with the aircraft. Seriously. I might just buy it because I would like a half decent turbo prop. I wonder if you have given feedback to the developers about these issues you had? Maybe if they get enough they will make some changes?
I have. I have posted a comment on their FB page as well as a SimMarket review with a point-by-point list of things that could be reasonably improved.
That’s a rather nice looking Panel. Hopefully the Dev will get it Up and Running asap.
Im just picked her up. Do thery not test this planes first??
Here are my issues:
- The installer asks for your community folder location, but it installs a “Packages” folder inside your “Community” folder, then put the aircraft in that folder. Had to manually move it to Community folder.
- Following the checklist, there is a “BEFORE START” and a “AFTER START”. Is there no engine start checklist?
- After 2 or 3 mins of flight, all electronics and battery die. ???
- i traced the clicking to something to do with the landing gear. lower them, clicking goes away. Raise them, click,click,click…
Hope this is just version 1.0 jitters.**
Just figured out the clicking. It doesnt like my TCA Quadrant. I have to hit “g” on the keyboard to raise gear, no click, click…