something strange is happening to me la
sometimes my world map is bugged with offline textures tiles in it. When I launch the flight from this bugged map I see several offlines tiles poping around my plane. (those offline textures are not related to clouds/poor imagery)
It happens from time to time, sometimes my worl map loads normaly, and the flight has only online textures, sometimes I have to restart my computer to get things back to normal.
tried with and without mods.
Have you experimented such a bug?
thanks for your time.
thanks for your answer.
no, the issue you link seems more LOD related. Mine is: some tiles, squares of landscape that can’t load online textures, so they will load offline textures. So in flight perhaps 90% of landscape is online, and 10% is offline. I will upload an ingame screen if the bug comes again.
thanks! I’ve already seen this topic.
but while the result may be the same, the cause isn’t:
I quote
“When LOD is missing from the satellite imagery, the sim injects texture to prevent a white or empty tile on the grid.”
I tried a spot that sometimes work ok (online textures all the way), sometimes not (some offline textures mixed with online). The same spot. So if it’s able to load ok at least once, then it"s probably not an imagery LOD issue you see?
The strange thing is that if the bug occurs when I boot my pc, then I can launch MSFS several times in the same session and the bug is always there. The contrary is also true: If MSFS is ok when I start the PC, it stays ok if I launch it several times in this session. The changes happen when I reboot my PC…
I installed the new dlss v3.1.1 and launched the game, no problem whatsoever. Let’s see if it works over time, I will report back. Thanks for your suggestion. Does it mean that I have to put the new dll each time the game is updating?