[RELEASED] Aeroplane Heaven Cessna C-140

Maybe the starter, or gyro whine?

Hmmm, interesting. There is nothing special about the prop animation, it follows the SDK process.However, we will look at it of course. Thanks for the HU.

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I dont know it’s af if something is moving a squeeq sound constantly repeating if I do a start from the runway then I dont have it only there with cold and dark starts.

Might be the trim wheel. Do you have the autopilot on? that continually adjusts trim, even when stationary. we’ll take a look.

That was it, I had AI Auto Trim turned on, one of the new features in the sim, hope you can fix it so you can have that on but no the sound in constant loop


I can attest to this. I saw it yesterday on my flight as well.
Very noticeable/ Hope to see it fixed.


Really enjoying the Aircraft. Great work!

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Nice vintage little airplane, I love this model: thank you Aeroplane Heaven, waiting for your DC-3 :slight_smile:

I noticed a mismatch on propeller RPM between dial and G1000 (see photo)

We are at work on the first upgrade for the Cessna. As part of this we are replacing the G1000 suite with a more compact and user-friendly set comprising: GNS430, GTX328 and S-Tec 55 Autopilot. Those who prefer to stick with the G1000 will need to back up their current files before installing the upgrade. However, we think you will be pleased with the change which is less confronting for an old girl like the 140. We hope you will agree.


I think that’s a stellar move! :metal::hugs:


That sounds like a much better fit for this lovely old girl than that g1000! Will be happy to see it gone. Even if I don’t have to see it now anyway :laughing:
Looking forward to seeing the changes in the upgrade!


Picked this up at Orbx. Video of first flight below.

First impression - so slow … I love it …

Seems to me the mixture is working backwards ? Got a bit confused with that.

I’m quite happy with the C140. Seems I don’t need the C170B. This also helps in purchasing as few addons from the marketplace as possible (I know I have to bite the bullet as soon as the C337 and C185F show up).

I am happy with it. Lots of character. Fun thing to fly.

Only oddity I noticed was the reversed mixture when you adjust with the mouse. Assuming it is not meant to be that way … I expect it will be patched at some point soon enough.

Hope it also gets added to the Marketplace and that it will be supported on Xbox it would make the Cessna Collection fun since the 170B which also got released is in there and also fun to fly with.

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This plane looks quite nice. I’m umming and ahhing over getting this or the Carenado 170 though. Leaning towards the 140 though although I might wait for the few issues that people have raised to be fixed first.

Can’t go wrong with the C170B.

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I’m not interested in another Cessna (I have the Birddog and the ASOBO ones) but I have to say I’m impressed, and what a beautiful cockpit these guys have made.

Waiting in anticipation for any of AH’s next releases.

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It is Carenado. It will be a good price, look very nice and fly nicely and they will fix bugs in a timely manner.

Also being Carenado it will also be a bit sterile and generic compared to other offerings which generally have more character and tend to “feel” more like the actual plane.

It depends what you are looking for I suppose.

That said, this 140 and a 170 are no more “the same plane” then a 152 and a 172 or an Arrow and a Comanche are the same plane.


Another video - taxi and takeoff from Caloundra QLD in the RED one :smiley:

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Based on your description, I take it you don’t have the C170, or first hand experience flying it in the game.