[Polls] World Update XI: Canada Discussion

hope it’ll be faster than the fix for London…


Yeah, almost 2 years and counting …

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I noticed that for some reason in the MSFS\News and Announcements forum the World Update XI Canada release news (originally in September) was shown as changed as of yesterday (1/10/23), but I can’t find any update in the post. Anyone know what’s up with that? Has something new been released regarding Canada?

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It’s funny how two years on the same conversations keep coming back around, explained, and people still don’t understand… :roll_eyes:

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Hello @FlyingsCool5650,

We have been re-organizing the forums and moving threads around, which will show a post has been modified even if there were no changes made to the actual text. There have been no updates to the Canada World Update. Rest assured, when we do release any updates, we will make a proper announcement.



Thank you for your reply. I believe what you said that the post has been modified. It would have been better if that message would have been added to the post that way simmers would not be wasting their time looking for the fix.


I came online searching if someone else was noticing the awful coloring in the Calgary landing challenge, a straight line of green / and brown on the other side is the view from the cockpit in that landing challenge - any ideas of any fix ?

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The Calgary area has been green since day 1. WU11 carved out a rectangle of more normal colouring with the redone city photogrametry.


I have a hard time understanding Microsoft releasing new scenery when the old ones are not fixed first.
2-3 years to fix London or Canada is beyond my comprehension.
It is nice for Microsoft to admit the problem with Canada and saying "sorry " but without a reasonable time table for a fix it sounds more like a marketing statement to calm the users.


Pretty sure they figure there’s a whole world out there with other places to fly than the few areas that have issues. They release new scenery because there’s a world’s worth of people to keep interested in the game, and those other people, who may not give a hoot about Canada, are going to have a hard time understanding why their part of the world isn’t getting any attention. Hence the train keeps rolling. Given their slim resources, Asobo et. al. have to prioritize their work, and probably can’t give a time table at this time as there is already a ton of work on the schedule, and it’s pretty far down the list to be fixed (for all kinds of reasons), and, as we all know, while you can plan work, you can’t plan for those things that take longer than you thought they would to develop. Hence, they’d rather not give a time table until they are assured it will actually be released on that timetable. I’m sure they hope you can find another area of the world that suits your fancy in the meantime.

Just look at the WASM issue. Stuff happened beyond their control, and hence they are two major releases behind on getting it done. And that delay has probably cost them 10’s or even 100’s of thousands of dollars of income. It’s not that they don’t want to get it done or are being lazy.

Not to say I’m not understanding that you’re frustrated, but, it is what it is. Hopefully they eventually get to fixing it.

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Like you said the Microsoft train keeps on rolling. Till a new train appears like Google in P3D or XPlane?

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Would be good if they added trains soon!
I randomly found some moving in an Orbx city pack (Dubai, going out to that Palm Island) and also at some airport add-on but can’t remember which now (the train goes from the terminal building around to the car parks). It was really nice to see!


Why does the CN Tower still look like a melted ice cream cone?

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Microsoft spends more time on new scenery and less on fixes for older scenery.
What I did open Canada scenery and disable 3D Cities and it will revert back to the older scenery where the CN Tower looks OK.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Moscow Interesting View of Trains

I really wish we had a study level a dash 8 100 or Beechcraft b1900D to explore the Canada scenery with


A post was split to a new topic: Moscow Interesting View of Trains

What ever happened to that Saab 340, would be great to fly some Pacific Coastal (WestJet Link) routes. :slight_smile:

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Both are good aircraft but I’d rather use a dash 8 100 to explore Canada with because it’s a DeHavilland aircraft and I’m still puzzled why they never did that aircraft flyable because it was in every Microsoft flight sim game as ai back from when I first started playing fs2004 a century of flight so every time a new Microsoft flight simulator came out I kept hoping to have a flyable dash 8 and md80 every time kind of as default aircraft and I’m kind of disappointed with that we never get airliner’s anymore for local legends we just keep getting GA’s by Carenado

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