OAT of 248 C ?! (Impacts negatively on aircraft performance and autopilot function)

Every test flight I havee done in beta, does NOT have the temperature jump at high altitudes.

This is what it should do
This is what it does

Is anyone claiming it is NOT fixed in the latest beta ??

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Everyone, please keep the beta discussion in the beta forums. Thank you.

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Climbing out of VHHH temperature jumped to over 200c. Can we please fix this? It has gone on too long.

Yep, another solar flare hit me tonight. I was able to get a couple of fights in with no issues with live weather then…
I’m going to test tonight to see if it only happens in a certain place, or maybe its a certain time as it was this time last night it screwed up a flight.

Flying from MMMY to MMMX tonight, as soon as I took off temperature went to over 200°, I had to turn off real weather, I just thought this problem had been fixed a week ago.

yup… just got the temp spike above FL320. have to switch to preset weather when cruising.

Has anyone with this problem tried my work around or are they actually happy bellyaching away? “I only encountered this problem when I set real weather in the world map (FLIGHT CONDITIONS). If I set clear weather and then spawn and THEN set real weather the problem seems to disappear.”


I will give this a go next flight.

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It seems to work for me. :kissing_heart:

The sim is slowly becoming an orgy of workarounds…

Well so far so good using the @billgranada workaround after 20 mins in the same area where I was prevously pretty much instantly hit with the temp bug after take off. Well played bill, well played :slight_smile:

Or join the beta, where it is also fixed

I’m steam user…

You’re welcome to join the party

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Oh… Didn’t know that. I probably didn’t notice. Thank you very much! :grinning:

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No probs - you can make sure you always get announcements like this flagged to you if you want by clicking on the little bell at the top right of a forum section (in this case the News and Announcements section):

See the little blue bell on the far right next to “New Topic”

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Thanks but I’m not a Beta sort of a person. This work around is for most people until we receive the update from those above.

I get that, but for those complaining about the workaround…

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I encountered the temp spike again today…and y this seems to be getting worse where i encountered the spike even at level 3000- 4000 instead of prev above 26000… basically i cant fly live weather anymore!!

As far as i know it has not been address and until this issue is fixed…not one has the god given rights to ask another consumer who pay for it to shutup…seems like certain grp just dont get this point and seems determine to play the hero huh

You want to try and be hero pls go somewhere where else got it…

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Sorry for current live version …nope…NOT FIXED. Got it? Fixed in beta is = NOT FIXED!!.. not everyone want to risk reinstallation later on to play beta period…