[RELEASED] Aeroplane Heaven Cessna C-140

The reply was just in response to you coming into a 140 thread to try and get people to buy the Carenado aircraft instead.

No I do not own it yet, I am currently basing it on my experience with other Carenado aircraft I own such as the Mooney that are visually nice and fly well but are very generic. They fly the “book” numbers well but do not actually feel that real. That and also comments by quite a few people that have both, who say the 140 has more character.

To be honest though I bought the 140 first mainly because it is slower. The 170 sits in the same general performance envelope as a batch of other aircraft I have including most of the default Asobo GA, the Jabirus, the non Turbo Arrow, the Carenado Mooney, soon to be released JF Warrior II, the Piagio P149 and even the Stearman. As a bonus it was on the Orbx store rather than the Marketplace.

I am happy with the 140. I am almost certainly going to get the 170 eventually as well, but probably not until after the Warrior II from Just Flight.

The main question though is why do you feel the 140 and 170 are competing, they are quite different aircraft.

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Will they be releasing it through the MSFS Marketplace? I’m on a classic Cessna kick and there’s plenty of company there I’ve already purchased; would love to get the 140 too. :wink:

That was kind of obvious, as you brought up the company instead of evaluating just the product.

Staying in topic is important (which for this thread is this particular C140) so people can find the relevant information by topic, but it’s not unheard of that people bring up other products in this kind of threads, and it’s not forbidden either. Competition is a healthy part of market economy, you know?

There’s clearly competition between these products, as people are contemplating between buying either one of them, despite them being different aircraft. Perhaps because both were released quite close one another.

I see you like the C140 you’ve purchased, and that’s fine. However, in my comment I avoided talking about C140 for a reason. Lets see what “non-generic” means in this case:

  • the plane sounds nothing like a C140
  • alternator is broken
  • throttle knob is inverted
  • exterior textures do not line up
  • rain in the windshield is flowing the wrong way
  • G1000 in the cockpit is terrible choice for this kind of a plane
  • the key fob floats to wrong direction while taxiing
  • flight model leaves much to be desired
  • legacy audio

These can, and probably will be remedied in the future (although most often than not, add-on planes do not get a new sound set after release). Meanwhile C170B has much less issues and is almost half the price. In my opinion, you can’t go wrong with C170B at this point if one is already contemplating on it (like Megadyptes here did) – might as well wait for the issues of C140 to be resolved first if they’re the kind of issues that matter for you. As you stated earlier, it depends what you’re looking for.


I get a CTD with the C140. I choose any airport, the C140 and then MSFS loads to the screen where it says “Ready to Fly”. Then, after one second it crashes.

It’s a VCRUNTIME140.dll crash and only happens with the C140. Other 3rd party airplanes and those from Asobo do ok.

Anyone experiencing this?

No problems like that at all with the C140 on my end. Been taking it on hour or two long flights without issue :slight_smile:

On a completely different note to the above, one thing I do notice on these long flights is the fuel gauges are off. They stick to full until about 70% and then start moving down the gauge, showing 3/4 when there is actually closer to 60% left. When at 1/2 they will show a lot more accurately what’s in the tanks. But yeah, anything above 1/2 on the gauge it is not showing correct quantity.

Did you try updating the runtimes? They’re regularly updated.

It now happens also with other aircraft. Actually it happens every time now. Something is terribly wrong in my installation, have to find out what it is.

So, no worries about the nice C140.


Could also be an addon airport.

Yes, it could. But I tried it with Community folder empty and default C152 and it crashes.


You should also see them in Control Panel → Programs, like so:

Mine are reasonably up to date, so you can compare version numbers. If yours are older, just download from the link and install (on a 64-bit system also install the x86 version).

Not saying it’s gonna solve your issue, but VCRUNTIME140 has a link to these.

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Thank you. Mine are older: 14.28.xxxxx

I will download and try

You’re welcome. I hope it makes a difference. Bit unlikely though, but could be they are developing with the latest, causing bugs on older installs. It’s at least something you want to exclude.

Already flying in the C140 now for 15 minutes, fingers crossed.

The only change I made before the first crash today was installing a driver for my Razer headphones. After that I had the crashes. One crash in the Windows logs told me it’s related to “Quiesce”, whatever that means.

Quiesce… to become quiet (I had to look it up…).

Sounds like ‘quiesce’ might have to do with your headphones. Active noise cancelling?

Anyway… sounds good if you’re flying without problems now! But I know the feeling. These crashes don’t announce themselves…

Crashed again. I will leave this thread now, there is another on targeting this problem.
Thank you!

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We have V1.1 available now guys!
Here is the changelog from the email:

  1. Model reconfigured to give choice of SPATS, NO SPATS or BUSHWHEELS selectable directly in the sim without the need for separate models.
  2. Floatplane Version added
  3. G1000 replaced with more compact, user friendly, optional avionics suite comprising:
    GNS 430 (GPS)
    GTX 328 Transponder
    S-Tec 55 Autopilot
  4. Numerous texture improvements
  5. Rain effect reversed to fall in the correct direction.
  6. Missing rear left quarter cabin structure textures replaced in all liveries
  7. Revised electrics code to allow for continuous alternator operation
  8. Revised engine code
  9. Revised fuel-burn

Now for a couple of screenshots to show the new float variant and the now much more suitable modern avionics suite.

Time for some initial impressions of the new update:

I love the new float variant! (Just to note guys it isn’t amphibious, pure float :wink: ) Although the water rudders aren’t animated, so don’t turn, say, with rudder input and do not retract as I would expect for take-offs and landings but, a very welcome addition! Thank you!
The new avionics suite is much more fitting for this bird and can see myself using this from time to time if I feel the need for it.

A few things I am having trouble with…

  1. When starting cold & dark from a parking space the alternator is seemingly still “broken” and so have to use the button on my joystick I have assigned for the alternator. (i.e as before when switching the battery on it shows amps as 0 and only once pressing my alternator switch it works as expected)
  2. The changelog states there is now a way to change the wheel variants (spats, no spats, bush) from within the sim itself but, for the life of me I cannot find how to do this! It also doesn’t seem to be added into the manual either… (Any help here would be awesome, chances are it’s obvious, right in front of my face and I’ve just been looking straight past it :laughing: )
  3. The fuel gauge is still not working correctly, when the weight & balance page shows 75%, the gauge only has barley nudged itself off the Full marking as in the previous build. Hopefully this gets fixed as this is a big one on the long trips I have been taking. Thinking I have more fuel than I really do isn’t the best thing! :wink:

Hopefully we see the sounds get fixed soon too! I was hoping to see at least the volume reduced so we can hear the ATC more clearly… I wasn’t expecting to see a brand new sound system or anything though (as nice as that would be :wink: )

I also had to go into the aircraft.cfg’s again to fix up a couple things like the atc model so it is stated correctly when asking for flight following etc. Also to change the atcid line for each paint so that the ATC call matches the tail number of each paint. (For personal preference)

This is coming together to be one nice addon though, it’s been getting a lot of flight time from me since release! Lots of 1-2hr+ flights most days. So definitely getting a lot of enjoyment out of it, I just want to see these things get ironed out, as most of us probably do on things we get a heap enjoyment out of but know how much better things could be!


Good stuff. Hopefully they also realise the mixture in the cockpit works backwards ?

Really enjoying this aircraft, looking forward to downloading the update (has not hit Orbx yet).

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Keep forgetting to mention that one too! Thanks for bringing it up again :slight_smile:
Sure should be pull to lean not pull for rich.

Nice… on the website, the floating version is shown with mounted tailwheel. On your screenshot I can’t see it. I suspect the pictures on the website are not the current ones, right?