[Released] Hondajet for MSFS

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I was under the impression the Marketplace was slow to add or update anything, and only updated on Thursdays? Tomorrow is a Tuesday, so hopefully I’m wrong about that, because I’m super excited about the first decent third-party business jet.

Well, what I don’t like is that many add-on aircraft have the wrong gate codes in the aircraft.cfg files and the result there is you have GA aircraft parked at terminal gates at airports. The other piece is, they are usually, but not always, turned on as AI, which I don’t want. Can’t fix either because the files are locked, so, no buy from me. Would love to have the aircraft otherwise.


Will it ever be released outside of the marketplace?


Yes, that’s all true - but let’s be honest, these are all still minor teething problems that will certainly be eliminated step by step, we should have that much faith in the developers. Of course, I have also noticed that there are planes at the gates that have no business being there, but they have never bothered me or even hindered me.

How does flight planning work with this? Can we use Simbrief or is it only the MSFS Planner? Will it recall plans from Simbrief? Does it use the WT side of things?

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does this work with flightplans from the worldmap or is it another simbrief only addon aicraft?

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Hello ,
Yes it does work with world map plans.


Will this be released today on xbox??

Somebody didn’t read the thread

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It wont release today, but they are working on getting it released ASAP.

Where did you see that?

That’s a real shame it won’t be available direct from the publisher / dev or JustFlight’s website. I do not and will not buy aircraft from the in-game marketplace. If this is the case permanently, I won’t be buying it unfortunately :frowning:

After all this time watching this aircraft develop, makes me sad I won’t be buying it.


What keeps you from purchasing things from the marketplace?

For me, I have a ticket in Zendesk for HELP. I am unable to purchase because of the error >> Another transaction is pending, please wait or contact support. I followed ALL recommendations to fix this and nothing worked. My ticket is about 48 hours old now with NO response from Zendesk.

I think it took about 3 days when I had that problem, but eventually it was resolved.

I don’t understand all the reluctance towards the marketplace either. Personally, I prefer to buy through the marketplace :slight_smile: - you just have to follow a certain sequence:

  1. first I load the needed credit on my Steam account - directly from my bank account (I hate credit cards and paypal :slight_smile: )
  2. Start the game - marketplace - buy and download - then the Steam window opens - authorise - done.
    The whole process takes less than 2 minutes…
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re: Marketplace there was an excellent post today from the developer of the Sting S4 about some reasoning behind doing Marketplace-only releases from a dev perspective.

Being on xbox I have no choice, but a huge advantage of course is when I move to PC (and I will!) everything I bought will be available on PC.

Looking forward the HondaJet in any case, seems like an excellent value and similar to MS Citation Longitude - but much improved!