[RELEASED] Aeroplane Heaven Cessna C-140

Looks like a common issue!
Would have been good to have a quick instruction updated into the manual on how exactly to do this.
I still haven’t figured it out :wink:

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Not sure why people are having trouble with power, I get 2500 in cruise at around 5000’ with appropriate leaned mixture. Though maybe the issue is post-patch as I have not downloaded the update yet.

Copied this review from the other thread:

Post-patch definitely.


Apparently the pilot side wheel is supposed to have a click spot to switch from std to wheel pants to tundra tires but I’m not finding it…
Supposed to open the pilots door and click somewhere on the wheel pant fairing or above it ?
Anyone able to do that?

I’ve never flown a 140 IRL but I wondered about this while streaming it. I instinctively pulled to lean and realized it was now rich and got very confused.

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I tried with both wheels as well as using one of the preset viewing angles with the door(s) open and nothing. Also, when I select the float option on the aircraft selection page, there is a variant with spats? Is this some kind of floating spat version?

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I was unsure whether this was some post war oddity so I looked it up.

Page 17 of the POH below does definitely say " pull to lean" . Interestingly the mixture control was apparently an “optional extra” you paid additional money for :smiley:

The POH makes interesting reading.


Lol - well that’s just some snark right there haha

Seriously though - there was some laziness all the way around this update. And sure correct thumbnails aren’t vital to the operation of a flightsim or national security - but having them right is an example of attention to detail.


Thanks for sharing this, I’ll read through it. I sometimes like to simulate things to a ■■■■ near RP level which often means doing procedures that are pointless in-sim, so a good POH is nice to have handy.

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this is a C140

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Kind of dismaying to read this. Doesn’t sound like the Aeroplane Heaven I knew back in the FS2004 days.


This is the 2021 Aeroplane Heaven that mockingly calls addons “toys” as a way to brush off criticism and delays. I hope they get their shoe laces tied for their next couple of anticipated releases because the 140, even post update, is leaving me scratching my head a little. Having flown and enjoyed quite a few of their AH and JustFlight branded models in FSX and P3D I have faith in their abilities ultimately, just wondering why they are cutting corners on this one.


It was probably rushed a bit due to Carenado being ready to release their ported/remade Alabeo C170 (the C170 has its own share of issues including similar electrical problems, severe bouncing on landing and a very poor VR camera implementation - so the C170 was also rushed by the sound of it) but the bugs in both are minor and generally, for me at least, not even at the level of annoying - more like “niggly”.

Even though both the 170 and the 140 seem a bit rushed, both developers seem to be responsive and are working on fixing the respective glitches that slipped through. However there definitely seems to be a case of both trying to beat the other one to the market going on here.


I trust all these issues will get fixed, but… all avionics and radios dying some time into the flight is hardly a “niggle”… that’s a pretty MAJOR issue in my eyes. :wink:


it’s borderline fustercluck for AH after the Spitfire incident…I mean unless they really pull it together here in a minute.

We’ve seen them do better in the past - so these first few takes in 2021 are…?

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Well it is the first time it happens, then once you know about it you just need to remember to turn on the generator with CTRL-A or whatever or in my case use the alternator switch on my Saitek switch box. If it gets you a second time it is pilot error :smiley:

The C170 has an identical issue ironically. I suspect it has something to do with the way Asobo implemented the switches versus the other sims that both of these aircraft were ported from to be honest.

The one that tricks me with the 140, at least pre patch, is the way the fuel runs out at the start of the reserve zone, not when the gauge reads empty. At least it does not bounce bounce down the runway like the 170 does - if anything landings and braking in this thing seem almost too tame.

For me AH planes were an instant buy until now. From now on I will wait for their planes to get accuratly patched before I get them.

I like the C140, though. It has character. I hope AH will update the flaws.


Yeah they do seem to have dropped the ball on that patch.

On the plus side the floats work, I iwll post a video at some point.

There is however hope on the horizon - from their facebook:

Cessna 14 HotFix

We inadvertently left out a couple of things from the recent update, sorry. A new HotFix V1.2 is available and going up to our vendors as we write.

The issues fixed include:

  1. Corrected thumbnail for Yellow/Brown livery for the float version.

  2. Missing “Direct-to” button added to GNS430

  3. A small round shadow removed from panel backer

  4. Rain effect entering cabin fixed

  5. Mixture lever animation reversed

  6. VSI re-coded to give correct reading

  7. Further modifications to electrical systems

  8. Wheel-switcher re-installed for SPATS,NO-SPATS and BUSHWHEEL selection from the cockpit.

Sorry about that.


Well I can say yep, there is a Direct-to button on the GNS430… The click spot for the wheel variants is now there and working… Plus, the VSI is indeed showing correct values (I was seeing a discrepancy in the previous builds between FSPM and the gauge of about 200fpm(ish) but, now they both show the same values.) Rain effects are also working properly now too, as is the mixture lever!
At least some things are moving the right direction!

Now the ‘BIGGIE’… The alternator problem still exists when starting cold & dark! Having to use my assigned control to turn it on. Not sure which mods to the electrical system they are doing, but this issue still hasn’t been fixed. (Sure I have this workaround but, still would be nice to have it working as intended.)

I know it’s not mentioned in the changelog (so wasn’t expecting a change here) but, it would be nice to have the volume (in the cockpit) lowered a bit in one of these next hot-fixes :wink:
As well as the fuel gauges showing correct values too, please.

A new bug with this build is the nav/strobe lights no longer align with the aircraft… They are all trailing behind. As you can see in this screenshot… (The lights just above the flag on the tail, meant for the wing, and the red one (beacon) trailing the aircraft.)

But… Here’s some bush wheels on the nice and shiny (for now) green one :wink:


Carenado (or better Alabeo back then) had exactly this problem - alternator off when starting from C&D - before in their FSX/P3D and in their X-Plane version. Which is really funny. As the logic for FSX/P3D and X-Plane is very different. But they did the trick and “used” the same bug in both platforms. And now in MSFS too. It was reported several times. No fix was ever made.

If the C140 had this problem in the FSX/P3D version already too I can’t say. Other then the C170 it has no “function” to switch it into a C&D state. And it has it only when C&D in MSFS. When starting with running engines (like on the runway or in air) the alternator is one. And the amperemeter shows a current.

Meanwhile 1.2.0 is published. And it does not fixes it. At least ot for me. But now the navigation and beacon light are way off. Behind the wings (navigation lights) and the plane (beacon light).

Lets see what we will have in the next iteration. In general I like the C140. Little nice plane. But for now I’ll using the C170 more. There the only real problem for me is the alternator (the too height CHT is bad, but for now just optic). And that I can “fix” with the already assigned button on my Thrustmaster.

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