Please Remove "Press Any Key to Start"

This topic is a duplicate of Please Remove "Press Any Key to Start", so I am going to merge it there. Please take the time to hit the vote button at the top of the thread.

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I was thinking today the same, luckily many are in the same boat.

I started MSFS from the start menu and went downstairs to get something to nibble on and a drink, forgetting the press any key screen, hoping that it would be loaded at least in the main menu once I’m back at my PC.

And also what a few others have said, what year is it for PC games to have a “press any key to start” lol.

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I think should make it a selectable item in option menu so ppl can have chose to enable or disable, don’t might to have those demo reels run at start.
And I believe this feature came from 2012 Microsoft Flight, one of my favorite casual flight sim, still play it, love those activities offered at every airport.

I’ve had some success at patching a couple of things that I found personally annoying, this is high on my list!

So far I have managed to get the start screen to disappear but I cannot get it to start loading until you click a button.

I’ve tried sending fake keyboard event via javascript, triggering FLOW events - which seem to affect the menus in the UI but dont fire off any events.

Think I will have to leave this one to Asobo to have a look at! Ive been fighting it for days and not flown too much!

That this “issue” is getting so much more votes than other stuff is beyond me.
Guess we are living in a convenience world, but what do I know…

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that’s because it’s a really trivial thing to fix

Any key, Be gone!

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Microsoft loves force-feeding you unnecessary screens, because they know better. Remember when Windows 8 came out and you had no choice but to start at that awful tile screen (because tablets were the future back then and desktop was dead), and there was literally no way to disable the tile screen until Win 8.1 came out?

I am so glad this is getting as much attention as it is. There was no excuse for this archaic interface design even 20 years ago, let alone in 2020. I criticized this during the alpha but of course the cult members went on the offensive because everything is already perfect the way it is.

“Fly Now” too please…

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I would really love for someone to give a reason for why this was even needed? Were people in beta complaining that the game launched too fast? Were computers overheating from the rapidity of the load times?

It’s the most inane thing to see, especially when you know there is still a long load coming after you press a Key!

its a flight simulator and flight sims are popular for having long load times it have the whole globe :stuck_out_tongue: def they can try to decrease the load time but will still have longer load times then the other games you talk about

Are you sure you wanna start the game?
Are you really sure?
Are you really, really sure??
Press any key to continue.

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I have no problem with having an intro sequence and having to “press any key to continue”.

I have a big problem with the absurdly long loading screen just to load a video.
Then having an other absurdly long loading screen for a 2D menu screen.

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One more vote to remove this totally useless step


I could not see why this splash screen was there. pressing a key did not make sense at all. It could have gone away after a few seconds. I know some programs do this because they are doing things in the background but the next display should do that. It was a nice way to introduce to the new FS 2020 but I agree, time to go.

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It would be nice if we could directly exit either from our flight or the load/save menu. I also don’t like how we can’t go silent when downloading. Some have dedicated machines that are only for FS, but I suspect most of us have other apps/programs we need to use when the downloads are doing their thing in the background.

Agreed. At least put it AFTER the loading screen.

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Yes, it would make more sense to show the “press any key to continue” AFTER the game has loaded. Then you press a key and arrive immediately at the menu… as in many other games (mainly console games admittedly, but they’ll want to keep as much consistency on Xbox as possible).

However, behind the 2D menu you can see that the animated ‘hangar’ scene is pre-loaded with the last aircraft you have used, so that will part of the delay in loading due to the model & graphics initialisation.

I hope that this pre-loading of some content for the menu background can help reduce load times for the rest of the sim later. I’m sure it must to some extent.

Given the attention this has received, I’m 99% sure it’ll be changed in a future patch.

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Just make MSFS-startup.bat like this:

start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App -FastLaunch


So here’s my take…

When you first launch a game, yes, tell me who it’s made by, what partners and whatever, have the nice intro…but let me hit ESC (once) to skip pas the intro screens…maybe force us to watch it the first time for placating partnership agreements, but after that one time, let us skip for gods sake…

also, there’s no reason for the video tech splash screen except to impress new people…make it an option in the menu to bypass this and go straight to the world map menu…


and on steam, just add it to the launch options…nice workaround for the intro videos, but it goes straight to the “press any key” screen still

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