OpenXR Toolkit (upscaling, world scale, hand tracking...) - Release thread

Small update: I was hoping, through the fps gain through ffr, that I could also use clouds with a render scale of 150% in openxr, so far I couldn’t do that, now it’s possible :smiley:

my settings so far:

i want to play with clouds on high/ultra

open xr 100%

If I want to play with the highest possible render scale via openxr, I simply set the clouds to medium and it still runs great with locked 30 fps!!!

in small planes, the ffr works absolutely great, as long as you don’t have a digital display like in the a320, i have to fine-tune this a bit :slight_smile:

much love!!!

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Thanks for the detailed explanation. Great job on this continuous effort by the way. It’s no small feat what you’re doing. Thanks on behalf of everybody!

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also it’s nice that you have built in the option to choose between 22.5, 30 and 45 locked fps :slight_smile:

currently i don’t feel like i have to be sad that i canceled my aero!

it runs so beautifully smooth, with MR and the high openxr settings


So I did some tests on my side, with a Quest 2:

  • I’ll wait for FFR to be (maybe) available with the Oculus runtime because switching to SteamVR makes me lose 10fps straight away (which is a bit crazy to be honest, I’ve no idea why), so I cannot compare before and after.
  • New menu is cool and easy to use.
  • Unfortunately, graphics tweaks don’t get rid of the overexposure, but I wasn’t expecting any miracle here. That said, I pushed Contrast to 50.1% for better blacks (very visible in the C152 cockpit, above this value, it’s too much already) and Saturation Red: 38%, Green: 38%, Blue: 35%. I end up with a less saturate and less blue (more realistic to me, this is especially visible on the mountains) picture:



And of course, like the others, a big thank you to you guys for your work!


I just want to throw in my huge “thank you” to all those who worked on this release. I tried it in DX12 as I am on 6800XT. It was first time hitting 48fps in VR (Reverb G2) with OXR150% FSR75% SIM100%. The gain is about 15-20% in using wide/quality mode. Unfortunately, the DX12 is horribly shaky at the moment, and I will have to wait until Asobo optimizes the sim in the next few months. Love the new interface and brightness/contrast filter as well. Thanks once again for supporting the VR community. You guys rock!


Thank you for reporting BTW, you are the first AMD feedback we have. I am still actively exploring how to make this work with DX11, and you’ll be the first to know if we manage to do it (but I’m not even sure it is possible…)!


Just stopping here to say a BIG thank you for what you have achieve. I can’t wait testing that tonight.


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Hum, I was just reading that members here installed the new version on top of the new one. I did the same but in the release page it say:

-Please uninstall previous versions of the tool before installing the new one.

I was just wondering if I didn’t understand something.

Sorry, French person here.


Pas de probleme :slight_smile:

It looks like a stale comment from when we had a bug with the installer. I will remove this statement. Thanks for reporting it!

Thank you for not leaving out us the Radeon users. Often we get neglected as most are on the green team. Don’t mind waiting until the dx12 matures. But even in it’s current state, really good to know that FFR works. Didn’t really notice any visual degradation and the frame seems very stable. The sim just have terrible shaking with head movement at the moment with dx12. Even with motion predicting maxed out.

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Did you try “shaking reduction” in the Inputs menu? Try -20% or -40%.

Will do and report back.

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@mbucchia just wanted to say thank you for the continuing work on this toolkit. Total gamechanger for vr users in MSFS.

Its really appreciated. Cheers.


Game changer indeed. This has been the greatest imrpovement to my VR experience in MSFS since the launch of VR for MSFS.

Amazing work as always @mbucchia


■■■■■■■■■■■! It’s 04;44 in the morning here in UK and I have to get up and try this!!
Wife says it’s taking over my life :innocent: :grinning:
Thanks to the developers for all their efforts.


Is anybody changing anything in the NCP or running stock settings? Thanks

Oh, merci beacoup. Thank you so much.

Fantastic Job. Huge thanks to the developers. One question: The FPS readout is at eyeball level on my G2. Is there a way to relocate the readout to be higher up on the windshield?


Truly outstanding work. For the love of god find some way for us to donate to the team please.

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Thank you SOOO MUCH Matthieu and CaptLucky8! This amazing piece of software has made a HUGE difference! It’s made me very content with my 3070 and has stopped me pining for something more powerful! You guys are lengends! Please create a donate link! :slight_smile: