New Release: NextGen Simulations' Embraer EMB-110 Bandeirante

There is certainly some odd performance behavior with the engines as seen with the Nh & Ng gauges.

The POH states Nh is “Propeller-Tacho Generator” and Ng is “Gas-Tacho Generator”, yet they both read the exact same values and move in concert when only the Thrust lever is moved.

Adjusting Propeller RPM is meant to influence Nh.

Something is definitely a bit off with the Propeller RPM-to-Thrust relationship.

I, too, hear the engine/RPM sound issues you’ve described.

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On a separate thread, I’ve gotten into the AP and Approach mode.

Have any of you figured out the Autopilot’s ALT Hold and APR mode relationship? I’ve found that a couple of times when on an ILS approach, the ALT Hold doesn’t release and the AP just flys right over the runway at the held Altitude. Yet, on other ILS approaches, it’s released the hold, albeit a bit late, and flown down the GS.

I haven’t quite figured out if you’re meant to toggle off ALT Hold (which I also have some difficulty doing) prior to engaging APR, or what.

Any thoughts on the procedure?

I see what you mean - it looks like there were 14 insert sheets with these diagrams/illustrations, separate to the main handbook.

Haven’t flown the EMB 110 but in all the aircraft I’ve flown ALT hold should be on. The trick I’ve found is to be a couple of hundred feet BELOW the assigned altitude for the Faf. So if it says be at 3300 feet I come in at 3000.

Since I’ve been doing this I’ve never missed and the AP always captures the GS. Same applies to RNAV approaches as far as I can see. No idea if this is how it works IRL but seems to work in this sim.

I’ve found this to be the case, too. That’s been my approach (pun!) with the 110, as well. I was questioning it, however, when it wouldn’t release the hold.

In my experience with the 110, it has always captured the GS. Both red flags clear from the attitude indicator, the red flag clears on the HSI, plus the GS indicators on the AP annunciator panel light up and, yet, the plane just keeps on flying at 3000 feet as previously assigned by ATC on approach.

As I stated in the other thread, what is so confounding about MSFS is not knowing if what you’re experiencing is a bug, a limitation in the way something has been simulated, pilot error or something else. It makes narrowing down the root cause of an issue quite difficult.

Ok…well if it is only happening with the 110 then I guess it may be a specific issue with that plane. I was having trouble getting the DC6 to capture at one point…it just kept plying directly over as you described. As soon as I started coming in at slightly lower altitudes though I never had another problem.

The fact that all the indicators come on suggests you are doing everything right though and its just the AC that is not responding appropriately. Sounds frustrating lol.

If it keeps flying at 3000ft it hasn’t captured the GS at all. You need to be at 2,500ft-3,000ft at least 7 miles away from the runway, with CDI set to LOC1, in APPR mode with the correct ILS frequency in NAV1 to capture the glideslope. It won’t capture the GS on RNAV approaches in GPS mode.

Well, I’ve got the LOC tuned, and can confirm it’s locked. I can also watch, first, as the horizontal indicator on the Attitude Indicator clears the red flag and shows the green triangular pointer, then as I near the airport, I see the red flag clear for the vertical indicator and the green pointer indicating the GS is above. As the aircraft continues to fly level, the vertical lowers and lowers and lowers passing the center position and continues to lower as it passes it. While this is happening I can see the GS capture lights come on on the annunciator panel for the AP and then go out as it flys on by.

Everything on the instruments indicates it has captured the GS. I’m not trying RNAV approaches. The APPR indicator in the GNS is also illuminated.

As I’ve said, it has worked this way several times, meaning it has released ALT Hold and descended on the GS, but a couple of times it hasn’t.

Have you also selected APP mode on the Autopilot?

Yes. Absolutely.

Like I’ve said, I’ve done all this and had it work and then a couple of times it hasn’t.

How frustrating. Which airport and runway approach does this happen at, and is it default or a freeware/payware mod?

I have no add-on airports.

Yesterday, it happened at KCIC 13L.

After it happened, I set up a flight where I was already in the air about 20 miles north of the runway and tested it and it worked, so it seems like an intermittent issue.

I think the first time was MMTJ 09.

Just stumbled upon a Steam thread re: approach quirks with MSFS 2020. Someone is suggesting that the AP struggles with ILS and he is suggesting to descend to the FAF altitude via the AP’s altitude hold control, so when it reaches the FAF it can then be able to descend on the GS successfully.

Perhaps my limited experience with AP ILS approaches in MSFS is the issue here rather than the aircraft itself.

I just don’t really recall struggling with other aircraft AP ILS approaches though.

I always create an ILS - Low Altitude flight plan on the World Map screen for the EMB-110 and follow ATC instructions from start-up to taxi-to-ramp. The autopilot in the EMB-110 is not the same as any of the default autopilots, but the one thing they all have in common is that you do need to be below the glideslope on final approach in order to capture the glideslope.

Right. That sounds like what I am doing.

I choose IFR Low, depart from gate/parking (cold & dark), hand select a SID, but leave the approach and arrival at default. Once in the cockpit, I radio for clearance and commence my flight. At X miles from the destination, I’m given clearance for an approach, which I load into the GNS. Once I’m close enough, I notice the GNS automatically activates the approach. I double check the LOC frequency is set (usually I do this manually quite early on in the flight) and activate Approach mode in the Autopilot when appropriate.

I follow all of the ATC altitude and speed constraints (if any) and let the AP do the rest.

Based on the information I read on the steam forum, it sounds like maybe, in the case of KCIC (looking at the ILS approach plate), I should have dialed the Altitude down to 2700 even though ATC didn’t tell me to do so in order to help the AP make the GS transition. It seems odd that would be required given all the instruments indicate it had it handled.

Again, pilot error, simulation limitation or bug? Who knows?

There’s many a slip 'twixt cup and lip, as Shakespeare wrote. I don’t use approach plates because the sim doesn’t always match them, I’ve started using the new SmartILS from which takes it’s data from MSFS and is ridiculously easy to use:
It gives the following KCIC ILS data:
Runway: ILS RW13L
Frequency: 111.300
Heading: 131
Elevation: 233
Ident: ICIC
It will enter the Frequency into the MSFS GPS NAV1 or NAV2 directly for you.


This may be a solution for me when I fly on my PC, but I’ve been flying on my Xbox exclusively lately.

No dice on mods.

Ah, now that might explain it. I also have Xbox Series X but I don’t have the EMB-110 for it yet. The developers don’t have access to a full Xbox test environment apparently, only a limited functionality Xbox emulator for PC which basically confirms that the plane is Xbox compatible. It doesn’t highlight coding bugs or errors it seems, so I’m avoiding most add-ons for the Xbox for now.

Yes the entire Xbox development path seems to be extremely difficult to navigate for all concerned.

I’ve been pretty involved in various Xbox-related forum threads here and it’s just utterly discouraging.

No one in the Xbox community expects PC-levels of openness nor availability of mods, but what we have been given seems to suffer from a massive disconnect between development testing and real-world testing.

As ex-QA, I’m astounded by it.

What seems to be emerging is that there isn’t a rapid fix to the issues.

I’ve had to resort to my PC for my DC-6 cravings. I’d picked up the EMB 110 as a stopgap until the Cloudmaster Xbox issues are fixed.

I really, really prefer these steam gauge aircraft.

Did they ever fix the sounds on this plane? I remember when it was released people were complaining about this? Kind of put me off buying.