Nvidia Hotfix Driver Version 572.24

TenPatrol, I saw your post and completely agree with you:

However, this also means that beta drivers come with the same risks, and promoting them is irresponsible—especially when you’re fully aware of those risks.

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In all fairness I don’t believe 572.16 was a beta driver? The hotfix is. The DLSS tweaks never caused me problems. It was the 572.16 driver that messed me up with MSFS24.

Having said that anyone promoting tweaks, registry hacks, or whatever should warn that doing so is at the users own risk and could cause system instability.

I have read the feedback over at Nvidia and there are horror stories related to 572.16 and the hotfix hasn’t fixed everything. It’s a mess.

I believe Microsoft/Asobo should take action and somehow flag such topics or posts (e.g. as “unsupported”), ideally through a dedicated, technically skilled forum manager. This hacking voodoo, spreading like a plague, is becoming a serious problem, harming the product, the developers, and the entire community.

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Nvidia did the most harm. I blame them 100%. But yeah, some kind of moderation might be helpful to some. I think most like to experiment with tweaks, I know I do. But all the tweaks posted did not cause me the problems the latest Nvidia driver did.

Actually 572.16 should have been labeled as a beta along with all the associated risks.

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If my memory serves me right, you’re having issues even with older driver versions and also experiencing some kind of high CPU usage problem.

Anyway, you’re right about the mess. Many players have gone back to older driver versions, which is fine. There are also players who still want to test the game in its beta version along with the beta driver and that’s perfectly fine too.

There are also players who tweak their system and the game and that’s okay too - as long as they remember what changes they made and know how to revert them if needed.

That applies to recommendations like choosing the “C,J,E” profile in Nvidia Profile Inspector as well - that software is part of the HackingVoodoo group …

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Are you absolutely sure your system is voodoo-free™? :slight_smile:

Otherwise, you might want to wipe your drive and reinstall everything with default settings. I mention this because on my freshly installed, voodoo-free™ PC (9800X3D + 4080 Super), the 572.16 driver and NVIDIA app work flawlessly for MSFS 2020 (including DLSS 4 without the need for any junky swappers or inspectors).

and DX12 not 11 :wink:

Right and that all started after installing 572.16 then using DDU to uninstall and then installing the 566.14 driver. Didn’t help.

The only way I could resolve it after installing the 566.14 driver was to leave the beta. Reinstall the game. Verify the loop was gone. Then rejoin the beta.

I still have higher than normal CPU usage after MSFS2024 loads with either SU-1 or SU-2 but it only lasts for less than two minutes. I still feel there is a loop going on but with 572.16 the loop remained consistent and would not go away. Before I installed 572.16 I know there was no high CPU usage after the game loaded using SU-1. So yeah, something still isn’t quite right.

Regarding MSFS2020, I didn’t have problems using the 572.16 driver and DX12. However my system magically rebooted while playing the game. I think I was using DX11 when this happened. I was getting so frustrated I don’t remember…lol.

Anyway bottom line is 572.16 isn’t worth the risk right now even with the hotfix…at least not for me.

You most likely experienced a CTD after installing driver 572.16 because MSFS 2020 was running in DX11
You didn’t have any CTDs with DX12 (beta) selected.

Like I said above I had 572.16 working in MSFS2020 with the K preset and I verified with the registry hack to display it. Same with MSFS2024. It’s the consistent high CPU usage using deriver 572.16 after MSFS 2024 loads that I don’t like.

I am not going to do a fresh reinstall of windows at this time. I have thought about wiping my D drive to see if that helps. We’ll see.

Most likely yes because it was running DX12 and then I changed to DX11. But it wasn’t just a CTD. It was a complete reboot…lol. And I know my CPU and GPU wasn’t overheating.

This works perfectly

I discovered that dlls ultra performance forced preset F, not allowing J or K

With performance or higher, all profiles available


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Thatnks for info mate.

Thanks. Appreciate you checking and responding.

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they said in the developer live stream today that dlss 4 will become native just in SU_2 . so pretty clear that we don t have to botter anymore with configs and tests … thats it


A post was split to a new topic: FS2020 CTD Halfway Through Loading

Many many ctd with this hotfix

It’s alway good to know with troubleshooting if you are in beta or not.
Since I have msfs2024 I had never never CTD’s or freezes. I have a midrange pc (Intel Core I7 10700K,rtx 4070dual, 64gig ram with the flighsim and C: drive on a 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 separately. I use my flightsim mostly daily. (I’am not in beta)

A new version of the NVIDIA driver is now available for download.
Nvidia Game Ready Driver 572.42 - User Support Hub / Install, Performance & Graphics - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I just tried 572.42 under DX11 and nvidia app installed CTD half way on loading screen, remove nvidia app, solves the problem

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