Please insert the MSFS Game Disc error message

Hey I have the same error message. I am getting this directly after switching out my CPU. I have tried to launch the game over 8 times but I just get the same result. I never get passed the loading screen.

I keep having this issue, I tried to reinstall the xbox app, logout the store, redownload the game, removed all mods, xbox status shows as online and no fix

I get it so often these days, together will all kind of xbox login problems on my PC. Over and over and over
 I have started to think that someone is try8ing to mess with my account. Not sure what do do really

Click on start (win) your name, left below, account settings and check at Microsoft settings. I had something i red which solved it.

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I get “you have to fix your account” (or similar) several times, then it suddenly works, and then I get the message back (in xbox app, win 11)

Yeah, I was too early. Have it now all the time, 4x in a row

So, I went to the MS store and updated a few things, last time was a week ago, and then tried to start MSFS. Didn’t work, hang on 100% and that was it. After 3 times restarting Pc it finally started again but ALL my settings where gone. All of them. Like a fresh new install I never asked for. Not the first time, won’t be the last either.

Hi, I don’t have a solution, but I have similar problems since Tuesday.

MSFS demanded to insert a disc. In XBox APP (on Win 11 PC) I had an error message that there was a problem with my account and I could press “fix”. But the message came back every 10 seconds or so in an endless loop. I followed some hints on the forum, logged out of XBox APP, uninstalled XBox and gaming services, rebooted and reinstalled both. Now the error in Xbox is gone and MSFS starts again, but like mentioned above all settings are gone and also whenever I change settings, they are not saved. So everytime I start MSFS, it is like a clean factory-reset and everything is reset.

Plus I also have the bug with window-mode currently reported

I have no solution, but maybe it raises some attention, something is wrong here.

Just happend to me to after flawless flights. Should fire up my sim and now it want me to insert disc.

Go to my Xbox account and it tells me it is a error with my store account

What is goding on???

Always check for MS Store updates and Windows Updates. Then restart your device. This solves a high percent of this dialog.

Assure also that the Xbox app, MS Store and MSFS are signed into the same account that was used to purchase MSFS.

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I’m about to give up:

  • Insert disc now shows up very often
  • Also message in Xbox app, could not log in to account
  • Resetted and reinstalled “Game services”
  • Resetted Store and xbox app (even un and reinstalled).

It almost feels like someone is messing with my account, but thats not possible.

I never now if I can play or not , which is quite irritating.

Win 11, latest updates etc.

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Interesting. I had to accept something there, written in yellow. Not tried if this had done the trick yet, though

I deleted both the xbox app and the xbox live app, and now it seem to work. (i dont need that).

This thing happened to me yerterday.
Justo to let you know than re-signing to the Xbox app did the trick. Don’t know why, as my MSFS is PC based and bought ia MS store.

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My solution (working for me):
Go to Microsoft Store, signout your microsoft account and then signin again.
Then your problem should be solved.

Nice flights

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Just to be celar: the topic has NOT been solved, as the error message comes up regularly in particular during the last couple of weeks! A customer can expect a flawless start-up of a purchased product rather than fiddeling around with signing in / signing out to XBox and/or the Store. It is really up to MS/Asobo to finally solve the problem and not divert it to their customers.

Hello @FSC322,
This topic was created prior to a known issue:

Topics are only “solved” by the OP for what worked for them at the time.

For known issues, you may look in the Official subcategory in the Tips & Troubleshooting section.

It’s not Asobo this time but MS itself. This also happends when using Office.

It is so frustrating that MS or Asobo are unable or not willing to resolve this issue since so long. This quality of service is not an advertisement for anyone to buy MSFS 2024.

This “simulator disc” issue appears to come and go without any systematics, and it is independent how I start MSFS, whether through MS Store, through Xbox app, via the executable, with or without reboot of my machine, with logout-login to my MS account
 It is absolutely random.
Most annoying is that MS/Asobo do not seem to care about it :frowning:
