PMDG Douglas DC-6

Other people have - although it is usually related to “shared” instruments like the stock GPS systems.


Absolutely agree with you Taschi4578.

I thought this would have been generally well known now by most folks given that the sim has been out for a couple of years or so.


Yeah man but sometimes you just wanna set a course and not have $60 payware wobble around :stuck_out_tongue: - I KIIIDDDDDDDDD

Cant complain too much as it’s still one of the best simulated planes I’ve ever seen and it worked perfectly before SU10 so hopefully this issue will be solved soon or by happenstance, solved by SU11 (weirder things have happened). In the meantime, I can fly other planes or just hand fly or do gyropilot without localizer on my DC6 approaches (which I’ve been doing - the DC6 is still unbeatable!).

Apologies if I’ve missed this somewhere else. I saw the post on PMDG’s website that the 737 is coming to xbox mid/late November. Are they re-releasing the DC-6 as well?

I can’t see how this can be, due to the needed WASM fix for Xbox is now slated for SU12.

Were you reading an older post from PMDG?

Last I read, they were working on getting the 737 onto the Marketplace, but I would assume initially for PC.

The same post mentioned the DC-6 returning to Xbox once the WASM fix is implemented. I’m fairly sure the DC-6 will also require some additional updates to implement new sim technologies, too.

I follow the DC-6 at PMDG pretty closely, since it’s what I want the most back on Xbox.

Here’s a snippet from Rob’s 09OCT22 post:

Where are we with XBox?:
I read in some update snippets from Asobo/MS that they are still working on compatibility for C++/WASM projects on the XBox platform. Once that is sorted on their end, we will make the DC-6 live on that platform once again to ensure it goes smoothly- and then we’ll work in concert with MS to ensure the 737s are also compatible. Right now this road is a twisty-turny one and we will navigate it in real time once the capability reaches reality.

We have seen some folks comment in places that “PMDG is leaving out functionality for Xbox compatibility.” Please help stomp that out. We have not had a single discussion internally to development in which “well if we do X we can’t put it on XBox” has been a deciding factor. There may be functions that cannot be used on Xbox in the 737 (tablet, for example- due to MS limitations) but we would never take a feature off the table for our PC users in order to maintain commonality with XBox…

Hmm I think you are correct, I swear I read a November date somewhere on their website but I can’t find it again. I must be referencing something old, oh well I’ll wait until SU12 to get my DC-6 back.


Finaly cut the knot on this one. 400nm trip and a foggy landing. Luckily PMDG their YT tutorials had me covered before i even took off.


Poured in around 12 hours now and really surprised to learn that there is a cross model wear and tear. Love that feature.

AP line following has been buggy, with lots of hunting (maybe the pms 430 needs updating on my end) but other then that it is such an incredible bird.

The perfect blend between airliner and GA. I can cruise at 3000ft agl withough feeling i burn crazy fuel.

And the low speed handling is the best of any plane. You feel the surfaces lose effectiveness as the airflow gets less.
Something i feel is very much abcent from most small GA’s in game currently.

Happy the DC-3 left me wanting some more so i was tempted to get this.

Quickly rising to be me NR1 plane.


Probably my favourite aircraft to fly in the sim, it’s just a shame PMDG haven’t looked into the gyro pilot GPS/VOR lurching left and right during flight.

It’s almost heart-breaking to see such a great addon fall into disrepair.


Much to work with core codes and ever-changing sim mechanism, you cannot tell how hard was PMDG getting through information provided by SDK, and battled communications.

Also the huge 737s project is in the main build. I hope they could work with outsourced talents like WT team, it would grant us more features with promises.

Is there any word if they’re still planning to add engine smoke to the DC6?

I know there’s a mod for engine smoke but I would like to have it done by PMDG themselves…

Hi everyone,

yesterday I had a pleasant flight with this bird after a long time not flying it.

How is the gyropilot working for you in following heading and pitch mode? (so no localizer or approach).

It was able to keep heading (though veering to the left all the time) and altitude but it did not react to commands sent by the turning knob (to change heading) or AP trim wheel (to keep vertical speed as opposed to altitude).


Are your comments regarding the flight after updating to the latest version released on 02DEC2022?

According to PMDG, this was the first of three rapidly released updates.

(I haven’t flown the update, as I’m a Marketplace customer and have to wait)

I am having the same exact issue - when AP on my GLIDE/TRIM wheel does nothing!

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If I understand the release notes correctly, that wasn’t addressed in the 02DEC2022 update, but I’m assuming it will be in the second or third of the pending updates.

PMDG DC-6: BUILD 2.00.0042

  • Built with latest SU11 SDK
  • Autopilot tuned to eliminate wing rocking reported by some customers when using VOR radial tracking
  • Regular pause as well as ‘active pause’ are now supported
  • Integrated SDK changes to nose wheel steering in flight model.cfg
  • Integrated SDK changes to tire definitions in flight model.cfg​

We have another build of the DC-6 that is about to go into testing that will expand the number of GPS units available in the center eyebrow slot. Once we have that confidently tested we will move that update to you as well.


Just found this on the PMDG forum:

If the Working Title GNS430 is installed from the MSFS content manager it will break the
DC-6 trim. It doesn’t matter if you use it or not. Just go to the content manager and remove it.


Nope, before that date. I will wait for the other updates to land before I fly the DC-6 again.

I will also try w/o the WT 430.

Thanks for the info.

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This did NOT work for me, issue remains.

Hi guys, Im trying to fly the DC6 out of Anchorage with live weather (right now roughly -10° C) and even with the AFE it completely lacks power. I can barely (if at all) hold it at 120 kts in level flight, but thats it. When on climb power,it is impossible to maintain altitude. Power settings seem reasonable.
Tried it in warmer weather with the same weight (LGAV- Athens right now at 15°C) without problems. Any ideas?

Isn’t carb icing the problem?

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