New Release: NextGen Simulations' Embraer EMB-110 Bandeirante

Next Gen is working on a huge upgrade, almost a complete overhaul V2, I’ll just let it stew in the hangar for now.


There is also the improvement mod that has a separate package to replace the sound with the one from the king air.

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Unfortunately, the Jaydee EMB-110 improvement mod is not available for download anymore. I downloaded it about a year ago and the engine improvement sounds from the King Air are great.

Wild but I already missed the sale?

Thought it went until the 31st, it was $9.99 I think

You’d think nextgen could quick patch in king air sounds for now

Unfortunatly, everything is quiet about this plane.

I have the feeling that doing 2.0 of ot is more a side project of someone.

I’m really looking forward and hope for the best. Black square showed us how it could be.

v2.0 is not someone else’s project, NexGen said they’re still working on it but decided to release it for the new FS2024, so no release for this sim at least until then.

Which means that they don’t work on anything :wink:

From NextGen’s Discord channel:

“The v1.6.0 update has been already sent to Microsoft for ingestion into the Marketplace today (21/7/23). Depending on how successful the sign-off functional testing goes on both platforms, the update will be uploaded to stores the same Thursday that Microsoft enables for publishing the E110 update.
I’ll see if I can release it before its availability on the Marketplace, but it’s done this way to avoid a reprocessing, especially because I must test the Xbox version as I also merged the WASM VSI. Just hoping everything works, fingers crossed.
Please stay tuned. Thank you!
Carlos Gonzalez, CEO & Lead Developer”


I’ve of course meant a side (= low priority gaps filling) project of someone at NextGen. Software devs often have those.

Crossing my fingers because this is a fantastic plane but still has potential upwards: e.g. sound, cockpit texturing, system depth…

Then you can start working on a newer and better EMB-110 yourself, what’s keeping you?

They don’t owe you a new plane, my friend.

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Nothing wrong with wishing for more updates. At least this gets updates and has a sound patch that improves its horrid sound. I’m actually thinking of trying to get one in FSE which is my go-to thing to do on MSFS; that way I can have more flight time on it.


Looking forward to the update 1.6 is it?? But definitely looking forward to the saab, so please put all your time into that please :grin::grin:

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Just had the update from Just flight so thought I would give it a flight …but all the GPS screens and EFB are now just showing as ‘white’ screens.
Not sure if this was something that changed during the update as I have not flown this for a while.
I did move my ‘packages’ folder a month or so ago to a new D drive…which may have changed something…but no other aircraft appear to have this issue!
Any ideas?

jaydee mods can cause this

Not sure I have any of those mods …but thanks for the reply.

or 747 mods

Is there a way to verify the version number? I downloaded from JustFlight but cannot see any difference and the EFB still does not turn on.

Note that some freeware liveries contain panel folders and files which WILL conflict with the latest update, and so will the PMS GTN750 WTT mod and GNS 530 compatibility patch for the EMB110 - as mentioned in the release notes:


  • Because the PMS50 WTT mode has been natively integrated into the product, please delete the extra package that contained it.

  • As always, please make sure the PMS50 GTN750 and/or the TDS Sim Software GTNXI are up to date and that you have the latest available release, before updating the product, in order to avoid conflicts with these avionics add-ons and the product.

  • Also, if you have the PMS50 WT GNS compatibility patch installed (because you use another aircraft that still use the old GNS instrument instead of the WT one), please make sure you have the latest available version to avoid conflicts with the GPS units.