People are starting to get a little to full of themselves around here

A community is only as good as its members.

There is a published code of conduct / community guidelines that set the framework for this forum that all users agree to abide by through their participation here.

In a community of this size, with thousands of new posts per day, the moderator team do rely on the help of the community to alert them to posts that do not conform to the community guidelines.

If you are aware of another forum user’s post breaking these guidelines then please report the post for the attention of the moderator team. There are two ways this can be achieved:
a) Use the flag icon at the bottom of the specific post (which is an option for forum users who are TL2 and above)
b) Create a private message addressed to @moderators (which is an option for forum users who are TL1 and above)

More information concerning the forums etc. can be found in the welcome post found here.