Night lighting......dreadful

The sim’s night lighting was EXCELLENT before this latest update.

It now looks like it did in a late beta, and then they turned it back to what was released to the public, which was VERY good.

Now it look likes a join-the-dots world with no texture. Just points of orange lights and clusters of white lights.

It’s so disappointing. They should never have touched it.

Please Asobo, reinstate the old night lighting.


I am going to have to disagree sorry, I thought my night lighting looked good last night, especially motorways!


Prior this one was not right either! They are looking for feedback.

The main issue was the sepia mask which was off from how it look in altitude, basically day photo real in night illumination (globe light) worst in winter time. Night lighting - Terrain emits light?

That is how it would look like

They are looking to improve the sepia mask, with higher quality data, on desert still can show light, but on the last Q@A they asked if there is too much light now, since there was missing before. It need to works on global, not only low altitude VFR but both VFR and IFR.


I disagree. Night lighting in last update is much better. However, it is still far from good and very far from how it looked in the first alphas. Honestly, I can’t understand why is it so difficult to bring back most of that old night lighting that most of us loved back in the day.

Sepia mask is still being an issue, just not so strong, but it is still clearly there :frowning: but saying it is worse now is something beyond me. How is it worse now than this?:


I disagree; night lighting was worse before. You’ve clearly never seen a video of the view from an aircraft at night. Nights are actually DARK now and lights are clear and defined (probably thanks to the new AA improvements).


It’s better now then first alpha, before there was no colour variation, big light lamp bulb overdone at lower altitude, everyone one would had complained guaranty!


I fly real aircraft at night and the previous version was more realistic. As mentioned, it’s now a join-the-dots world. Yes, it’s brighter, but just so much more ‘patterned’. By the way, the autopilot is just terrible too.


I don’t think so. Anyway, I said to bring back “most” of that old lighting, about variation I too think it is better now, so I meant to bring back only the good old things of course, but I think that most of us really LOVED that old night lighting so why would the rest of people complain about it now?.

We both were here in the alpha, and as you would remember, night lighting wasn’t an “issue” AT ALL back in the day, in fact many people were flying at night and loved it (although not perfect of course) so instead of completely remove that lighting I think they should have improved it step by step, now it is kind of a mess.

And again, the ■■■■ “sepia mask” is still here at closer distances, why?

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Worst thing: all streets have those fake street lights 30m above - even streets outside of cities. And highways. They don‘t have street lights in reality (yes I know, in some countries the highways are party illuminated)! It looks really, really wrong now.

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I honestly find it much better now, and I primarily fly at night. This is a huge upgrade

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Same. I agree, Alpha night lighting looked amazing but this is better than before at least.

Perfet thanks. I don’t care about “dreadful”, I care about realistic and I’m not allowed to fly at night :slight_smile: The best I can get is looking from the top of a hill.

So is the issue that we can’t see lights from houses and the lights don’ really illuminate the ground as much as they should? I’ve only flow over one city on an island at night so far this patch so I don’t have much to go on for here.

I’m a programmer myself so “it looks bad” doesn’t help at all if I’m working on something. I need to nail down exactly how it’s wrong to be able to fix it. I’m sure Asobo is the same. Looking at videos of night flights can be very misleading. Our eyes aren’t cameras.

I’d agree is too pattern but it’s definitely better brightness, better illumination of the landscape. They should keep the brightness and the amount of lights and just make it a little bit less pattern.

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But street lights always form a pattern, often straight lines and gentle curves. So if that isn’t the pattern you and others are talking about then exactly what is missing or what is a pattern that shouldn’t be?

I think the night lighting of cities in the distance looks fantastic and what I’d think is realistic but I’m not an IFR or NVFR pilot so I’m not 100% sure. Up close it is certainly less so going by looking at my city on a big hill.


The night lighting is way better in 1.10.7. Darker ground as it is supposed to be. Much more real.

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Is every road in the world having street lights “more real” as well?

Much like live weather being borked, plenty of people are happy with things being “pretty” instead of realistic.

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I want to vomit just by looking at that. Its THAT bad. Devs completely ruined it.

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I disagree, the night lighting is far better, maybe your hardware is lacking…

no my friend, nightlighting after patch is FATAL PERIOD.
to all who say it is better now… - you have no idea what you are talking about and you do not know what it is supposed to look like, and you dont have real feeling…

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Who exactly are you talking to. Is hardware causing streetlights on EVERY road? Typical shill response.

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