[RELEASED] Discus-2c | Got Friends

Thank you for the feedback. :heart: Except for the GeeBee, I have all the aircraft from Gotfriends and am very satisfied with them. I also find it perfectly fine to run functionalities that the FS does not support in this way. Dumping water ballast is a matter of choice in gliding. Once you have made that decision, you should be aware that it is usually irreversible. The same applies to fuel calculations. As a serious glider pilot, I don’t need to do this on the fly and I live with the decision once I have made it, as it is in reality. I think this learning factor is part of FS. But that is not a point of contention for me. Let everyone do it the way they want, if the possibilities are there.
But I think a second point is much more important: especially as far as gliding is concerned, and I think glider pilots are not exactly in the majority in the FS. Because we glider pilots are a fringe group, we should be grateful for everything that the Asobo team implies in this direction and then also use the functions. Despite the advocacy of making the FS suitable for gliding, and assuming a realistic use, development in this direction is not exactly at the top of the list. Why should the team put effort into something if no one uses it. In addition, there are still very few FS users who make the effort to get into gliding, and if half of it don’t work, they quickly give up and the group doesn’t get any bigger. The snake bites its own tail, as the saying goes.

I see criticism as something constructive that should help everyone, that’s why I make an effort to write my opinion, that I don’t take it easy can be seen in my other postings. I am also a developer, and I think a common line is important.
Happy Gliding. :slight_smile:

PS please give a short feedback on why the spoilers do not fully extend as written above. Thanks

From Baracus’s post re the catalogue: “Do Not Use the Spoiler Axis (0-100%) Setting only Spoiler Axis Setting”

However as I use my throttle axis for elevator trim I have the spoilers assigned to a button which is means either full out or full in so is not ideal. If DJ reads this I sure would appreciate a half setting in between.

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I understand your thoughts and respect your opinion.

That said, you are trying to justify removing a feature because you don’t want to use a controller preset or double map a hotkey for the Discus-2c.

Even if one end-user out there uses this feature, it justifies the cause to keep it. Thing is, tens of thousands of people have downloaded the freeware version and others have purchased the premium version. Removing a feature such as custom ballast physics, multiplayer compatibility, and the ability to refill your ballasts just for the cause of using the Asobo Systems is unjust.

As developers, Got Friends has put thousands of hours into developing things outside of Asobo’s Implementation. If we followed Asobo, there wouldn’t have been in-game winch launching, ballast dumping, variometers, or rope visuals 11 months before official gliding was incorporated. Furthermore, current projects like our Astro One couldn’t even exist. That EVTOL alone is using a fully custom physics engine built in XML coding compleltely outside of Asobos Flight Modeling. Our team has spent considerable time perfecting our custom methods and as a developer yourself, I’m sure you can open the ballast code alone and view the complexity resolved in the Discus-2c.

I hope this doesn’t come off as a surprise, but gliding in MSFS is hardly realistic. We have done our best to bring realism to this simulator. Worked with outside partners like Touching Cloud, Ian “B-21”, and MadoloSimulations to ensure gliding is enjoyable and going into the right direction. I think I speak for the entire developer gliding community when I say that Asobo’s Implementation of Official Gliding in SU12 has done NOTHING for us developers outside of weather changes and some “nicer” looking winch options. Outside of those few things, gliding has been progressively forgotten by Asobo and work has stagnated on improving the overall realism.

This response turned out to be longer than I had hoped, but there is a reason why the gliding community needs changes. I don’t think ballast control hotkeys are the changes the community needs and our team is currently focusing on implementing much deeper gliding fidelity than Asobo can offer in other custom aspects.

I will look into better solutions in the future and maybe we can augment a better solution using their default ballast systems, but in all honesty, our implementation isn’t negative to the majority. The ability to re-launch, re-fill, re-tow, and re-start your gliding adventure without hitting restart is a primary reason people choose the Discus-2c.

EDIT: I would also like to thank you for your feedback. After re-reading my response, I did come off a little “passionate” about my stance. I completely understand your feedback and I want to ensure you that I will personally look into alternative solutions. In the end, we want to create in-depth addons that don’t require a ton of maintenance. Switching profiles is a pain and I will see what’s possible, but no guarantees we will be happy with the results and shotgun a quick update hahaha.

Also, I’ll take a look at Spoilers again, but as mentioned, for now, make sure you’re not using the 0-100% Axis.


Thank you for your comment and your efforts.
I would like to emphasize again that we are absolutely of the same opinion when it comes to the development of gliding in MSFS. I really appreciate the efforts made for the Discus and have also flown the freeware version extensively. Then immediately bought the payware version for all my computers via the marketplace. You did a great job. :heart: :heart: :heart: So please don’t misunderstand me.

I also didn’t write that the functions that I don’t need should be removed again.

As previously written, my position is that developers should adapt to the progression of features in FS. Even if they progress so slowly. I don’t mind reading instructions. But other operating concepts only increase the complexity and do not contribute to general understanding.
As of now: If I fly the FES version, I also need the throttle axis. Spoilers are the most important thing, especially when approaching for landing. If I can no longer operate the Spolier on one axis, the Discus has failed me. That would be a pity. I’m not going to conform my hardware to an X-Box standard and just go full ON or OFF. What else did I buy this for?
But I’m patient and I can understand how difficult it is to please everyone.
Happy gliding.
All the best.
PS keep up the good work GOT FRIENDS :heart: :heart: :heart:

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What hardware are you using?

I’m personally on a Saitek X52 HOTAS and when I fly the FES version, I am using my Throttle as Spoiler Axis and my FES Motor Controller on a separate knob or slider on my throttle. I try to mimic real world conditions. The FES unit is adjustable via a turn knob in real life, so I tend to ensure my simulation enviroment is similar.

Tbh it’s not as if there’s need for constant power adjustment and I’m quite happy to use F2 and F3 or resort to the mouse. However on my joystick I only have one axis to play with which as stated I have attached as elevator trim to the green knob in the glider (very twitchy) so am stuck with an in or out toggle for the spoilers. As the main dev I wonder can you suggest a better alternative arrangement?

I use Saitek pro Throttle Quadrant, and Rudder. I have also the Saitek Yoke but use my old MS Sidewinder2. So I can use a maximum of 4 axes (without rudders and brakes) At the moment I am building a VR simulator. The Discus was supposed to be my first attempt in this direction, where I have a panel in original size and with all correct positions of the levers and buttons. Then I can convert everything 1:1. Until then I have to get along with my Saitek equipment. But there are no turn knobs for now.
LG Ralf
PS I Only Fly in VR, so I have a Saitek Command Unit. But not using my Keyboard in VR

For something simple like the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Stick, I would use the only slider as Spoiler Axis and place increase/decrease trim hotkeys on buttons. Same with throttle, to fly FES on something that simple, I would assign increase and decrease throttle hotkeys to two buttons. It would fly simular to the way default aircraft on Xbox use A/B for throttle.

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Will try that, thanks

So what are you binding to your throttle quadrant currently?

I would be using black (throttle), blue (spoilers) and red (flaps - if flying other gliders). At least to portray some level of realism. It’s a little tougher with a quandrant.

However one assigns the axes from the quadrant. I have for Gliders outside the spolier, then trim, then motor. Generally the flaps are on the buttons T1+T2. Switching them is not a problem. Since they are usually not steplessly adjusted and you usually decide for different flight modes for the appropriate flap setting. Unlike the spoilers, which must be very variable. Anyone who has already flown in real knows this.

Hello. I have a problem with the Wilga as a tow plane. I wanted to fly with your freeware Discus and the Wilga. But I can’t get airborne with the Wilga as a tow plane. It accelerates on the ground, but always very slowly and after 100-200 meters the Wilga turns 160 degrees and stops at the edge of the runway. What is wrong? This problem is new! With all my other tow planes I can do a good glider tow, but with the Discus i cant get in the air… :confused:

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It seems the Wilga doesn’t like a crosswind but it will also do this if the runway is too short … the good news is that GF has provided somewhat of a fix in their latest version which if you bought in the marketplace shoud soon appear in your content manager. All the same you have more chance if you can keep the glider aligned with the Wilga’s tail without grounding your wings, this usually involves some opposite aileron to the rudder direction.

Yes it seems that since last SU12 update Wilga has more problems taking off esp with crosswinds or even head wind. But I think as current SU state it is a cat and mouse problem - if Got Friends will work on it now next SU update may very well break new version - I’d give them more time for tow AI to settle - cessna climbs too fast, tows with too high speed and often crashes while landing so Asobo should work on improving towing first.


OK, thanks. I will try it with another wind direction, wind strength and runway length…

I tried it again today, with a different airfields (runway ±1250m long), with clear skies (no wind)…! The Wilga only rolls about 100-200m lamely, then turns almost 190 degrees and stops. I am on PC and bought the Wilga directly from Got Friends.

Have you checked the GF site or your content manager for the latest version(s) (not just the Wilga but the Discus too).

Yes, i have always the newest version of both aircraft. Download from Got Friends website…

I have already sent them 3 or 4 emails, but unfortunately have not received a reply from Got Friends :confused:

Same here on XBOX.

Seems strange … one thing I always must do before my first flight is 360° my joystick and work my elevators to zero them in otherwise I’m all over the place and also why I don’t spawn in the air … I don’t mind too much as it is best practice anyway.