Performance Loss with SU14 - Discussion Topic

only using 25-55% of my gpu. the more updates the worse the optimization gets. i used to get 40-70fps on high settings now I get half that.



There are ton of helpful threads about this, check out


Same problem here.
Big loss on overall smoothness, since lastupdate.
Add to the stutters of FNWa32NXā€¦ itā€™s discouraging.

X3 TV : 1440p + 2160p + 1440p
Set to high (LOD in ultra is too heavy)ā€¦

5800x3d / 4080 / 32Gb


I was disappointed with SU14, but I decided to double the frame rate with the FSR3 Frame genaration mod. It has been proven with RTX3000/2000 and GTX cards even without the RTX4000 series. However, the FSR3 has a slight screen shaking problem.

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I always think that FSR was dedidacted for AMDā€™s GPUā€¦ I run a RTX4080, should I run it?

It would be better to run DLSS3 on RTX4080. Although FSR3 increases the frame rate tremendously, there are still problems. It seems like there are still issues with using it in VR.
For RTX3000/2000 and GTX cards, FSR3 is the only choice.

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I have noticed that for me even though i have multiplayer swifched off, during a flight or when i have just landed if i switch multiplayer on press apply then switch off again and return to cockpit i regain about 10fps ive lost during flight. It may be just my computer? I now do this a few mins before landing and i got the switch on and off down to about 4 seconds, its a bit of a emersion killer but it gives a much smoother approach and landing. Perhaps somebody could give it a go to see if it works for you.

Its a weird one. Its like everyone has their own niggle that drops FPS. But it looks like its CPU related regardless of your computer.


Thatā€™s my thinking too. But what have they done to cause it. And then what can be done to remedy it. Iā€™d like to think that they are reading the forum and trying to sort it. It would be good of them to at least have some sort of communication with us.


So guys, MSFS will always remain a mystery in terms of performance: today for some reason my values for the assistance and realism settings were reset to default (those of you who joined the SU14 Beta, know very well what I mean :smiling_face_with_tear:). Iā€™ve changed everything to my settings again, and when I started the flight, Iā€™ve noticed that the performance was on SU13 level again. Meaning way less stutters. Way smoother. All of the suddenā€¦ Maybe it was something on the server side. But whatever it was: donā€™t change it! :rofl:

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I really hope you are right - Them reading these posts - Even if they donā€™t fix the issue, at least tell us they acknowledge that there is one. Its like we have to make so much noise for them to realize that there is a problemā€¦ and things get mean (Really including myself here) and thatā€™s just because there is no communication from their side


The other performance ā€˜fixā€™ worth trying right now seems to relate to rolling cache file filling up. Others have reported it, but it seems to be causing an issue perf wise when it becomes full and has to replace data.

I switch about where I fly quite a bit so my (8GB, PC) rolling cache gets filled up.
It manifests as stutters when this happens. It goes away completely if you delete & recreate the rolling cache file.

An example was I spawned at KTUS two nights ago & was taxiing for takeoff and saw a few perf issues. I decided to take off anyway, but about 100ft off the ground visuals became a stuttery mess. I paused sim, deleted and recreated rolling cache, unpaused flight and it was back to being smooth perf again. There is definitely a rolling cache when itā€™s full issue going on right now.


Absolutely and 100 per cent :+1: :+1: :+1:

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It would appear that you are not the only one lamenting the apparent lack of communication :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:



As had been discussed and mentioned ad infinitum, the communication issues lies directly during the beta periods when there is zero feedback from the developers themselves - this must simply improve. Not too mention the whole beta period needs an urgent overhaul, as proven with recent betas itā€™s practically useless, we report issues, they donā€™t get fixed, so whatā€™s the pointā€¦

But I digress, the main issue here is the obvious performance loss from SU13 to SU14 that many of us suffered from, same Windows install, no other updates installed, a straight simulation update and performance drops. This was mentioned in beta, this was ignored in beta, that is fact, I do not believe they wouldā€™ve missed this internally if they have proper in house testing procedures, in fact thereā€™s no way they couldā€™ve missed it in my opinion which makes it more worrying.


It does seem that itā€™s a case of let us feel that we are part of the ā€œteam ā€œ but weā€™ll do what we want anyway. A simple ā€œ we can see that something that we have done is causing issues for a number of you we donā€™t know what it is but we are looking into it ā€œ. For me it would at least acknowledge that they were listening.
And yes it is making me very angry too.


Worth a try but I donā€™t have rolling cache disable and still have the noticeable issue since su14


Yes, not saying it is the only/main issue that anyone is seeing. What I will say is I donā€™t remember this being an issue (for me) before SU14.

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oooh my gosh, exactly!


This is very worrying I agree.

For issues to make it in the final update when those issues are unknown is understandable. However, when those issues are known and in fact reported upon by a large number of beta testers it is far beyond understanding not to mention disheartening and demoralising. As a beta tester I would now be wondering in fact if my time here was actually being put to good use.

Surely it would have been far better to extend the beta period and delay SU 14 especially since the performance prior to the update was very good for a lot of us. I think we have a good community here and I think the flight simming community is quite understanding in general. I believe that a delay and extension would not only have been understood but would also have been met with appreciation and approval.

So, yes, I am finding it quite difficult to understand why SU 14 was rushed out with these issues outstanding. This and the apparent lack of communication is definitely worrying and not only to me I think.