[Released] Flight Replicas P-40N

oldcrow (0002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


Any word out there about if the air show variant is going to be fixed?

I think Flight Replicas posted on Facebook a few days after the release, that it’s already fixed and will be part of an upcoming update. But I don’t know when the update will be available.

Btw. there are also plenty of pictures of their upcoming Fox Moth, which will be absolutely stunning!

I hope when the airshow version is working, that we’ll see a few repaints of currently flying P-40Ns. That would be awesome!



We need them ALLLLL!!!

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Does anyone know if Flight Replicas have said whether or not they will update the sounds? The P-51 sounds just don’t quite fit.

I asked them about the air show variant update and the engine sound, they responded as follows.

The P-40N update should out be any day now. MSFS have put it through their process, and now it’s back with us again for final testing before it goes back for release. Hopefully it won’t be long.

As for sound, given that the P-51 and P-40 both use the same V-12 setup and sound almost identical (and I’ve been around both in real life) there are no plans to change anything. If a better sound file comes up, however, we’d be happy to swap it out, of course.

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Thankyou for that.

I do think it’s a bit of a copout, while I agree they don’t sound vastly different, they do not sound the same. Not every V-12 sounds identical and with the Allison being a fairly widely used engine on the historic aircraft scene, certainly wouldn’t be impossible to record.

It’s a shame because I do love the P-40N but I don’t expect payware to use default engine sounds.

Hello, I installed the P40 and every variant flips on its back during takeoff, no matter what the weight distribution is. I tried gentle application of power and boom, on its back. I trimmed down a ton, no change. WTH am I doing wrong? I don’t see anything regarding this issue. Thanks!

I agree that they don’t sound the same. Similar, but not the same.
I admit, I was torn between which of the P-40’s I wanted, and I REALLY liked the interior of the Flight Replicas P-40, I think it’s a really well done interior, but I couldn’t get past the engine sounds being taken from the P-51 and ultimately went with another option. The price played a part as well, but especially because something in that cost range should have it’s own sounds.

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Only because I saw someone with the same problem on another forum if you’re on PC, make sure that the flight model setting in your MSFS settings menu is set to “Modern” and not “Legacy”.

Thanks Brother, I will try that tonight!

So the Asobo P-51 sounds were created with a budget most third-party developers can’t dream of. They are REALLY good.

And fact is, having looked back at videos I’ve shot at Flying Heritage Collection air shows, you would be very hard-pressed to tell an Allison from a Merlin. They’re really similar.

The only reason the lack of custom sounds bothers most people here is not that the stock sounds distract from immersion in any way. It’s just that they are aware that it’s stock sounds. They don’t detract from the experience and they’re rich, detailed sounds across the performance spectrum. But it’s like when people open a window and freak out that sounds aren’t WWise — the audio isn’t necessarily any worse, but since they know the technology behind it, some users are offended.

TL;DR: Whatever the origin of the sounds, the P-40N sounds great in my setup.


The Packard Merlin produces around 500hp more than the Allison that is going to impact the sound it makes. I’m not saying it’s a massive difference but it’s certainly there. Also the Packard Merlin was one of the loudest piston engines ever made and the Allison wasn’t.

I do understand that developers are not going to have the same budget as Asobo, no where near as much however the full price of the aircraft warrants it to be better than it is, in my opinion.

The Flight Replica’s P-40 for FSX is better than this version, at the moment, in all but looks in my opinion.

That did the trick! Thanks, DuckDuckDuck500

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I guess beauty is in the ear of the beholder. The Asobo P-51 sounds very tame to me - not bad, just sorta weak. Something like Flying Iron’s sounds are on a whole other level. My favourite bird in FSX was the A2A P-51 and that sounded better than Asobo’s P-51 imo.

So, based on what’s been said, people are therefore asking for sounds that are even weaker than the default P-51.

It’s important to remember, too, that people like different sound levels. I’m imagining MS chose a more “tame” sound on purpose, because they have an extremely diverse population of users, so it’s like choosing between a “Metal band” sound set and a “K-pop” sound set, they’re going to go the “pop” route, centered around kid appropriate… but that’s an assumption on my part…

Are they? I haven’t read the whole thread but I just don’t think the Asobo P-51 (which I own) engine sounds are that great. If you mean the Allison is a weaker engine, sure, but I don’t think that really has an bearing on the strength of the audio recording.

Wait a second, I don’t have the P-40N (Marketplace only plane mostly, otherwise I would have purchased it)… which model P-51 does the P-40N use the engine sounds from? If it’s the P-51A Miss Virginia, then it has the same exact engine as the P-40N, the V-1710-81 Allison. Why would they bother recording new sounds?

I don’t know, but I’d hazard a guess all the Asobo P-51’s sound the same? That aside, even if it was the exact same engine, one might wish to record new sounds because they believe they could do a better job.