Options menu disappeared

Yes only the one

I am having the same problem as you. I’m running the MS Store version, no add-ons at all. (Re-downloaded the game yesterday because my machine was crashing). Deleted the fs-base folder, started the game, got the files redownloaded and the same thing happens to me. Except now, I’m not seeing the Dune start-up screens.

Confermo che sono su STEAM.
NON ero nella BETA di SU15

Moderator Edit:

I confirm that they are on STEAM.
I was NOT in the BETA of SU15

Ho disinstallato MSFS da STEAM.
Ho cancellato completamente la cartella di Microsoft Flight simulator che si trova in:C/USER/MYNAME/APPDATA/ROAMING/MSFS
Ho scaricato nuovamente Microsoft Flight simulator da STEAM.
Ho riavviato il PC.
Ho fatto partire Microsoft Flight Simulator e tutto funziona nuovamente.

CM Edit:
I have uninstalled MSFS from STEAM.
I have completely canceled the Microsoft Flight Simulator banner which is found in: C/USER/MYNAME/APPDATA/ROAMING/MSFS
We have recently downloaded Microsoft Flight simulator from STEAM.
Ho riavviato il PC.
Now Microsoft Flight Simulator will start and everything will work again.

The Dune start-up sreens were removed from the sim yesterday, so you won’t see that anymore.

I am also having issues with the menu loading screen after the update, my planes are also pink and checkered and nothing loads properly. Before the update, everything was fine and working properly. To answer your question, no I was not in Sim Update 15 beta or nothing like that. I installed the game, reinstalled it clean and I still get the same problems, please release a patch or something. I can’t even enjoy it and its been like this since the update came out.

I encountered the same problems after Update 15. Unable to open Options or Profile, same weird textures and colours. I am reinstalling for the 3rd time, but I’m not feeling confident of success
after long16 hours downloading. My edition is MS Store ,OS Windows 11

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MSFS2020 Update issued to Sim today May 30,has resolved my problems with the Options , Profile and weird textures and colours.

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After downloading the entire game last night, having it work, the new update killed me and sent me back to where I was before I downloaded it. No Options or Profile menus, incorrect world map background. Full download #3 :frowning:

I’m having the exact same issue, hopefully this roles out quickly on mine, couldn’t even fly the new A20N from Inibuilds, kept crashing

Msfs 2020 introduced almost almost 4 years ago. Would’ve hoped the various issues in this would’ve been fixed before 2024 lands in the stores. It certainly has put me off considering the new sim.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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FYI: I have the same issue and have seen one more.


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I also have this issue any fix found yet?

There is a workaround for it. What’s happened is that there are some corrupted files.

See this post above:

Tried it and sadly nothing happened no 7gb update guess I’ll just wait to there is hopefully a fix thanks anyway

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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Are you using DX11 or DX12?

Are you using DLSS?

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Both my Steam versions have become unusable since latest updates. Horrendous. Re installed on both PC’s no differance!

Where do I get this update?

Hi @simon4188 ,
I believe @DashedTie870708 was referring to this update, which is installed automatically if you don’t already have it:

I had the same problem and this worked a treat. Thank you so much

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Did anyone solve it?