[Official] Community Fly-In Friday: World Tour Stage 13: Madrid to Lisbon

We will be hosting an Official Fly-in alongside a group of community members (you!) on Twitch. This is an open event, free to all who would like to fly along with us and available to pilots of all skill levels. The goal is to have a great time, explore new locations of the world, and make new friends. This event is open to pilots on both the PC and Xbox platforms.

Hosted by @SeedyL3205, @simtom2, @AlyKatz, and @SimFlightPro
When: Friday, April 19 @ 1800Z for two hours.
Where: The Official Twitch Channel of MSFS

There will also be a Discord event channel open for those who want to voice chat with other members of the community.

Please see below for details on the upcoming Fly-In Event:


The Community Fly-In Friday World Tour continues!

This week, we’re flying across the Iberian Peninsula from Madrid :es: to Lisbon :portugal:!

Our flight starts where we left off last time at LEMD, the Spanish capital. Our first destination will be the Spanish city of Toledo. From there, we will fly westbound to Coimbra, a city of historic and cultural significance and home to Portugal’s first university. We will then turn south towards the capital city of Lisbon.

Be sure to install the free World Update VIII: Iberia from the in-sim Marketplace for the best experience during this flight.

Pilots on PC can download the .pln file here:
2024-04-19 World Tour Stage 13 Madrid to Lisbon.PLN (4.4 KB)

We will be starting at LEMD. Please load your aircraft 10 minutes prior to take off and taxi over to the runway in preparation for departure.


Recommended aircraft: Daher TBM 930, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MU-2, Dornier Do 31, or any aircraft of your choice with a cruise speed of about 200 knots.


Please adhere to the following settings so you can see everyone / be seen by everyone.

Variable Setting
Server SE Asia
Multiplayer All Players
Live traffic As preferred
Weather Few Clouds
Time of Day Daytime

It is advised in this flight to turn off both aircraft collisions and terrain collisions. If you do crash, you can use “slew” mode to join the pack. If the pack will be too scattered before the first stop, we will use slew on a defined point to regroup.


To communicate with others, a voice channel on the "Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Discord” at https://discord.gg/msfs will be available to join.


This is meant to be a fun and informal flight. Everybody is welcome, no matter the amount of experience.

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Can we seriously get all the points on the flight plan? I’ve asked for this before. But for the Xbox peasants that can’t use the flight plan file sure be nice to know all the points and not just guess.

Hello @Phenix3st,

Every waypoint is clearly shown on the map in the OP. You should be able to re-create the flight plan on Xbox without any difficulty.


Opening the .PLN file in Notepad the route is:

Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas Airport (LEMD)
MVRDV - Mirador
Santiago Bernabeu Stadium
Royal Palace of Madrid
Aerodromo de Algodor Airport (LEMQ)
Alcazar of Toledo
El Tietar Airport (LETI)
Las Hurdes
Serra da Estrela (Radar Station)
Estadio Citade de Coimbra
Coimbra Airport (LPCO)
Humberto Delgado Airport (LPPT)

There are random points on the map. I can estimate and get close. But if I have the actual name of the points or the coordinates that are shown in the flight plan that would help.

Hello @Phenix3st,

There are no random points on the map. Every waypoint is either an airport or a named POI.


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Maybe said before suggestion:

Before and after takeoff announce the leaders are circling the airport, climbing to the suggested height and getting to the desired group speed.

Try and get everyone into formations or close to one another before announcing ‘departing the airport.’

At waypoints, circle for a short time to allow regroup.

Sorry if old stuff, I’ve only joined a few so far but want to be a regular.

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That’s very nice, thank ya’ll.
Cheers. :coffee:

I had to swap LETG in for LEMQ, which did not appear in the Navigraph database for me.


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Took a bit of a different tour between airports, stuff I’ve read/seen in movies and other fascinations made me detour and take my own route, but the airports stayed the same:

If you have access to a computer, consider opening the PLN in LittleNavMap.

That should give you access to all the lat/long coordinates for all the waypoints allowing you to manually program a GPS if needed (HINT: Change to latl/long format to decimal degrees in LNM settings)

The PLN is just a text/xml file so even without out one you should able to get them by opening the file on a text editor on your mobile. Just need to convert the lat/long into decimal degrees and enter them into the search box to add waypoints

Here’s a useful tool:
Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal Degrees Coordinates (latlong.net)


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Unfortunately I could not make it this Friday but I’ll be sure to catch up with this fpl to join for the next leg!

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