PMDG Douglas DC-6

Is anyone else having problems with getting the plane to follow a course since the update to the DC6. My plane has become a basket case. Have been waiting forever for an update to this plane and the first one basically breaks it.

What does the engine mgmt window say on the EFB ? It’s probably an icing condition as well.
What are your rpm/bmep values on your engines ?

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I think pmdg doesn’t see this plane as a product. It is just a thing compare to 737 or other stuff. It was neglected for a long time despite the very poorl fps and ap problems. Now after months they released a patch which breaks the plane even more


Others have said the Working Title 530 installed also it interferes with the DC6. Don’t know if that is the issue.

Oh great, hope it hits the MP fast as well. Funny enough the PMDG senter saw the update, but since i won the MP version updating it caused the planes to dissapear from the game all together :stuck_out_tongue:

But glad it gets fixed
Love this bird


Thx for the answers. I guess carb ice is the problem, but unfortunately if you use the AFE he switches it off 2 seconds after I switch it on. I guess I will have to fire him and do it all myself :wink:

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Actually I haven’t installed the WT 530 as I heard it was clashing with the GTN 750. This has occurred since the latest update to the DC6
0042 I think. For me this update is a hot mess. Renders the GPS in the plane next to useless.
It’s a shame because this used to be one of the best AC in the game. ATM its just about unflyable for me.
If by some miracle it does manage to hold the TRK it also oscillates wildly from side to side. I’ve also had it start flying in circles for no particular reason and then fall out of the sky. The things a deathtrap atm lol.

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There was a compatibility patch for the GNS 750 / WT 530 posted here WT GNS530 Compatibility

Sadly though this won’t help with the current issues the DC-6 has with the WT 530.

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Still waiting for the Devs at PMDG to sort the problems with this plane out. What was supposedly going to take days to fix has now blown out to 2 weeks. Rapidly losing patience with these guys.

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Well they themselves say they have a ‚pretty relaxed work environment‘.

I thinkthe dc6 and 737 are awesome, but they are extremely slow workers and that means the post release support of their products doesn‘t match the pricetag IMO.



the pricetag is the problem. PMDG planes aren’t cheap and that’s fine as they are top notch products. But when you are forced to put the plane away for extended periods because they didn’t read the memo from WT and Asobo then customers rightly become a bit peeved.

Hopefully they get their act together soon and we have a working plane again before Christmas.


Anyone have any idea why my GNS 430 is showing like that?


I’m having the same issue lately, not sure what’s causing it

Guys, it’s the WT 430/530. They mentioned on their forum that currently the workaround is either removing the WT GNS or fly VOR to VOR. They said they are working on it. Be patient, it’s the holidays and they are also dealing with 737-900 beta.

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Removing the WT 530/430 didn’t work for me. At least not with the latest 0042 updated version. I had to uninstall the plane and revert back to an older version I had archived. Unless you like hand flying every stage of your flight, you’d be better of avoiding the DC6 for the time being. It’s a death trap lol.

There is a fix for the WT430 issue, but you have to be willing to edit the panel.cfg file. At the bottom, you need to change the [VCockpit08] section to look like this:


htmlgauge00=NavSystems/GPS/AS430/AS430.html, 0,0,350,190

You have to do it twice. Once for the DC-6A and then for the DC-6B


Flying VOR to VOR will cause a waving flight, the DC-6 autopilot is definitely broken, since months ago. Also the ILS landings are a nightmare.


I see
 I haven’t flown it in months except once about a week ago. I tried with WT 530 and the autopilot was definitely broken. I haven’t really tried to fly the DC-6 since. I would imagine they will fix it at some point soon.

The DC6 has been a mess for quite a while. The last SU11 update just finished it off.

There is a thread on their forum where a few of the users have tried modifying the ai.cfg file for the plane in order to force it to follow a route with the GPS. Apparently they had some success with this although I haven’t tried it myself yet. Not sure why it’s left to the customers to make their very expensive plane flyable again though. Should have been fixed weeks ago.

I was on the verge of splurging out on one of their 737 variants but definitely having second thoughts now.


Mine flew nice two nights ago. That was with WT installed but PMS removed. I wonder if both are installed that causes the hunting.