Wildcat makes for a lovely challenge since its entirely dead reckoning + landmarks for the most part unless you install the 650. Watched a few streams on release of people trying it on Vatsim, like streamer “TabletopAndroid” and it ended pretty rough with him lost in the desert, sun going down, no airfield in sight… That, and the controllers asking “hey, which direction were you flying again” ? hahah. Was really entertaining!
Super steep. One of my smoother touchdowns doing pattern work at Aurora, IL this morning:
Your mileage may vary, but here’s what works for me: a pattern altitude of 1200-1300 agl fairly close in. I bring the power and prop all the way back on downwind to slow down. Below 150 knots I start cranking the gear down and deploy the flaps, they should extend automatically as you slow down.
I start my descent while making one arcing turn to final. I push the prop all the way forward and add power to hold a pretty steep approach at 100 knots so the runway is in the gun sight on short final. I aim for the numbers, and then round out and flare to a three point landing attitude over the threshold while bringing the power back to idle. It’ll quickly bleed off all the speed, and if I do it right, I can grease it on in a three point at 75 knots.
I really like how it isn’t a life and death struggle keeping the nose pointed down the runway on take-off and landing (a real problem for many of the earlier Flight Simulator warbirds), and that you can get it on two wheels stably pretty early on the take-off roll. It’s a lot of fun just doing pattern work in it.
We’re talking about how the forum works here…
When you reply to someone, it doesn’t say that you’re replying to that person. So you could be replying to the post, or the previous person, who knows?
Or, at least, that’s what I was talking about…
Maybe you CAN reply with a quote, and the remove any quoted text – like this ?
I’m having trouble getting to grips with Discord – the forum is totally beyond me - I just “click” and hope for the best
Yep or say @N6722C - this is for you ←
This works for me, except I’m able to follow the PAPIs on my best days. Like others in this thread I’m not usually comfortable approaching any slower than 100 kts, but I’ve learned how to get down under 90 rapidly above the runway. The secret to a smooth landing is going slowly, in my limited experience, and 100 kts isn’t slow enough.
If I don’t cut the throttle while still in the air, I’ll bounce.
“This one’s for you, Bud”,… “Bud, this’s for you”… “Hey Bud!”
(Disclaimer: This post is actually on topic… This plane is definitely for YOU!)
Special thanks from @dTwotonemurphy for an honest review!
We couldn’t have said it better
It’s been a hell of a week at work - was going to wait until tomorrow to buy this one to enjoy over the weekend but needed some retail therapy tonight.
Thanks, Got Friends team. This soothes the soul of a tired simmer and warbird fan!
Jonx made the point that they wanted the pilot to be an option everywhere not just for the Wildcat or GotFriends only aircraft.
However the way the character models work, isn’t well documented by Asobo.
here’s a few paints I just uploaded, and yes, I have a pilot!
35 (0002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
16 (0003) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
14 (0002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
Ah, Atlantic camo! This US east coaster thanks you!
you’re welcome! they’re still checking them on .to, but I hope they’ll be availabe soon
VMF (0004) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
That red on the tip of the cowling is hot!
@pby5a great to see your liveries for the Wildcat =) Robert Galers paint scheme has always been one of my favorite Wildcate schemes. Thanks for doing that one =) Is it possible that you could so a second version? I’ve seen both grey and blue grey depictions of it, but most models and profiles depict it in blue gray.
Blue Gray:
I’ve added the flags for now:
galer (0005) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
as for the colors, I’m not sure. I’m colorblind and have a hard time telling them apart. Is mine gray or blue-gray? Ddo you have a rgb code for the color you’re after?
two more paints in the mean time:
deblanc(0002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
RNC (0004) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
And one of the reasons the Wildcat was successful when the Buffalo was not is the crazy-crank landing gear system the Wildcat used held up to heavy landing shocks very very well.
The F6F also would stick to decks really well. Watching period videos of the Grumman birds landing, against any of their competitors, you’d think they were made out of glue the way the stick the wonkiest landings.
@pby5a Two more fantastic paint schemes! I especially like the Royal Navy one =)
Your Galer paint scheme looks grey to me. I sadly couldn’t find the rgb code for it, but I found those references from model paints:
(Mr Paint M-485 until 1942 - later MRP-133)
Mind you, I’m not sure if my reference color is correct. It still looks a bit dark to me,
definitely darker than the colors in my post above. Hopefully someone who is more knowledgeable about WWII colors than I can chime in Sorry if I caused confusion!
Hope it makes it to the Marketplace soon.
Been submitted. All up to Microsoft’s discretion and backlog.
Hoping soon!