[Polls] Aircraft & Avionics Update 1 Discussion

Have not tried to fly yet, but the update itself was smooth and quick!

I found this ages ago, but, for the life of me, I canā€™t remember whereā€¦???

It is a pdf file, so just change the extension after downloading

Cessna Model 700 Operatorā€™s Guide.pdf (4.4 MB)


Update: all polls are open now. Please only vote after you have tried AAU1 for a few hours and had a chance to properly experience it.



Question about the GNS530s - do we need the WT marketplace version for any reason ( given it broke a lot of things last time I tried Iā€™m dubious of it ), do we need a 3rd party one like the PMS50 one still for any reason? ( third party aircraft etc ). Notes are not clear on the 530.

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Xbox x

just ended right now a LFLL to EDDN in day mode , both addons scenery, lfvfr static aircraft, live weather on, live traffic off , A318 lvfr .

rolling cache 40 gb

perfect flight from beginning to the end

textures look a little less blurry than with beta, specially at turn .

textures load a little farest than with beta .

today i am satisfied


I now have what looks like duplicate 430/530 installs if Iā€™m looking at this correctly, & both same rev. Do I have to delete one of these? Or keep them both? Are they the same thing? The one with the colour image thumbnail was installed early Jan in an update I think. The greyed one was installed with AAU today.


I think delete what you can - these will be the old ones from the marketplace. The ones you canā€™t delete (with no thumbnail) will be the new ones installed today in the update now part of the core sim

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I beleive the other one is for 3rd party planes.

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Do you think that enabling the rolling cache would help the black screens and CTD issues when arriving at some 3rd party airports?

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So far, this update is running smoothly on my Xbox Series X. It did reset my assistance preferences to Easy, but that was easy to change back.


I think you are right, they grey ones canā€™t be deleted just the coloured thumbnail one which Iā€™ve now removed. Very strange why they rolled that out less than a month ago. I wasnā€™t even on the beta.

The update hung at 70/77 for me hopping from 75% to 25% over and over. After pausing and resuming it multiple times it resumed to update.

I really hope this update didnā€™t break anything because IMHO it is (sorry to be so honest) totally useless, I only fly 3rd party airplanes like many others. Hope there will be more than one SU this year imoroving the sim for everyone, not just some simmers. Looking forward to SU12.

I think you are correct. The advice is here:

Which refers to the community mods, not the marketplace ones - good spot.

Oh ok, thatā€™s interesting, so maybe we need both versions? Would be good to have confirmation from devs.

Regarding the Marketplace GNS and NXi packages:

These packages should remain installed if you would like to:

  • Use the GNS with aircraft not listed in the release notes (some sim and third party aircraft)
  • Use the NXi with aircraft that have not moved to the NXi yet (some third party aircraft)

These marketplace packages bridge the sim versions of those avionics to those aforementioned aircraft.


Still no chart function on the updates which is disappointing. (Xbox)


I think someone commented on it during the beta run. Like Gordongreig said, if it is not in community folder, then you need it.

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FYI for anyone who may not be aware: @Bishop398 is one of the devs from Working Title. What he wrote should be treated as coming from an authoritative source on this.



Zero problems with AAU1 final update and first flight so far.

AAU1 update from AAU1 beta, Xbox, Longitude flight smooth. Big thanks for all the hard work.

I did find during the Beta that on Xbox the Premium Deluxe credentials seemed to get screwed up several times, and I had to factory reset Xbox and delete User Data (meaning, lose my flight log and controller settings, and set up ā€˜as newā€™) to get things working.

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I can think of no better authority on Garmin than ā€˜Bishopā€™! Well, maybe Gary Burrell and Min Kao, but to my knowledge they arenā€™t members of this forum :innocent: (Definitely not Gary)