RELEASED! Just Flight Bae146 "the Little Jumbojet" April 29th

The v1.8 update should now be available via the Marketplace.

Martyn - Just Flight


I’ve played around with it a bit more, and saw that GSX Pro now actually seems to come with a profile for at least the BAe146-100 variant. According to the GSX manual, you need to match the ICAO Type Designator code in the aircraft.cfg file, which JF have set to “141”, to the corresponding field in your Simbrief profile (so NOT “B461”). I’ve uploaded a YouTube video with a tutorial / demonstration of how this all works together. The first couple of minutes are a detailed visual guide to what tweaks and addons I used, plus my specs, and then follows a 40-minute recording of everything from cold-and-dark to just after take-off, using all the GSX services. Flows are a bit off though


That seems to be a strange thing to change, any chance that ICAO codes can be set to the ICAO code in future? I notice ATC is calling the 146 an Avrojet now.

Has anybody had problems with the OFP since the latest update? It won’t load for me today for some reason, it just says loading but never loads! I will try it again later after I finish my flight, other than that the new update is so good :+1:

I tried closing the sim and restarting and the OFP still wouldn’t load, it shows the plan in the summary but won’t load it for some reason!

@NORTMAR Any idea what could be causing this Martyn?

@NORTMAR I like this addon a lot and the latest update was very good.

As I briefly mentioned on YT, can you take a look at maybe adding chartfox to your tablet ? I was first under the impression it might not be possible, but then I came across the AviTab Plugin in X-Plane, where you can chose to show the charts from chartfox, even without logging into your (free) chartfox account.

So maybe this option is also possible for your tablet in the 146 ? Chartfox is by Vatsim, maybe you can contact them about this.

If this is too much hassel, no biggie. I can just continues to use chartfox on my iPad :wink:

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I just tried again today and it seems to be working fine again, very strange!

I’ve now also mucked around with the 300QT for GSX Pro, with reasonable success. Putting down waypoints for the crew was fun. It was hard to find a suitable ramp at Essendon though, where the fuel tanker wouldn’t jackknife due to how the taxiways are laid out. In the end I picked a spot where I then had to widen the radius, by clicking on the little airplane symbol:

As for the 300QT profile: the main cargo door has the right coordinates, but wouldn’t work with the auto-opening in GSX (tried different names etc). So I just set it to manual open, and did that for the pax door and embedded stairs as well. All other doors I’ve turned off, so stairs etc don’t spawn where I don’t want them.

Also had to adjust the refueling point coordinates to trigger the semi-trailer tanker connecting to under the wing:

Two pictures of the unloading after landing at Hobart, showing how pallets move through the fuselage and get put on the loader (I turned off Visible Cargo in the 146’s EFB to use the GSX cargo instead):

Unfortunately GSX doesn’t seem to have the ULD type the BAE146 uses, so pallets are a good option for now. There are more ULD variants already selectable in GSX than are shown in the manual, so hopefully the one we need might be added soon as well.

There’s a new development update about the upcoming RJ Professional and the screenshots are absolutely stunning. Can’t wait for this aircraft.

Just Flight - RJ Professional


Looking really good. Can’t wait for the RJ.
Also I am enjoying the BAE very much. There has been so much improvement with the latest updates. Top notch support of this project!
Thank you


A quick question I’ve been meaning to ask regarding the airbus throttle.
Is there a way to calibrate it for use with the BAe 146 with the throttle of the Bae throttle not moving until the airbus throttle is a good percentage open?

Just set a dead zone in the MSFS control options?

You have probably set an “S” shaped sensitivity curve in the settings. Changing it to a straight (linear) one will probably solve it.
Ps. I use Airbus quadrant too (plus the sidestick).

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completely missed this development and have just bought the 146 - can I assume JF will release as a whole new A/C with a full price or as a reduced price upgrade for existing 146 owners?

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I have a strange issue now. On the ground the left wing is way closer to the ground than the right wing, like from a deflated tire or a broken gear strut. Visible from outside and also cockpit view. It is also noticeable when steering on the taxiway or taking off, I have to compensate for this with my controls to stay on the runway.

I did not have this before and do not have this issue with other aircraft. And I checked fuel, weight & balance, all fine and balanced. Happened for multiple flights now.

Anybody else with this strange issue?

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quick q: how does one turn off the cabin lights at night? cheers

you can only dim them in the settings section of the tablet

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thanks. figured out you have to turn off auto dimming (which doesn’t actually dim them for takeoff)

It’s been mentioned that there’ll be a discount on the RJ for 146 owners.

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I noticed this while takeoff and landing, whole plane is tilting almost touching the ground on one wing. I initially though that it’s crosswind and there is new feature in MSFS (gusts), not following msfs news that closely. But maybe there is bug in plane. Crosswind was 8 -12 knots, not sure if it’s that strong to do this. I’m flying this since release and I did not see it before.

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