Pilot's lounge - What did you do in MSFS today?

Heh - I should learn to read more - look what’s on the What’s New section of the AS client when you launch it.

LOL, I saw that last night and was gonna post today, but you beat me to it. I’m just starting to understand all the features, so I think I’ll hold off (unless the Beta is the greatest thing to happen to aviation :laughing:)
I also noticed the AIRAC is 2210. Not that that matters, I use Navigraph, but thought it was odd. Maybe too expensive or complicated to continually update the cycle for a weather app…

Yesterday I fired up the sim, Active Sky running, but I realized I don’t know how to bring up the User Interface Window to get to the menu. Flew for awhile, obvious thet the app was working (Texas rainstorms, lightning, turbulence, etc.) but wanted to use the Map function and that’s when I realized I couldn’t get there. Tried restarting AS a couple of times but no joy. Submitted a HiFi Zendesk ticket, but no reply. Any ideas?
Incidentally , I landed on runway 18R at DFW during that hellacious rainstorm that closed the airport and I’ve never seen anything like that in regular MSFS weather. Barely made out the runway in time, but raining so hard I couldn’t see out of the cockpit. Runway looked like a river. Awesome…LOL!

Use Search on the Taskbar for Active Sky and it should find the application. Then I think you can create a shortcut to it for your desktop.

Yup. I have a desktop shortcut. Gonna try an uninstall and a reinstall. When you use the shortcut, does your User interface window pop up? and more importantly, does it stay up…LOL!

Yes it does. Sounds like a reinstall is due.

Yup, re-install in progress, I have a user interface menu up, maybe itll stay :sweat_smile:

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Well, that was painful, but I got the User Interface back. The User guide isn’t clear, do I have to start Active Sky with every MSFS opening?

I fired up the Darkstar and got it up above 200,000ft. In VR mode, without crashes to desktop and no black flickering effects inside. Happy days!

Then swapped over to the Citation and did some circuits of VHHX Kai Tak in not so pleasant weather. Considering that was my first landing at Kai-Tak since the days of FSX and the PMDG 747 and the FSL Concorde, I’m very happy I didn’t end up like that poor Air China B747-400.

I seem to have got my hardware setup running reliably again also - thanks to a tip that connecting a Reverb G2 headset to the ports USB-C/thunderbolt ports on the GPU isn’t recommended.

This is also my first proper flights with the 28 core Intel Xeon W3275M processor that I got from eBay and installed in this Mac Pro. It seems to run Flight Sim more smoothly than the W3245 16 core 3.2ghz.

I haven’t changed anything else on it.

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I never managed to land the Darkstar in any decent way, not even in Kerbal Space Program standards :wink:

I have a secret, I didn’t bother landing it either - I just quit back to desktop. Short on time. :wink:

I have landed it before though.

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Twin Otter flight from Resolute Bay CYRB to Alert CYLT. Overcast with sleet in CYRB, much nicer weather in Alert, Sunny but a nice frosty -11C.
Essentially need to fly a flying gas tank to get there, even with a nice tail wind.
Kenn Borek livery.
The end of a long ferry flight starting at CYYC.

Well I started out with X-plane. I love how they open there simulator. You can choose if you want a recorded flight from the past, or start with a new one from scratch. Something MSFS does not usually do, which causes all manner of problems, that happened in the past and now your stuck with forever. That is unless you have the time to commit some serious surgery with the game and the cloud :crazy_face: :slightly_frowning_face:.

I haven’t had the sim on for a week, after downloading and checking out x-plane. When MSFS started today it met me with "would you like to use local data or data from the cloud?. I was dumbfounded since that is one reason I was switching to more X-plane and less MSFS. Because MSFS screws with my schedule to such a degree that I am unable to take advantage of the sim. Where your not forced to clean up problems that you encountered in the past, as in MSFS. MSFS is much more snazier than x-plane. But the flight characteristics of each aircraft is more true to life than MSFS. I really, really, really, wished MSFS would give us the option to laod a saved game from the cloud or to start fresh with a clean app.
I was not aware of where I should place this complaint so I put it where it should not do any harm to someone elses thread or topic.
Fly on!

I always if this question pops up to load from cloud or pc
I choose this pc because i have more pc (different specs) and in cloud it is easy to loose track while each pc have its own settings
So i wont load the wrong settings profile

I tried this once in the L39C Albatros, which has a service ceiling of 36000’ and got almost up to 50000’. I wasn’t even very careful, I think I used VS mode on 1000fpm. Still I don’t think one would get clearance if the cruising altitude was waaaay above service ceiling.

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Flying over Sindelfingen:

Mercedes-Benz Werk Untertürkheim and the famous test track visible. Incredible detail in southern Germany. Near the top is the skid-pad which also has sprinklers to make it extremely slippery. It is made up of concentric rings with different surface finishes The outer track is banked.

Machine: Mac Pro 2019 W3275M 2.5ghz 28 core Xeon, W6800X 32GB Radeon Pro MPX.

Soon to upgrade to dual W6800X Duo MPX modules.


That happens to me sometimes. Usually I don’t believe that there would be tall tree just in front of runway. So I underestimate the height of trees.

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Been playing with some flight planning lately… if I ever do get a sport pilot certificate IRL my bucket-list trip is to take a light plane from Oregon down to California on a VFR journey following I-5.

Most of the route is through clear wide valleys; the hardest part is an hour or two of mountainous terrain from about Roseburg, OR (KRBG) to Redding, CA (KRDD).

Here’s a sample trip plotted on Foreflight, showing the profile view warning about nearby mountains in that middle section:

Now the plotted flight path doesn’t exactly follow the highway, and the profile view includes a couple mile swath on either side for warning you of terrain, so I might not “have” to bump all the way to 9,500 feet for the middle section… but being higher means there’s more safety margine for making an emergency landing in case of engine trouble. :wink:

I’m years from being able to try that in real life, if ever, but I can do it in the sim any time and the stakes are lower flying over the mountains. :wink: But I do like to have some realism in my planning!

Any recommendations from IRL pilots on taking something like a C172 over a mountainous region like this safely? (VFR navigation, unpressurized, single-engine, solo pilot, following a highway route.)

Recommendation I’ve been given so far is to just kick up to high altitude when the mountains come and pray if the engine goes out I can land on a good stretch of highway. :wink:


I’m no IRL pilot, but I guess it’s safe to recommend to either bring one with you or push this trip later, once you have a few dozen hours under your belt and are confident in your abilities :slight_smile:

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Oh I wouldn’t try this IRL until I’m quite confident in my abilities. :smiley: The wide flat valleys with small hills are where it’s at until then :wink: