[RELEASED] Aeroplane Heaven Cessna C-140

Haven’t seen the shots on the website… but, there’s definitley no tail wheel on what I’m seeing in the sim with the floats :slight_smile:

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Didn’t get a notice from Just Flight.

I bought direct from Aeroplane Heaven so I would expect it’s been sent to the vendors and will be made availbe by them whenever they do what they need to?

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Nice update!

What about the engine sound that’s a bit too loud?

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Yes, it does seem a little on the loud side:


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I can’t get more than 2000 rpm from the update version???


I can’t get more than 2000 rpm from the update version???


Sorry mate, not seeing this issue on my end, so not sure what could be the problem for you.
Not much info you’ve given to go off either. Not sure how to help ya…

Not much to say. Replaced the new AH Cessna 140 folder in Community, started up and full throttle only gets up to 2000 rpm, level at only 80 IAS. No oomph! Original release worked fine.

I am sorry to say, but this update isn’t really better for me.

  • The biggest issue was the alternator not being on when starting cold and dark. This is still an issue - at the start, the ammeter is about half-way. As soon as you turn on Master Battery, it goes straight to 0 and stays there no matter what.

  • I am not sure if this is true to the aircraft, but as the above post mentions, I get around 2300 RPM max on this on full power. The gauge seems to indicate that there is a red line slightly past 2500, but there is no way it ever gets there.

  • The GNS430 instead of G1000 is welcome, but the introduction of the S-TEC autopilot is problematic because it doesn’t work really well. In terms of actual control, sure, but even when you turn it off, the annunciators for NAV, TRIM, ALT, and GS (even though I never activated APR mode) stay on. Essentially, there is no way to tell just by looking at annunciators whether it’s on or off. There also doesn’t seem to be anything modeled in the cockpit that one would use to turn the AP on - it only works by activating it on the joystick, but… it’s a little un-immersive to not have any kind of button in the cockpit that activates or deactivates it. If we have an autopilot (though it’s not really needed for this plane), can we please have one that works somewhat normal? :wink:

  • Yeah, I have no idea how to customize spats and bushwheels.

  • The mixture lever works backwards.

  • Floats are nice, but… all this stuff above is more important, I think. Dear AH folk, I am not dogging your work, but please fix these things. Love the aircraft and appreciate a quick update, but it needs a little more work… If getting the S-TEC to work correctly is a little too much, I don’t think the world would come to an end if you just 86’ed it altogether. :wink:


I can’t speak for the rest as I don’t own the 140, but what I would say about the gauge is that would be fine if it were a car, but not a plane. I’ve seen plenty of cars that have 140+ on their speedometers, but they would have to be driver over a cliff to do that.

Here it’s slightly more important than that, and the RPM gauge should be calibrated to accurately show where the red line is so the pilot doesn’t over heat or damage the engine, which could lead to the death of the pilot.

Wikipedia seems to indicate the Continental O-190 (C85) has a maximum RPM of 2575, and the C75 with 2275.

It sounds like this 140B has the engine from the C75, but a gauge for the C85.


I’m not quite seeing the same RPM’s as before, they do definitely seem lower and seem to rise slower than before. Although I am still seeing about 22-2400 while climbing at 73mph indiacted.

So although I am 100% seeing slightly lower RPM’s than v1, it isn’t as low as the 2000 mentioned before, but it is closer to that 2300 mentioned above…

If I do compare it to a c140 Operation Manual though (Link to one here) I am seeing the correct numbers stated at the correct indicated speeds @ full throttle.

Climb at full throttle. Best rate of climb airspeed 73 m.p.h. indicated. The engine will turn 2250 to 2380 r.p.m.

Edit: What @hobanagerik just mentioned looks to be correct and the max rpm is 2575.

Another quote from the Operation Manual:

(1)Cruising r.p.m. 2400. (Do not exceed 2575 r.p.m.)

So to me, it looks like it is operating closer to the numbers now than it was prior…?


Thing is… “do not exceed 2575” implies it CAN be exceeded. As it stands right now, it’s literally impossible to even get close to it. :wink:

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Definitely isn’t impossible…

She’s red lining in a very unrealistic 2000fpm dive with the throttle in…

Sure, it was red lining at full throttle when cruising in the last build though… Don’t know how accurate that was but… Haven’t flown a 140 IRL :wink:


Yeah, I didn’t consider a dive. :wink: I was just thinking that full power ought to produce a little more RPM than it currently does, but I am also not claiming expert knowledge on this engine.

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I’m wondering if this change is meant to address the prop spin animation pauses when the RPM goes over 2000 - if so that is a very cheap fix…

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Good that they’re working on the 140, off to download the update myself right now [edit: not yet available on Orbx], but I found something about this plane that I’d like to share - includes a few numbers and a bit about the experience of flying it. And at the 99dB stated in the piece this was not a quiet bird. (source: Cessna owner Organization)

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alright - I have the 1.1 update installed
Radio - still not fixed with the audio being too low and no volume control and now with the update: the left hand radio knob does nothing - no click spot anymore either…?
Prop spin animation stuttering over 2000 RPM was ‘fixed’ by preventing revolutions over 2000 RPM?
No control for extending/retracting water rudder - no knob, switch or lever?
No toggle for wheeled version to go from standard to wheel pants to tundra tires?
Water handling is rougher than any other float plane mod so far released but since ASOBO are making wholesale changes soon I guess this can’t really be a sticking point.
If AH just wanted to rush out a float version of the C140 this is what that would look like - vs a complete and proper update with bug fixes…maybe next time?


Great update, please also bring it to the Marketplace and make it available for also an Xbox release. Would love to have it on both platforms.


How do we do this?

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