Playtime gone missing [Packages out of date]

yes the bug switched the sim offline and my tries to put it back online were unsuccessful. At the end, I said yes and was brought to the “press any key screen” working in a loop ! At the restart the stats and preferences of the General and Assistance tab were lost.

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Your post is not entirely true, at least ist was not in my case (and in many other cases), see here Playtime gone missing
I never switched between online and offline, and my playtime, logbook and some achievements got reset to zero.

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Why would the sim need to prepare itself for the update? And why does it result in data loss? This is simply unacceptable.


happening to me do you think its a bug

I’m sorry but from a support point of view this info isnt helpful.
These ppl want to know what’s happened to there profiles and how they can retrieve it.
Your kinda telling them what they already know.

There is no detailed explanation as to why the logbooks, flying hours and in some case’s achievments are missing.





I’m afraid many people after clicking “Yes”, thought the sim was frozen… but it was not…
I was myself thinking that after I clicked yes, but the Fan sound raising on my laptop told me: wait a moment, it looks it’s still alive…

Doing a shutdown process, the sim saves internal infos (settings, rewards, logbook etc)

Killing it during this phase might have created a data loss situation. I don’t know if this data is saved locally only or in the cloud

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Interesting explanation. I had to close the sim which was in a loop and indeed the shutdown may have contributed to the loss of data.

I’m having the same issue. It is when my server provider CHANGES my IP ADDRESS (twice a day.!!! )

If you are flying I reommed say NO… until you finish. You will be without connectivity but at least you won’t loose your flight. If you are flying on VATSIM it won’t affect you.


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I have done some further tests, and for me, it turns out that disconnecting the sim, then reconnecting it will trigger again the popup
Although this, time, there’s nothing to update

So I clic esc, exit the sim and restart it, and when it’s on main menu, it is connected and stable again

Seems like reconnecting the sim is the main trigger to this popup

If you have an unstable internet or renewed ISP session, the popup is likely to appear again

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I clicked YES and then I got into a new mode with “Press any key to start”, but nothing happens. I tried several times, but I had to booth the program to get out of it.

Yes, that’s the problem you have to restart the game.

Yes, the problem is when the IP is changed…

I’m looking at this dialogue right now. So, do I click “Yes” or “No”??

Yes the “Press any key to start” is tricky, I had to wait for about 10 seconds so that it starts blinking
When it blinks, then you can clic or key in to restart the sim

This is the most out of touch response I’ve ever seen on this forum.

People’s log files with 100s of hours of time accumulated toward achievements are being deleted and we get a copy paste response that totally ignores the issue.


If you haven’t done the 3 packages update from the USA World update, then click Yes

If you have already done this update, then clic ESC, exit the sim, and restart it. This way, the sim should stay connected

Ok thanks. I’m just worried I’ll lose my 500 logged hours… :cold_face:

If you don’t kill the sim while it restarts, then you should not loose any data

Be patient before the black screen appears with “Press any key to continue”

Got the out of date package error yesterday and today after never getting it hopefully updating the U.S scenery fixes it.

It’s restarted now. And yes, all hours lost! I can’t believe it!

I didn’t kill it.