New Release: NextGen Simulations' Embraer EMB-110 Bandeirante

This reads like an FAA investigation


So far my flights have been uneventful but will try pushing her a bit to see what happens.

:rofl: Just my casual observations today. Call me a sucker but I like this aircraft and I’m now on flight number 9 today. :sweat_smile:


60kts is too slow/stall speed definitely the safe ‘green’ zone is between 90kts and 230kts. I see that FL210 is the ceiling for this aircraft. Did you set your baro to std pressure above FL180? Just in case you were cruising at some wild out of spec altitude. I’ve not been that high. I’m currently at FL120 over the Irish sea and that’s as high as I’ve been in this aircraft.

I enjoy this aircraft as well , your investigative work will help others so we don’t make mistakes. Or you may find bugs.

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I have had no issues with the default GPS following the STARS, as long as I remember to activate approach when passing the last waypoint before the STAR starts. Which has now become normal operating procedure now that the three main jets I fly oh including the 787 when they have a disconnected thing before the STAR starts… I also do everything through the GPS regarding flight planning with help from navigraph

Oh and cold and dark…

Remember not to rush a quick flight in, when you have been given a permit from your other half, make that extra time to go through your checklists and dont forget to toggle the power switch from EXT to BATT as that gas affected my AP…

The two times I have had this roll issue was all down to the power switch being in the OFF position, after it was left in the EXT position. Once by accident, the other on purpose for this reason.
No speed drops at all… 110-139 knt climb at around 800-1200 fpm

All the other flights with AP… following correct cold start procedures and manually entering flight plan in stocks GPS has all been 100% successful… would be 120% if it hadn’t been for the two times I had forgot to activate the approach

After first splashing out 50 odd NZD for this aircraft to fill the very lacking turbo prop 10 seats+ void not long after the 70odd NZD on the CJR700…
I would be holding back if I were to say… “I was least impressed with the quality of my purchase…”

The last week, with a bit of spare time and wanting to give this product another go and a bit of learning… (not exactly like the CJR) I have thoroughly enjoyed flying this civilian passenger 10 seat + prop and have been flying the old routes our Air NZ/Eagle Air birds flew 20-25 years ago.

It is a great little aircraft although…
Could be cheaper for what you actually get when you can get a very close to study level and functional CJR… The glass GPS that is fully functional could be part of the current price not a x amount a year add on…
Next would be a little more detailing around the cockpit, maybe a glass cockpit optional (if there is one) and a much better round sound quality…

I remember vividly the many years watching these things at Rotorua airport and remembering the various sound variations from the engines during start up that may or may not be missing (memory…:thinking:)


I’m right there with you!

I’ve got the POH and it says a ceiling of 25,000 ft.

Of course, no matter what I pick during the flight planning phase, the ATC has other ideas…

It’s a bit frustrating that the copy of the POH I was able to find seems to be missing the meat of Section 5 Performance. It’s only got a theoretical flight plan regarding fuel and all the planning from takeoff to landing. It is missing the actual performance pages where you’d learn about all the engine settings for the various phases of the flight plan.

Regardless, I’ve messed about with the power delivery somewhat more and seem to be avoiding the crashes. I’d been utilizing the checklist setting of 90% and it seems too low for climbing performance at higher altitudes. I’ve been applying 95% and that has maintained air speed.

I’ve written to NextGen Simulations and given them praise along with a list of issues I’ve found with the aircraft. One of them is that the Ng & Nh gauges seem to be displaying identical values (at least on Xbox, I haven’t flown her yet on my PC). This makes power setting a bit difficult in terms of propeller RPM. I’m not seeing much behavior change on torque when the props are adjusted either.

I, too, haven’t noted the stall alarm working either.

Hopefully, they can address some of the issues.

I really like the plane, though. Given the minimal choices for long distance IFR icing conditions steam gauge aircraft over here on Xbox, this is really suiting me.


Are you selecting stars before taking off? I had this problem in other planes with the pms530. I had to choose the departing procedure before taking off on the Garmin.

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Many thanks for this detail on balance I have decided not to purchase

I am also really enjoying this bird. I started reading the POH today (Thanks to @NixonRedgrave ) to try and get more info about how to fly her. The list of things above are pretty much what I have found or experienced as well so far.

Question about approaches with the GNS530 - Do I need to hit the approach button and when if so? I haven’t been using any stars yet with this plane just direct then an ILS or LOC approach. My approaches have been a little wild to say the least, trying to use AP and GPS until just after passing the localizer but I have only caught it once which leads to some last minute scrambling in the cockpit. All passengers and crew walked away though. :slight_smile:

The Approach mode will auto-enable, at least that has been what I’ve noticed consistently. Note its status in the lower left portion of the GNS display. It will say Approach in an abbreviated fashion. I can’t recall the precise abbreviation, however.

You will still need to also engage Approach with the AP at the appropriate time, if you’re not hand flying.

I’ve found the ILS landings with AP to be a little tardy on engaging the GS, so have a little patience and make sure you’ve got the appropriate frequency programmed in the Nav. It works great, however, once it’s captured.

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Thanks! I will try that.

I have both, and find the Embraer to have a more satisfying, “weighty” feel to the controls when hand-flying, while the Seneca feels too twitchy in comparison.

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I will try again with entering the STAR in the world map flight planner and switching back to the default GPS, but I was running into the same issue both ways originally. The GTS750 allows you to enter the STAR when assigned by ATC, but you have to ‘load and activate’ which doesn’t always activate it. You seem to have to go into your flight plan and make sure its in correct sequence and try to get it activated properly in there before aircraft will follow it, I need a lesson in this GPS unit tbh. It’s fairly intuitive, but then throws up these no NAV issues on approach. I may also another plane a try like the Carenada Seneca and see if they do the same.

It does say FL210 in the ‘My Hanger’ summary spec. I have seen a few discrepacies there in the past though eg A320.

Yes, I’d noted that, too.

Of course, like I said, most of the time I get forced into the ceiling envelope by ATC.

I guess they think I’m a test pilot!

Yes I remember getting cleared to FL410 in the default Neo which has a IRL ceiling of about FL390. It’s always best to know when to ignore ATC or just request a FL decrease from them.

Looks like I am the only one that flies this plane flawlesly… But I don’t use MSFS ATC. PF3 atc directs this plane flawless

A quick and dirty de-ice procedure was the lesson this morning!

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