Would you mind sharing a screenshot of your bravo controls for throttle / prop / mixture? I’d be most grateful.
Throttle levers 1 and 2 in the “full reverse” range:
Throttle 1 and 2 at the “bravo” idle:
Action for buttons 24 and 25 are “on press.”
Props with levers in “bravo” idle:
Mixtures in “bravo” idle:
lever 1: idle
lever 2: full reverse (can’t adjust the reverse range as the bravo “reverse” detent is only a “single press switch.”) But will go in to reverse just fine and then back to idle when you put the lever back to the idle position.
lever 3: full forward/max rpm
lever 4: full idle+“feather” detent. (doesn’t work with most planes, requiring a “mouse over” to manually put into feather.)
lever 5: full forward (fuel: flight)
lever 6: full back. Since there are no gates on the bravo, you’ll have to look at the lever to see when it senses the “ground” range, which is pretty well in the middle of the range anyway.
Taxi: fuel grounde, brakes off, a nudge of power to get moving, and then idle power again. Brakes as needed for turns, etc. Or, bump in to reverse for a bit to slow down, then back to idle.
Have fun!
Interesting, need to look at mine again ( or reinstall oO ).
Can’t find previous FCOM ( now I wish I’d saved it ), asking around.
Edit: can’t find the one I’m after, but to quote from the one on Avialogs -
There is a warning not to feather in Ground Fine or ITT might go out of limits ( expected ), and it notes the prop levers have direct control of pitch below Flight Idle ( which is normal ). There’s not really any indication on torque demand at ground fine, but for our purposes “enough to keep the prop RPM stable at 0 pitch” is probably it. You’re prohibited to run the props stably below 900rpm ( other than when feathered which isn’t relevant, because that’s prohibited below FI anyway ).
I uploaded my Checklist for the Blackbox Simulations SD360 on flightsim.to
This time the checklist is very much improvised, due to the lack of free available original documentation. Execept for Power Settings, Stall Speeds, Limits and Takeoff/Landing Procedrues, which were taken from a crew manual.
Goes against what so many people in here have actually said then, including the developers…
I’m just quoting/summarising what was there, anyway. There may be different ops guidance from different years/firms, I haven’t got a second document with that section in it yet.
This is amazing work, thank you. I can’t believe for 50,- for the premium edition there was no checklist included in the documentation.
I wish this plane also had state saving and wear and tear. And an EFB for things like pax/cargo loading and turning GPU on/off.
I agree, as nice as the aircraft is, as bad is the documentation for this addon. I wish, the dev would give us at some point at least an ingame checklist or a pdf. Cheers
Thank you!
I enjoy flying this plane ( the flying Manatee) but its nice to have a guide/checklist to go by.
I agree, but in the meantime there is an in game checklist available at flightsim.to.
I’m getting quite bad stutters, especially when panning the camera inside the cockpit. Anybody else has this too? I have a beefy system (7800x3D, 4070) and no other planes have any stutters.
I’m on dx11. What could cause this?
Is this a new issue related to a new version, or an old/existing issue? Does it occur only on the ground or in the air?
I was just browsing through the marketplace and realized that all three options for the Shorts are rated barely above 4, comparably lower compared to other high-quality models. What is making the low ratings? Is that something intrinsic about the plane, visual or performance, or the realism of simulation? I was quite believing this should be a superb study-level aircraft.
How is a number “barely above 4” considered a low rating? That’s over 80% which (in my book at least) is pretty good!
Any in particular?
I wouldn’t give too much on the rating in the Marketplace. Rather look at this thread:
The first ones that came to my mind would be C414, Kodiak, BAe146, PA-28, Vision Jet, all 4.6 or 4.7, though none of them are comparable in size/function with the Shorts. There’re many more add-ons with 4.5+ ratings. What I was curious about is the reason behind players not rating this add-on as high as the others. And I by no means disapprove of this being a quality aircraft.
I can’t tell you the reasons, but I can tell you I don’t believe I have ever rated any product in the Marketplace, no matter how good or bad.
It’s actually only in the C23A, mostly on the ground. Other versions have it much less. But I get bad stutters in the C23A on the ground.