[Polls] Sim Update 15 ( Discussion

Mine was working fantastic before SU14. Let’s not spread things that are simply untrue.


I believe another thing that makes it hard for working title to create a SU that all Xbox users are happy with is that we have very different needs. A lot users like me are here for the wide bodies and nicely detailed aircraft. Some others for the VFR and low altitude flights to explore different parts of the world. And the solutions for the two are contradictory, one requires reducing LOD for less black screens and better fps, and the other one requires allocating less memory to the aircraft’s screen and functions for better LOD. However though I believe there’s a higher number of simmers that have generally paid more for their addons in the first group rather than the latter. And even though the LOD might be low you could still fly and enjoy to a certain extain multiple parts of the world, especially with the photogrammetry. I’m very biased here and I know my takes are not as informed as the ones from working title, but having SU15 until MSFS2024 is telling a substantial part of the Xbox community (and I wanna say most) this: “you can’t enjoy your sim anymore and all the hundreds if not thousands you’ve spent, well that’s just gone”


I’m not saying it won’t happen, but official commentary/acknowledgement is not often given here.

When it is, it is usually to correct misinformation, to seek further clarification on a reported bug/issue or to inform of general news/updates.

There are the very rare exceptions, however.

In essence, don’t expect it.


I get it, but if you were in the SU15 Beta in the past few months, then you know that the last two updates were far far far better than the current one. The point is they fixed the issue. They deemed those updates unshippable because they could not sustain long flights, but what’s the point of being able to do long flights if you can’t take off without black screens? Plus I’ve done 5 hours flights with those updates just fine, smoothly with a nice frame rate until landing, and on star airports with live traffic too


Not an answer as in “we will change it” or “this is the final build”, but just to know if they actually have heard us. Just to make us feel heard that’s it, change or not

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Jorg himself said that they had hit the limits of what the console hardware can do, and thus 2024 is being made. It’s not untrue.

But I get your point here. Thanks


Hitting the limitations of the hardware possibilities for future builds is totally different topic from “the sim really struggling even on the x.”

Also now with game pass ultimate you can download the app onto a TV without a system, no pc, no Xbox. Just an app on my Samsung that will play the game pass version. So this hardware debate is a moot point. I get it you guys have all the processing power you’ll ever need for a game/sim that’s gonna be cloud based…

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I’m just going by what I read from XBox users having issues. Make of that what you will. Hopefully 2024 clears up a lot of these issues for users.

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You realise this is still running on a computer somewhere, and not actually running on your phone, right? Do you think you are connecting to an XBox X? I mean, it’s possible but I think its more likely you are connecting to a server somewhere.

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What are you talking about? On a computer somewhere? Yea a cloud based sever. :man_shrugging:t2: No computer. No console. A Samsung TV and an internet connection with a GamePassUltimate subscription.

So a computer then. :wink:

I’m glad you agree.

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The cloud is a “computer somewhere”, just not your computer :wink: Your experience is much more limited on the cloud version is all.

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I think we were getting there, but thanks for stepping in. :+1:

Guys you’re taking this out of context and not understanding. You said the series x is even struggling. I am saying it doesn’t matter what hardware we have if it’s all going to be cloud based on a sever…
You’re arguing whether a server and a computer are the same thing. I’m arguing that pc, Xbox, tv, it won’t matter when we all move to a more sever based platform.

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Hello @Terrylawdinn,

The update you downloaded is for City Update 7. The City Update itself is an optional free download from the Marketplace, but as with all World Updates and City Updates, you will receive a small mandatory update when first launching the sim that includes things like new menus, etc. You can find more information in News & Announcements here:


Edit: I just saw my colleague @Chewwy94 already answered this question above.


Hello @hobanagerik,

The hardware infrastructure used to power Xbox Cloud Gaming is a custom server blade-based version of Xbox Series X consoles with additional functionality for data streaming. When someone plays a game via Xbox Cloud Gaming, they are connecting remotely to physical Xbox Series X hardware.

We’re also making significant improvements to the overall experience: Xbox Cloud Gaming is now powered by custom Xbox Series X hardware. We’ve been upgrading Microsoft datacenters around the globe with the fastest, most powerful Xbox hardware to give you faster load times, improved frame rates, and an experience of a new generation of gaming. To ensure the lowest latency, highest quality experience across the broadest set of devices, we will be streaming at 1080p and up to 60fps. Going forward we’ll continue to innovate and add more features to enhance your cloud gaming experience.



Hello @byade0109,

We read every post written on the forums (and also other platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube comments, Discord, and more).

Regarding your comment about the LOD reduction in SU15, this is by design and mentioned in the release notes.

  • In our continued effort to create the most stable platform possible, we introduced a change for Xbox in Sim Update 15 that will reallocate memory before a crash occurs (due to the sim running out of memory). On Xbox, this means you may temporarily encounter reduced level of visual world detail to prevent a crash until memory has recovered.
    Data from Sim Update 15 Beta participants has shown positive improvements for stability, and we believe Sim Update 15 will have the best stability on Xbox of any Sim Update thus far.

Please note that this change is not “always on”; rather, it only occurs in situations which previously would have resulted in black avionics or a CTD.




Also, regarding the issue you are experiencing about not being able to take off from CYYZ in a Boeing 787 without getting black screens, can you please provide some additional information so I can try to reproduce your problem? I just tested this scenario on my Xbox Series X, and I was able to take off from Pearson in a 787 normally (see images below). Do you have a Series X or Series S console? Are you using any mods/addons? What settings do you have enabled for Live Weather, Live Traffic, etc.?



I like your television table! Très chic!