Release: Working Title G1000 v0.3 - updated to v0.3.5 on 14 Apr!

Oof. Good catch there! I don’t think we’ve updated the version in the manifest file to match the release numbers. I meant to do that for this one, but forgot. :frowning:

0.2.0 in the manifest is what you can expect, yeah. You can check the readme to see what the actual version you have is, and I’ll try to remember to update the manifest version next time.


I’m seeing that too… but will need to check it against the default to see if it’s the mod

That is awesome, but the active frequency and identifier that corresponds to what is selected (NAV1 or NAV2) should change also to green, if the NAV receiver is receiving valid VOR/ILS signals…

Looking awesome, all of this will really improve my around the world flight experience.

Is there any way to fix the various oddness/issues with loading approaches in-flight, or is that tied into other parts of the sim (like the ATC menus, etc) in ways that aren’t easy to fix? Or is there a way a motivated person could help test/debug what is happening there?

hey guys…so i made this really rudimentary videos portraying the reaaaally annoying issue i has not been addressed and i don’t know if it can be fixed by you guys, the video is like 20 mins long but i guess you guys can speed it up but i thought i would be a lot easier to do a video instead of explaining it with text. if any of you guys have contact with the developer maybe you can let them know and see if they can fix this behavior of the g1000. TY all

Flight Path Marker - amazing. That’s all I can say. Making tough approaches is a lot more fun now. I’ve been hoping someone would restore this in Syn Vis. Thanks!

thats cheating :stuck_out_tongue:

“If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’.”

-Every old fighter pilot


To be fair, Flight Path Marker exists IRL. It’s not cheating really when it’s supposed to be in the base implementation of the product.

It doesn’t work for me: DESTINATION PATH TOO LONG
I do the change in the windows 10 registry, but nothing, it doesn’t work, I have the same message: DESTINATION PATH TOO LONG
The G1000 screens are black!!
The problem come from Nav system instruments!

I know this is a long thread but the answer is in the thread. I’m at work right now so can’t take the time to find it right now.

I just hope I got it right lol. Had to bust our some projection maths and fiddle around with the field of view until it seemed to match up with the field of view in game. It seems to work well for me but I don’t guarantee its 100% accuracy :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sorry but I can’t see the answer to this problem.
The problem seems that altimeter, attitudeindicator, HSIndicator and XMLEngineDisplay files causes the trouble!
Sorry for my English (I’m french)

For what it’s worth, I have collision detection on, and it tells me if I flew into terrain for sure. When I disregarded the marker, boom - CFT.

So honor the marker folks. It’s not lying to you, if it says you’re gonna intersect short of the runway, you are, no questions asked.

It works! I unzipped the archive directly in the community folder and it works

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G1000 (on cyrrus sr 22) left mfd freezing when i recevie clearence for ifr approach… unfreeze when begin final…

Does this work with any plane that uses that G1000?

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I was getting the “artifact graphics” on the MFD of the two aircraft I tried (G36 and C172). And I also thought the textures were not as crisp as the default display.

It’s suppose to. It worked on the two planes I tried (G36 and C172).

In the King air 350i, with the mod, pitot heat is activate auto when OAT is below 6 degres celcius.

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Love the improvements you have brought to the G1000. Am flying the DA40-NGX and notice the G1000 is reporting the distance between some waypoints incorrectly in the flight plan screen.

Incorrect - A short while after passing LOAFA, PFD shows distance to GEESE as 58nm, but flight plan only shows distance from LOAFA to GEESE as only 27nm.

Incorrect - Immediately after passing GEESE, PFD shows distance to DADBO as 14nm, but flight plan shows distance from GEESE to DADBO as only 6nm.

Correct - After passing DADBO, PFD shows distance to DADIS is 44nm, and this time flight plan is correctly showing distance from DADBO to DADIS as 44nm.

The only thing I can see that is different about the 3rd leg that is being reported correctly is part of an arrival while the others aren’t. I created the flight plan using the default MSFS before starting the flight.