Pilot's lounge - What did you do in MSFS today?

How does that work? Is there some kind of autoland button like in the A310? Or you just not disconnect autopilot?

During ILS approach you turn on both auto pilot buttons. Fenix and FBW A320 have that implemented. Not sure about Asobo version.

You were lucky I guess. I just read that flight CX580 VHHH to KSFO diverted to KLAX, because SFO got closed, because of the weather. Wind 37kn, gusts 51kn. I guess, you departed, before it got closed.

A magic trick that works is to use a VPN. Even a free one does wonders, try connecting to a US server of the VPN. I used this trick a few times and it really works.

I did a couple of lfights to LOWI, though I admit not with an airliner only the Longitude, the HondaJet and the Vision Jet, all of them a lot smaller.

Still I like the place, flying the Alps is one of my favorites in Europe. The biggest challenge would be really low visibility, since LOC is offset from the runway and is transmitting you to follow heading 254, while the runway is 257, all this since the runway is not in line to the valley:

But I guess these are the exact reasons why it’s so polular with the flight sim community


I like LOWI, it’s not too bad.

I suggest you keep away from PARO! Yikes.

MHTG is another one to watch out for.

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Tried some Loss of power conditions over KUUU. the limited FOV actually made it harder than in real life (runway 34/16 is ~2600, runway 22 is 2999 and 4 has a displaced threshold

If you were going to “cheat” you could just simply follow the Glidepath and GS that the G3000 creates on your instruments. I find that really handy flying into airports I’m unfamiliar with, that have no better (or any) approach.

Good point. I will do that next time. Thank you.
Later I was also thinking, I could choose R-NAV approach and enter all waypoints manually. If they were in the database.

So did you find lair of Dr. No?


Hi @trashmon49

Taking it over here as we can discuss what was posted in the mostly screenshot thread.

No, it’s a standalone app that talks to the sim via JS and a SimConnect link.

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I bought it and installed. First impressions are positive, but buying from SimMarket is like pulling teeth…LOL!
Not really interested in making up weather, but it’s great that it more realistically injects weather. Currently trying a FL13 flight into Idaho from Texas and there are a bunch of clouds in the way. Really good looking clouds. Thanks for mentioning it, made me pull the trigger. The nect 1000 hours should be enhanced!

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Enjoy! Is the version you pulled the Beta? They literally posted a changelog not even 12 hours after 1.0 hit the market, heh

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I’ll have to check, not sure of the version I downloaded. Sounds like 21st century technology, can’t download fast enough to keep up with updates…

Heh - I hear ya. I just redownloaded it now from the store I bought it from to see if there’s a file size difference. I also opened a Zendesk with the maker.

I’m seeing version 8873, which doesn’t make a lot of sense, but I discovered the map function and it’s very good, shows clouds,aircraft, McDonalds, everything!

Heh - same version here, so I guess that Beta must be in someone else’s hands!

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SimMarket is NOT a fun website to navigate, nor to purchase from. But…

Heh - I have a few things there myself, it’s not the greatest for sure. I hate the fact that it installs it but doesn’t give me the option to keep like the Zip file so I can do it myself later on without having to connect to the store again, that’s the biggest pain.

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Agreed. Oh well, to quote that famous Philosopher: it is what it is… or something like that :smile: Back to the sim!

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