PSA: Reverb G2 small sweet spots, observations and solutions

In thinking about the post I made in another thread, I decided maybe I should give my prescription lenses with progressive bifocals another try, just concentrate on central vision and ignore any blurriness in the lower part of the screen caused by the progressives. In real life, the central optics in my glasses corrects my distance vision to about 20/15 and repairs mild astigmatism. And in learning to move my head to get the sharpest part of the image more or less centered, I may even be catching a little of the +OD progressive correction to help me see the sharpest. Even small text in MSFS now looks pretty readable to me through the G2.

A corollary thought is that folks who haven’t worn glasses for vanity or because of the expense (“my vision is not that bad”) might want to get their eyes checked and get prescriptive correction if needed to milk that extra little bit of sharpness out of their VR headset. After getting a new eye exam, I still plan to get lens inserts for my G2 if for no other reason that it’s a pain to don and remove the G2 wearing my glasses.