Quest 2 + 2080Ti + Link + FS2020 set in ULTRA : Best performance simple setup guide

i did, but gpu 100%

ohhh but seems improving after some minuts…

17FPS, load GPU very high but going from 100% to 90%, image ok when moving head from left t o right even quickly, but when looking ground, 1900 feets, 220knots, stuttering, shaking a bit, good detail level

Set Encode Bitrate to 0 (default)
Remind to set yours 2D mode settings lo low + 800x600 resolution in windowed mode, otherwise you will overload your GPU at the start of the VR session.
To compare with me , you have to respect test conditions : set weather to clear skies and traffic to none.
Location KJFK parking ramp 209

What is your hardware and NVIDIA driver version ?

Ryzen 5 2600X, RTX3070, 32 Gb RAM, 1Tb nvme m2, driver 457.30
right position now

but still 100% load on gpu, cpu varying , fps between 6 and 14, was better before in flight, strange

ok, need to test again later, maybe decrease render to 1.6

i9900k(OC5Ghz)/32/2080Ti (last nvidia driver)

29FPS only staying on ground. HMD not on head. After put it on head FPS decrease by 7-10

Strange you have almost same config like me and my results are a lot better :
Over NY city I got 28 fps at 1000 feet

Y’all I am a Reverb G2 owner but also have a Quest 2. I have been ignoring the Quest 2 until yesterday when I gave it another go trying the mighty Oculus Tray tool. The app is amazing to help me lock a 45fps and pushing most of my in game settings up (ultra to high). I have a beefy configuration (i910900K+3090FE). I am not familiar with any of the Quest 2 optimization but I did fly between two big airports in China and did another flight in North Africa (tired of seeing the same landscape in the US). I will post my settings but I was blown away by the smoothness of everything. No stuttering like with the Reverb especially when landing or at lower altitudes. Pictures quality is not as sharp (cannot read all the texts) but it is still great considering the price of the Quest 2 vs G2. I use link cable and OpenXR to run VR with both Q2 and G2. I am going to give it another go to my experiment with the Q2 today. The G2 needs a tool like Oculus Tray tool. Amazing

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Thanks for sharing with us :slight_smile:

new test now, render still 1.7, FOV 0.6;0 and better results, 22/25 FPS, load cpu 65% and gpu 80%, far better than before but my FOV is now like a vertical rectangle

is that due to the 0.6;0 ?

Same here. I use a different usbc port myself. Oculus is finicky as hell but when it works good it works good

Yes , PC images are shrink but in the HMD display is right with FOV depending on your IPD

not really, in my HMD its really like here on the dual view, i have a black window with this same shape, rectangle, far more narrow than before

so i set 0.8;0 and its larger and still very good result CGU 85/90% and cpu 70%, 22 fps, excellent up to now, thanks…
i will try to manage this FOV to improve, still with 1.7 render and 90Mhz

so i tried 0.8;0.8 and was quite good too, better FOV indeed, and still above 20 FPS enough up to now.


Thanks for the guide. I have definitely seen an improvement in the overall smoothness and crispness of the visuals for the most part.

One thing I have noticed though is that when flying relatively low over buildings, electrical pylons, wind turbines etc, there seems to be a blurry double vision look to them.

For example when I fly past a electrical pylon they are obviously made up of very defined lines but I notice that they seem to be draw twice with one slightly offset from the other giving that double vision feel.

I don’t suppose you or anyone else would know what is causing this?


For me that is an anti-aliasing issue. Fs2020 need improvement on this point

This is most likely juddering. Plenty of info in this forum and online about this.

Same result for me with FOV 0.8;0 => very acceptable yes :slight_smile: I modified the guide on top.
I think people who prefer a larger FOV with a little less FPS can choose 0.8; 0 (estimated 20% FPS loss)
See below my screenshot with FOV 0.8;0 with oculus native resolution in 90 Hz (1.7 render resolution)

Test with 2080 Ti + I9 10900k +32 GB RAM with overclock.

@TheFoyalais @CptLucky8

Thanks for the replies.

Do you both see the same thing double vision of objects like I listed above though?

Just wondering if there is a specific setting I have changed that causes this as don’t believe I saw it before following this guide.
It is like a catch 22 situation as wasn’t as smooth before or allowed me to bump up the settings without major stutter so don’t really want to change too much, could just be my unreal expectations though.

Will look for information on this forum in relation to judder also as definitely experienced this when looking at buildings out the side windows especially.

You see double because of too low fps.

Why would one disable ASW? I mean this is what makes a 45fps game smooth like it runs at 90fps.
ASW reprojects lost frames and fixes stuttering when doing a head translation:

For those who struggle like crazy with ~25-30fps, start by changing the headset refresh rate to the lowest setting available.
For a smooth experience, you’ll need to run at least:
90Hz=90FPS with ASW OFF=45FPS with ASW ON
80Hz=80FPS with ASW OFF=40FPS with ASW ON
72Hz=72FPS with ASW OFF=36FPS with ASW ON
60Hz=60FPS with ASW OFF=30FPS with ASW ON

So start with 60Hz.

There is no point in disabling ASW, unless you’re looking for stuttering.
Or maybe MSFS behaves weirdly with ASW on? But for what I tried it didn’t seem to.

But let’s be honest, the game still needs a lot of optimization, VR or not. Even with a RTX3090, I can’t fly properly, the game doesn’t even use the graphic card or CPU at their full power. Around 65% max… No wonder why it runs at 35fps with only an airport displayed on screen. :frowning:

How do you guys display this debug window on msfs ?

My experience : ASW is buggy and still need optimization. When I use it, I get FPS loss.
If you disable it without forced 45 FPS option, you get FPS loss.
For me the best compromise is to disable ASW + forcing 45 FPS and search more FPS playing with FOV and render resolution. When you get 25 fps or more you get a smooth experience with ultra quality if you have a good GPU. Decrease refresh rate => lower display quality without real FPS gain.

PS : strange : setting ASW OFF + forced 45 FPS is smooth with 25 FPS or more.