Official Discussion: Game of the Year Edition

Is there any discount for Standard owners to upgrade to Premium yet?


Based on Jörg’s comments in the last Q&A, it appears that the main change will be a blending of all real-time METAR parameters with the pre-calculated MeteoBlue weather model.

Live Weather has been using METAR wind, temperature and pressure for airports for many months, but the “visible” elements of the METAR: (clouds, precipitation and visibility), have not been used - those elements still come from the MeteoBlue model. Apparently they have found away to blend in those additional real-time METAR parameters to the model weather, and that will be implemented in the GOTYE/SU7 version of the sim in November.

The upcoming update may also include more control over visibility than the current “particle density” system. Visibility in r/w aviation is expressed in terms of miles or kilometers, (or yards or meters for low IFR conditions). Whether that will be part of the GOTYE update remains to be seen.

As far as more cloud types, I don’t expect that to be implemented in the next update. The developers have hinted that there will be an even bigger overhaul of the entire Live Weather system coming later - (at some point in 2022). Many users of MSFS have complained that there is no true cirrus cloud type in the sim, and hopefully more cloud types will be coming in the future.

Perhaps there will be more specific info on the changes that will be coming to the weather system in the next Q&A tomorrow.


Thanks for the effort in improving MSFS. Could it be possible that most of the update comes outside the mandatory portion, to be able to download airports, missions, “races”, etc., from the Content Manager as you wish?. Thanks in advance

Great surprise, THANKS!

will this be already included in premium deluxe?

Well, the devs said they have no clue what a collimated hud is and totally skirted the question regarding supersonic flight support other than saying the F-18 speed will be per POH. Don’t expect much… 🤦🏻

This evenings Q+A was interesting. Next month is going to be incredibly exciting for the sim. The Reno air races look amazing fun. It makes a lot of sense to buy the full Reno air race pack. Coupled together with the free GOTY aircraft we’ll have 45 new planes in the sim. Where to start…:slight_smile:


great news, thank you

Will this update have…

  1. The Northern Lights? (Aurora Borealis)
  2. A Royal Canadian Air Force livery for the F-18 Super Hornet?

It won’t have the Northern lights, thats scheduled for next year.

It will have the F-18 Hornet and it sounds fantastic. I’m so glad Asobo are releasing it now and not bothering to wait until the Top Gun DLC.


I hope that they fix the boats in game. If they give us aircraft carrier, I don’t want it submerged half way or worse… not even there

I don’t know why people assume there is going to be a carrier in this update at all.

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Not to be ‘that’ guy, but i’ve never seen water masking work like this.

I’ve only ever seen it work like this…

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they are definitely out there, but they are not a global thing

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I did say IF but they had said earlier it will be 2022 before we see one. My point is to fix boat traffic before hand.

■■■■, that looks good. Shame it’s a complicated system to only work properly in some locations. I’ll have to hunt some down.

(apparently d a m n is a swear word now).

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Agreed, I was just piggybacking off your comment. Many seem to assume the F-18 is coming with an aircraft carrier. Based on what was said of GOTY, I don’t think we will see one.


I think this is the same location, not 100% sure though. Lots of other locations posted in this thread that are worth checking out!

Awesome, thanks. I’ll check them out.

Davide said the HUD will be collimated in the dev Q&A…

Not sure why you’re so negative about it already.