[RELEASED: 3rd Aug 2023] Cessna 162 Skycatcher | Cockspur

Congrats on the release @Sebdar7075 !

Sad to see certain individuals showing such entitlement regarding review copies. We’ll make sure to take note of these so-called “influencers” who are working hard to make sure devs participate even less with newcomer content creators. Also, flying the same plane doesn’t entitle you to get a review copy, and not getting a free copy does not have a single thing to do with “bad press.”

TL;DR: Developers do not need to provide you with a press copy or a reason when you don’t get one. Trying to slam them will simply have other developers take note of your behavior.



I have emailed again because I’m sure a review from someone who have flown one for real for many months would be valued. I’m a retired real life Pilot, CFI and AMP.

And for the person saying I slam people well I don’t. If that was directed towards me because I’m not an influencer just a retired real life pilot who been flight simming since the very first flightsim with a passion for aviation and flightsim. I even bought every single addon from you guys (//42) and still did reviews of all the addon scenery, aircraft and flow essentials tool even bought the tool twice because I also bought the professional tool so I don’t care about getting a free review copy just saying it should be a valuable resource if someone has experience in the real aircraft and know the ins and outs of it to see how it holds up in the sim. Now if a developer doesn’t care about that then no problem from me then I will just buy it and see how it handles and if it doesn’t hold up to what I expect of it then I can always get a refund so again I don’t care about free copies I care about good products. So in that regards if I don’t get a review copy i will just buy it review it and if it’s good keep it if not return it like I do with any real world product.

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I think they got reviews from many RW pilots such as sparky and I honestly don’t think begging for a free copy is a considerate thing to do…I have five followers on twitch am I going to ask for a free copy,no…because I know that that would just be annoying to have a companies inbox also why do flightsim companies allow people to refund stuff when they can keep it in their community folder that’s asking for pirates to buy it once refund it and give it to all its non law abiding peers


Maybe read the entire post before writing a reply, i’m not begging for a free copy if you can read.

I actually did read the full post,edited and added points,wowza


They just emailed me back that they reached their max quota in regards to review copies so like I said I will just buy it and still review it and no hard feelings at all to anyone atleast they are nice enough to reply and answer. Will be doing a complete detailed review on both PC and Xbox. On both the forums, xbox clubs and discord I will be answering questions people have about this aircraft like I always do.

Have a great weekend everyone and happy flying.


Is that a contradiction? :face_with_monocle:


Just because someone does reviews doesn’t make them an influencer,. I’m doing reviews from a real world pilots point of view and from an experienced flight simmers point of view. I don’t do youtube or twitch for a living like influencers do. Lots of people simply value my opinion as a real pilot nothing more nothing less.

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Isn’t that called… having influence?


If you want to see it that way by all means make of it what you want then, just saying that YouTube and twitch is not my living and doesn’t make me 1 cent. I do them for the people that ask me to do them. For me that isn’t being an influencer but someone who gives his experienced opinion about it. But like I said if you want to call that an influencer then sure call it that. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion about something.

I just think people can have influence regardless of money being made or not.

But you’re right. To each their own!

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Just bought it and I have to say @Sebdar7075 you guys really nailed the cockpit. Just like I remembered it. Sure it isn’t the best cockpit Cessna ever made but then again it also wasn’t their best aircraft ever made. It was however fun to fly with specially short trips and was great as a learning aircraft for people who just started their flying lessons. Looking forward to testing it a bit better out tomorrow since it’s already past 2 am here.

Looking forward to you review, I might end up buying it as well!

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@Sebdar7075 I noticed this is the version without the auto pilot, will you guys also add the version they made that had the simple autopilot ?

I was going to go to bed but I couldn’t help myself to take it for a quick spin and have to say so far I love it. It’s exactly like I remembered it from the one I flown in real life. Specially love the little details in the cockpit down to the wires underneath the panel so really great job on that.

After 30 minutes with it I have to say so far so good and great job on this Cessna.

2 little feedbacks.

  1. Would love to also see the version added with the simple autopilot that they made.
  2. Would love some liveries that can use custom registrations since I know a lot of people love to use that for full immersion.

I don’t get it …

Getting any valid feedback, or just one issue reported in a newly developed plane, from someone with valid experience and qualifications, has to be worth way more than a sale of a $22 product.

What a slap in the face.

Anyway @patrickb1973 , as you most likely have had experience is the C172 (or similar), I for one would be honored to receive feedback from you.

So if you are willing to spend any of your valuable time, looking over the current WB-Sim C172 Enhancement Mod, and would care to make any suggestion (good or bad), I would be more than happy to send you a Complimentary Copy for your Sim Flying pleasure

Feel free to PM if interested…


Interesting MOD, definitely interested since I still own a Cessna 172 that I fly weekly. I have Flown a lot of Cessna like the 140, 150, 152, 162, 170, 172, 175, 177, 180, 182, 185, 208, 210 and more long list. I worked for Cessna for like a year when I was living in the US so I got to fly pretty much their entire fleet. We took them to sales events and such for demonstration flights. I owned a 140, 152, 170, 172 and a 182 at one point not all at once though lol. Now I just have a 172 since I’m pretty much retired from flying commercially. Just private events or trips here and there still. Now if someone asks what my favorite aircraft is then it will always be the Beaver. I loved that bird and did a lot of cargo flights around Alaska with it. Also did some Bush / Back Country flying but that was mostly fun times to see what crazy places we could land. I cant pm you because your profile is set to hidden so drop me a PM if you can.


Hard to believe the C162 developer passed up on this guy.

Their loss, WB-Sim’s gain

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The more I fly this, the more I like it. I retract my previous statement about having trouble trimming out, I haven’t had an issue with that since then.

I flew it around Bornholm Island in Denmark, which I had never heard of and I have to say that island is done really well in the sim. The ortho is excellent and the airport seems hand-crafted - a great sightseeing tour in the Skycatcher.


I think they already had 3 RW 162 pilots,personally I been having fun in a Cessna 172 at my flight school,and the 162,It looks good