OpenXR Toolkit (upscaling, world scale, hand tracking...) - Release thread

I don’t have any problems, I just reported that I have VRS RTV at 0, for the rest I have no particular settings, OXR 100, game 100, Tool at 100. the sim is fine, I just wanted to understand what this value meant.

I know you don’t want to hear this but its exactly the same problems for me with the stuttering. Game has played absolutely fine without this tool for the last few days but as soon as I installed it within seconds the horendous frame drop is there again. Start in 2D and then enable VR once its on the runway and the game is unplayable. Start in VR, got to 2D and then back to VR and the frames drop. Start in VR and fly over some complicated scenery and the frames drop. Every time you have to quit the game and restart it to get the frames back.

Uninstalled the tool and its perfect again. Don’t forget this is on a totally stock, newly formatted machine with absolutely no settings changed or other programs installed.

Another thing, I know that MR is either 30 or 23 fps (and some other numbers) why does the tool state 1/3, 1/4 etc. that means absolutely nothing to me, its like when people mention the render scale, in the game and open XR it quite clearly shows a sliding scale in percent but people constantly talk about 0.6 or 0.35 or some other random number that has absolutely no bearing on what we are seeing. Is this some sort of geeks forum I shouldn’t really be on, like car forums when they impress each other by calling a 3 series an E46 or whatever it is.

Render Scaling In Game & OpenXR = 100%

OpenXR Toolkit Settings:
Rendering = FSR @ 60%
Sharpness 10%
mip-map = conservative
locked motion reprojection = unlocked
FFR - Preset, Quality, Balanced
Brightness = 50
Contrast = 50.2 (improves the blacks in the G2 nicely, anything higher and it’s too much in the cockpit, not flown at night yet)
Saturation = Global
Adjustment = 60% (give the world a more lifelike/vibrant colour)
World Scale = 115%
FOV = 92%

Conclusion; Well the Benchmarks speak for themselves really, the extra performance from this (simply amazing) Toolkit is astounding for me and my System (i9-9900k, 2070SUPER, 32gb RAM, Reverb G2). I’ve still got a bit of tinkering to do with this and then the in game graphical options, but for now here are the results…enjoy!

(Top result includes FFR turned ON, middle result is to show a comparison with it OFF)


Hey Flobud - I have the same experience with SteamVR’s OpenXR runtime. Consistently performs at least 10FPS worse than the Oculus runtime. Ah well hopefully FFR will work at some point with the Oculus OpenXR.

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I also had this behaviour with motion repro since using FS2020. With or without Toolkit, its the same for me. My solution is when i get low frame rates and jitter with repro (or switching from 2D into VR when flying, where this jitter and low frame rate issue occurs every time): go into settings and go back from 100% Render Scaling to lowest (30%), then apply. After that press Ctrl-Alt-Del (Headset gets black) and immediately after that press ESC. Headset normal again and framerate increases to very high numbers. Then go back to 100% render scale in Sim and apply.

But you can then dial down the scaler of OpenXR Toolkit a bit, so that this situation will be prevented when flying.

@mbucchia: Do you think this behaviour is some Bug of OpenXR Motion Repro? You wrote somewhere about the algorithm which finds out to what frame rate to lock (22.5, 30, 45) and i think this could be triggered to be reset when pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL. Because before doing this workaround i get just some 5-15fps (with very low GPU utilization) and after this workaround it is perfectly above 22.5. Perhaps this also has something to do with the WMR-Cliffhouse triangle animation when switching to VR? It could be that this animation leads to frames of MSFS which can not displayed and MSFS or OpenXR keeps trying to render old frames and does not discard them?

@mbucchia and Team:

what a tool, it gives me a performance boost of about 10 FPS with the same settings but I have NIS and FSr off. I use OTT with SS 1.5 and get 30 FPS from the ground up with one setting, mind you, with a 1070Ti and Quest 2 via link cable. The hand tracking works absolutely fantastic, even if it takes some getting used to. Thanks to everyone involved, you are a blessing to the VR world of MSFS. Please add a donation button so I can give you something back!!!

Edit: i forgot the Contrast etc. funktions that makes the Sim also look not so brighty anymore fantastic


Well, it’s official. You guys are geniuses! I’ve just had the best experience of my VR life - flying the DC-6 in between the New York skyscrapers, super smooth experience and just beautiful. This new version is awesome, combined with me sorting out some of the other settings I’ve been tinkering with.

System: i9 10900k, RTX 3080, 64GB RAM, Reverb G2

I’d been getting good results, not brilliant, with the previous version. I kept getting a lot of judder in the cockpit, and so I was bumping up the shaking reduction, but wasn’t helping and so kept turning down the in game render scale and the OXR render scale and 80% FSR. Ended up with them at 80/80 and it was “OK” - still a bit juddery. I think I just got it all in a muddle.

Installed this new version, and reset everything - render scales 100/100, 80% FSR, medium/high settings in the sim and turned off the shake reduction. And there it was - awesome - and that’s when I realised I had been jacking up the shake reduction way too much. I have it on 10% now and it’s perfect. I tried locking the reprojection to 1/3, but found the view ahead fine, but out the side window, looking down at the ground slightly stuttery, so turned that off and it’s buttery smooth. Tried FFV too, but was getting the artefacts on the horizon, but actually I’m CPU limited anyway, so this made no appreciable difference as expected. I turned down brightness to 45% and contrast up to 50.1% (contrast is REALLY sensitive for me - anything above that made the dials in the DC6 way too dark) and turned up global saturation to 65%.

So I now have 100/100 on the in game and OXR render scale, 80% FSR, 80% sharpness, 10% shaking reduction. It is sharp, clear, lots more contrast and super smooth.

Reducing brightness too much makes the image too “flat”, and so overall the image is still too light for me - I think it needs a gamma correction or something like that - no idea if that’s possible, but in the meantime 45% birghtness, 50.1% contrast and 65% saturation looks as good as I can get it.

And it’s a thing of beauty. My only frustration is that I can’t share that with you all.

Can’t thank you enough for doing this - truly awesome.


Please blame your math teacher, if you do not understand the basics, but it is never too late to learn: Introduction to Percents


I checked the detailed stats as you said and noticed both App CPU and App GPU hovering around 27000 - not much difference between both values, they tend to stay within +/- 1000 of each other.

By the way, the Hand Tracking feature has become my favorite of this release. After tweaking the settings (brilliant of you guys to include such a useful config tool that takes effect on the fly), it feels like a whole new sim! I can fly with my HOTAS, take off a hand from the controls and flick some switches seamlessly, no more searching around for mouse or motion controllers or fighting with the throttle’s imprecise mouse stick. Absolutely amazing to up immersion another level!


Incredible evolution with the introduction of FFR :slight_smile:
With Quality and Wide settings I can’t see almost any quality downgrade and gain the 5-6 fps I missed to keep 30 fps with MR.

Thank you so much Matthieu and contributors!


Great new version! Like the new color and contrast settings. However I can’t get FFR to work. When activated the headset goes black, only the OpenXR menu stays visible?
Quest2 with link cable and SteamVR runtime…

First proper flight just now;

  • FPS was fluctuating quite a bit, sometimes not noticeable but others there was a clear lag (MSI Afterburner showed a dip in GPU). But I’m not sure whether this is attributed to this mod or SU8, I did get this before SU8 but they seemed more apparent today, could always be a different mod altogether causing it as well so it’s hard to pinpoint exactly.

  • With FFR on I noticed some black lines in the peripheral vision, at first I kept turning my head towards them and they if course disappeared. Once I got used to then being there they didn’t bother me at all, they seemed to be coming from mountain/hill tops through cloud.

  • FPS overall is very much improved as my benchmarks above prove, for the first time I’m seeing 40-45fps with the same in game settings as before. I have since upped a few game graphical settings and raised the toolkit render to 62% with possible room for another increase. The FPS does drop on the ground, especially as large airports with AIG traffic but that’s to be expected, the trade off when in the air is worth it.

  • With the detailed FPS readout the CPU was 18,000 (+/- 1000), and the GPU 21,000 (+/- 1000). No idea if that’s good or not…!

  • First impressions, well yeah, this Toolkit is an absolute game changer…'nuff said!


I’m getting the black lines on the horizon too. I think they’re limited to the outer ring. Otherwise this update seems amazing for frame rate.

Not sure if I installed it correctly because I installed over the original instead of uninstalling before updating.

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I get the black lines too, but only on 1/16 resolution. if I set the outer ring to 1/8, they are completely gone. Your mileage may vary, but give it a try. Light shafts off definitely helps aswell.


Hi. Tried latest version of tool
Works great using dx11. Turned of ffr and still ran.

Switched to dx12 and left options alone with ffr on and now CTD as soon as I switch to vr.

Will turn off ffr later and try dx12 again. Was late and going bed.

Thanks for the great tool. Makes a big difference in dx11. Getting 31fps solid, but still getting a stutter when I look out of cockpit left or right. Looking forward and it’s all smooth.

Will mess about later on today again after my work.:+1:


Toned down Reds, so the fire switches don’t look like colored in bloody lipstick anymore.


“but still getting a stutter when I look out of cockpit left or right. Looking forward and it’s all smooth.”

This is what I’m experiencing, I’ve been trying different settings and still getting frames drops looking left but it’s smooth looking forward and right.

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Thanks Matthieu and Cpt Lucky!

This is amazing. I’m impressed and can finally enjoy the sim again.

Bravo to you both


Absolutely Amazing!!
Same settings as before + FFR Quality - Wide, almost 10 fps more than with the previous version.

I remember thinking just a few months back, if I could get the full 100% clarity of OpenXR.
Well, now I do.

Only thing I miss, to really cry of joy, would be an Exposure, control. Like the one we get on external Drone camera, if Im not mistaken.

That’s my whole wishlist for the next version.

Thank you!!


I am getting this microstutering too. I’m pretty sure SU8 brought this along with it, it’s really annoying and wasn’t there previously, at least not to this noticeable extent.

I seem to have have intermittent phases of 10-15 seconds smooth, then 10-15 seconds with microstutters/framedrops, then smooth again… all while mainting 45 FPS locked solid.

It’s really annoying because the FPS have never been so good and those microstutters are kind of messing it up!! I really want to find out how to fix this. It’s clearly CAPABLE of running 100% smooth, but only does about 50% of the time.

The other weird thing is that it’s only really noticeable on the landscape passing by left or right, everything else seems smooth.