News for SU15

Well, I don’t think that’s going to happen, based on their modus operandi. But if it’s any consolation, the fact that it’s getting repeatedly delayed would imply that they’re working hard to release the sim in a stable condition for the forseeable.

So, in the short term it may break an addon or two. But once that’s been fixed, the sim ought to be solid. I think that’s the plan, anyway.


I believe he is saying don’t make sim updates mandatory but that is not going to happen.

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Err sim update 15. If that clarifies it.

Sim Updates have never been optional.

You can participate here to provide input.

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I see a lot of people complaining about the current beta, then they release the public version. Then they launch a
The next beta version and the public version that was beta until then is better than the current one… In other words, there is no good version for anyone. They always ask not to release it because the public one is better, and so it goes in an endless circle…


Perhaps not true for every simulation update (SU), but most often I guess there is a “technical dependency” between the client (your local MSFS installation) and the server (the “backend”: all the streaming / world / weather services…). You update the server (API - application programming interface) and every client needs to follow suit.

Et voilà: → mandatory client updates.

That’s also the reason by the way the “beta testers” use different streaming infrastructure from Microsoft and hence cannot “see” other players that are not in the beta as well (and vice versa: non-beta pilots do not “see” beta-pilots).

But yes, in general I do see your point: would be nice to postpone the update, schedule it “for over night” and at least be able to “fly offline” up to that point (without streaming any world data).

But I guess with MSFS 2024 it will become even more important to frequently update the clients, as MSFS 2024 will rely even more on streaming technology… we’ll see.

Happy flying!

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As an Ex IT Manager managing global systems I would have from hard learned experience, to disagree with you. Making SU updates NOT mandatory would create an absolute nightmare for the maintenance programmers/bug fixers. Of one thing I am reasonable certain; updates will always be mandatory. Regretfully they simply HAVE to be as Steeler2340 has very well explained. Just think about it you might be running a client several versions behind updates while the backend Servers have been changed several times.


I also believe that due to the complex nature of all the external inputs, the Sim is probably breaking some new ground, that will be valuable to programmers in general.

I touched on it before, but I think we collectively take for granted that MSFS is a pretty significant technological achievement. It’s a huge leap forward for flight simulation.

Sure, there was a pretty long gap between FSX and MSFS, but I don’t think anyone expected the photogrammetry tech, asset streaming tech, or visual fidelity we got.

All of this is to say that SU15 should cook as long as it needs to.


Standing back to assess the notion of several different versions of the sim, running concurrently, it really does make no sense. How can any dev progress while people are using countless different builds?

We all need to be on the same page, with the same sim. The logistical nightmare of trying to update and patch such a number of variables is something that doesn’t bear thinking about.


Hello @FndrStrat06,

For quick clarification, SU15 is not the last major update for MSFS(2020). Jorg announced in the last Developer Livestream that SU15 is the last major update for the remainder of this calendar year, but there are more updates planned, starting with SU16 which is tentatively targeted for early 2025.

What are the plans for supporting FS20 after FS24 is released?

[Jorg] Yeah, so I think we talked about this before. So, 2020 obviously continues throughout this year. I don’t know if you just said it and I didn’t hear you, but Sim Update 15 is the last Sim Update on FS20 for this year. Simply because we need to focus the team. But we are planning on Sim Updates for 2020 in the future. So there is a SU16 planned. It looks like it’s going to be early in 2025. And that will bring some of the features, as Martial mentioned a few earlier, like some of the things from 2024 will be backported if possible. So that’s that. And then the world, we will continue to do World Updates and City Updates and those types of things as well. And while not everything, because we’re bringing some new stuff with 2024, so not everything of that will be possible in 2020. We will continue to add new aerials, new height fields, new POIs, new airports, new TIN. All that will continue. But as far as sim updates, I mean, Seb you were the one who said we should do one or two a year. And I think that’s the current plan.



If you delete it you have to save and then back out of settings then re-enter settings activate, let it build then save again.

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Noted, I’ve updated my comment.


Hello @Cornhole2840,

Today’s update includes the new 2405 navdata cycle and (for SU15 beta users only) another round of airport corrections submitted by World Hub closed alpha participants. There are no changes that affect graphical quality or performance.

You can read more information about today’s update here:


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What update? I interrupted my flight in great anticipation of SU15 - only to find out - nothing. No update… Not cool bro.

I got an update, a small one that fixed my sim.

Sorry if you didnt get one. I did.

Ok easy - maybe you did not fly for some time? Anyways - nice to see it works for you well :slight_smile:

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Yeah sorry, i feel bad now. Ive been flying daily on a broken sim. After this update, its back, better than ever, in fact its stunning.

Sorry bro, i am just so happy to have the sim back, ive been waiting 2 months for a fix, and i assumed it may be an important update for nearly everyone.

Apologies once again.

Hello @MerlinCH65,

Whenever we release a new update, we’ll always post an announcement in News & Announcements (or Beta News for new beta builds). You can always check those locations for official announcements from the team about new releases.


Thanks Seedy!

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